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15 Cards in this Set

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1.What is adaptation?
2.What do adaptation & environment effect?
1. Adaptation- Heritable change in genetic makeup
2. Effects biology and culture
-Biocultural perspective, triad of interaction: Biology, Culture & Environment
What is Acclimatization?
-plus the 3 types
1. Acclimatization- Short physiological adaptations due to environment.
-temporary adjustment (tanning)

-Permanent. After exposer has ceased the physical adjustments stay

-Developmental. Results are permanent from exposure to an environment challenge during growth and development of a person. Can be culturally or environmentally caused
Skin color differences are from?
Number in size of melanin is variable determining color of skin.
-Melanin is biological shield for sun.
Gloger's Rule
Relation of intensity of solar radiation to skin pigmentation across globe.
Hot climates w/ heavy UV rays cause species living there to have heavy pigmentation.
Vitamin D hypothesis
Jablonsky & Chaplin- study showed people in northern latitudes produce less vitamin D synthesis from UV exposer then people closer to the equator. Shows natural selection.

-Vitamin D can be absorbed through skin from UV sun rays.
-Too much vitamin D results in break down of folic acid, which decreases development of sperm cells.
Human's heat responses
-immediate response is sweating
-over exposer results in hyperthemia
-Vasodilation- expansion of blood vessels which permits increased blood flow to skin and radiates heat.
Allen's Rule
Relation to shape of body

-Heat adapted populations are taller, slender, and have longer arms and legs
Bergman's Rule
Relation of body mass or volume to surface area of body.

-Cold adapted populations are heavier set for insulation of body heat
Human responses to cold stress
-Immediate response- shivering

-Developmental responses- increased B.M.R., change in blood flow

-Vasoconstriction- over exposer to clod stress, blood vessels constrict and cause reduced blood flow to skin.
High altitude stress can cause?
Hypoxia- oxygen deprivation.

health problems like heart failure
Climatization of high altitudes
Developmental/biological- increased lung size, produce more red blood cells.
Causes in the spreading of diseases
Development of human culture and different human populations interacting

-Early humans nomatic living conditions in small groups would not support development of diseases.
Endemic diseases
Disease is continually present in a population.
-due to high density population allowing disease to remain constant
Epidemic diseases
Diseases that are highly contagious but not always present, (flu, cold), seasons and living conditions bring about the disease.
Disease Vectors
Factors that spread diseases, (mesquitoes, fleas, bacteria).