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34 Cards in this Set

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Romanian Childhood (2nd function of families)
In Romania, they recognize the importance of the family for this function. In Romania, the first seven years of life are seen as essential for teaching children morals, values and, in general, how to be good Romanian citizens. This is also a time period when children are sheltered from the outside world. The primul şapte ani, (literally "the first seven years") as those first seven years and the education associated with them are called, is something that happens within the confines of the family. Again, for Romanians, this education received in the first seven years is seen as essential. In fact, if a child grows up and does questionable things, such as a girl being promiscuous, the girl herself is not necessarily blamed but rather her family is because they obviously did not provide her with the necessary education in those first years.
Protestant Work Ethic
based upon the notion that the Calvinist emphasis on the necessity for hard work as a component of a person's calling and worldly success and as a sign of personal salvation.
Inuit and Gender
In foraging societies where men provide most of the sustenance, there is strongly marked gender stratification. (Strong contrasts between the home and public life is known as the domestic-public dichotomy.) Inuits, however, were not explicitly monogamous. Marriage was often arranged, with men expected to marry as soon as they were able to hunt and women as soon as they hit puberty.
5 Pillars of Islam
the witness (Shahada), the prayer (Salat), the giving of alms (Zakkat), fasting (Siyam), the pilgrimage (Hajj).
Elman Service
levels of political organization
Max Weber
Social Stratification by three basis (Wealth, Power, Prestige)
Napoleon Chagnon
The Yanomami, horticulturists and foragers, hunt and gather; families, villages, descent groups; Village Head.
Public transcript
public expression of domination between the oppressed groups and the oppressing groups (on stage)
Hidden transcript
the resistance: critique of power that goes on off stage.
Men supply most of the food-traditionally hunters/fishermen. Women take care of children and chores
Descent groups, and unilinear descent
Women often in the home, with power structures only accessed by men, nuclear families after the decline of polygyny.
Immanuel Wallerstein
He got the theory of world systems going, in which nations occupied 3 different positions of economic and political power: core, semi-periphery, and periphery.
Fernand Brandel
He wrote Civilization and Capitalism. He theorized that societies are composed of inter-related parts
Emile Durkheim
A French anthropologist who studied the Australian aborigines. He was concerned with mechanical and organic solidarity, and wrote about it in The Division of Labour in Society.
Michelle Rosaldo
She studied among the Illongots, a people in the Philippians who were known as headhunters.
Martin Heideger
A continental European philosopher from Germany, he created the concept of Das Man (where automatic contributed to a collective conscience.)
Sally Slocum and Eleanor Leacock
Two feminist anthropologists who criticized the inherent male-bias that had conditioned anthropology prior to the 1970s
Talcott Parsons
He developed the nuclear model of the family. He theorized that gender roles helped maintain society during industrial times by providing men and women with complimentary roles.
Feminization of poverty
increasing representation of women and their children among America’s poorest people. Contributing factors: Male Migration, Civil Strife, Divorce, Abandonment, Widowhood, Unwed adolescent parenthood
nearness in space or time. Physical or psychological proximity between people.
Far removed from industrial societies, feature geographic mobility; associated w/ nomadic or semi nomadic hunting and gathering. Nuclear family is the most significant kin group, no other kin groups. Family joins a band of the husband’s or wife’s relatives (may move from band to band several times). Gather at certain times of the year. • In certain seasons families assembled to hunt cooperatively as band, but after a few months dispersed.
Which types of families are most often found in h &g, pastoral, horticultural, agricultural, and industrial societies
• Hunting/Gathering and Pastoralism: Nuclear
• Horticultural: Extended
• Agricultural: Extended
• Industrial: Nuclear families and neolocality.
• Foraging: Nuclear
the ability to exercise one’s will over others.
the socially approved use of power.
when a widow marries brother of her deceased husband
Nuer, Sudan Same Sex Marriages
Fathers sometimes choose for their daughters to “marry” in name other women when there is no male heir. The wife has children with another man, but the children belong to the woman’s line. The biological father has no role in the child’s life. The woman takes on the male’s position
Emile Durkheim
Believed in the sacred and profane. Believed religion was broken into 2 categories: Beliefs and rites. Broke down religion into these 2 categories.
• Belief-states of opinion expressed in representations.
• Rites-distinguished by nature of object/rituals
Mechanical solidarity
social cohesiveness based on shared activities; small scale social relationship based on kinship. Simple traditional societies, more local tribal, foraging
Organic Solidarity
interdependence, role specialization, based on divisions of labor. More advanced industrial societies
5 Pillars of Islam
• The Witness
• The Prayer
• Giving of Alms
• Fasting
• Pilgrimage to Mecca
E.B. Tylor
believed religion was used as a mechanism to explain the unexplainable
Victor Turner
researched the concept of the luminal phase, a period between states, the limbo during which people have left one place or state but haven’t yet entered or joined the next (i.e. between immaturity and maturity.)
object, event, or other expressive force that evokes and aesthetic reaction