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50 Cards in this Set

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local knowledge/cultures have access to many beneficial items(especially medicines) but often fall victim ton bioprospecting and receive no compensation for their knowledge


the search for plant and animal species from which medicinal drugs and other commercially valuable compounds can be obtained.


process wherebysocieties come under or adopt Western culture in areas such as industry, technology, religion, etc


the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically


trying to control something outside of your control

*engaging with supernatural entities

**individual is contacting and effecting sacred spirits or power


Organized system of ideas about spiritual reality orthe supernatural

**appealing to a supernatural entity

*consists of beliefs andceremonial practices

*Interpret, appeal to, and control aspects of theuniverse otherwise beyond human control

rites of passage

*rituals, often religious in nature, marking important stages in the lives of individuals, such as birth, marriage, and death

~establish your change in identity

~might wait to name child and therfore before naming ceremony they arent seen as fully human(in societies with high infant mortality rate)


quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of rituals, when participants no longer hold their pre-ritual status but have not yet begun the transition to the status they will hold when the ritual is complete


***have personality consciousness and individual spirit

~the attribution of a soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena

*believe they have life or divinity

~closer to humans as opposed to God being "above" the world

~~believe God is the world/nature therefore humans are God


***have personality and consciousness but NO individual spirit

~belief that all animate and inanimate objects are infused with a common life force

**or: belief in an impersonal and divisible supernatural force or forces, which reside in living or unliving thing

~power isnt necessarily sacred power...power can be lost


impersonal supernatural force


~resides in people animals plants and objects

~varied manifestations


~worlds oldest profession

*shamans: contact and manipulate supernatural beings and powers(through altered states of consciousness)for benefit of living

~focal point of attention for society

~maintain social control

~prestige, wealth, and an outlet for artistic self expression

~much healing is religious

~shaman has a lot of ability to guide society

~can do things that might be frowned upon if someone else did them

*shamans try to do good

world systems theory

*international trade = capitalist worldeconomy ~single world system of production for sale orexchange

~maximizing profits NOT supplying domesticneeds

anxiety theory of magic

In those areas where there is much uncertainty and even danger, people will use magic to reduce anxiety

~trobriand islands

*magic/religion is used when we dont have control

*ex: they would use science when they were navigating the lagoons bc they were familiar with it, but would use magic when they left bc they were anxious and it was out of their control

**doctors there use magic vs scientific knowledge..employed at different times

where athiests dont exist

they dont exist in war...even if you dont believe they find themselves praying

laws of sympathetic magic

*law of contagion

*law of similarity

*law of opposites



~mystical relationships between humans nature

~represents kinship group(clan or sib)

~dont kill or eat totemic animal because they are symbolic relative

~individual status, rights, priveleges

~have characteristics of the totem: contagious magic

~how we relate to the natural world

*end up w/ individual tporem through the right if passage

**go out on their own to figure out who they are (dream/vision quest)

~explains social relationships as ecosystem

A painting in Stewart International Airport in Orange Cty, New York

woman breast feeding

Chinese footbinding

men had foot fetish liked tiny feet


tiny waist

breast implants

bigger boobs

sexuality and anthropology

not commonly explored

sexual dimorphism

distinct differences between the sexes


idea that men have to be tough

rites of intensification

mark occasions of crisis in life of the group

~functions unite people, allay fear of the crisis, prompt collective action

~can result in formation of new religion

ex: funerals and ghost dance(wear white=bulletproof...wanted return of ancestors and Buffalo..return to how it was before europeans)

trobriand cricket

europeans introduced it and trocbriand islanders hanged it to become more political and warlike

what is the difference between magic, science, and religion?

thought processes

aguaruna women feeding chickens

fed chickens duckweed

*ex of sympathetic magic

*considerd law of contagion but could also be law of similarity


rational, empirical knowledge based on observation

law of contagion

~contact remains-sorcery from hair, nails, bodily fluids

*association of one thing transfers to another thing

law of similiarity

~similar things/acts-similar effect on likeness

*like voodoo doll and you put piece of hair in it so its more similar to that person

law of opposites

~reverse of law of similarity

*have different effects

**ex: something that looks a particular way but takes on an opposite effect when it comes into contact


~doctrine of signatures

*have to read signs presented to us

*ex: fern looks like lungs therefore it should be used to treat lungs....red plants used for blood, etc


changing the composition of something

major dieties




alternative genders

beyond sexual dimorphism(distinct difference in size and appearance between sexes)

~3rd gender: berdache; spirits (born with ambiguous genitalia)

*person is more powerful than strict female/male

*focus on what their occupation was, not necessarily their gender...could become a wife to a warrior



~simultaniously a spiritual consultant and a prostitute for men

*castrated male

gender stereotypes

male: machoism

female: women are the gatherer


should mean being interested in equality


Spread of cultural items from one culture toanother

*Cherokee alphabet

*Trobriand Cricket


any conscious, organized effort by members ofa society to construct a more satisfying culture


*cargo cults: islanders isolated but planes would drop supplies and the islanders minds were blown


dangerousness of mana

*surfing beaches and incest(if brother and sister have too much mana it would be seen as dangerous to be with anyone else)

~has so much mana/too powerful that you cnat come into contact with it/person


witches are scapegoats to teh bad things that happen in society

~intent is to harm

~forces of evil

~explains misfortune and bad luck

~highly political

~outcasts often accused of witchcraft


learns magic rituals and uses them to inflict harm

~type of witchcraft

stages in rite of passage:


*rites of separation

*rites of transition

*rites of reincorporation

*post ritual state

pre ritual state

youre a kid and dont have responsibilities

rites of separation

go off on own

rites of transition


*dont have an identity(ambiguous who you are)

~isolation following separation

rites of reincorporation

past identity no longer you.become a completely different person..new relationships, new names, etc

post ritual state

join ranks of society and have responsibilities