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145 Cards in this Set

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helping Buddhas recognized only in Mahayana tradition


future Buddha in both Mahayana and Theravada traditions

4th buddha

Siddharta Gautama

5th buddha


Angkor Wat

Cambodian temple at which the Maitreya will descend at the end of the world


enlightenment, supreme goal of Buddhism

Vat or Wat

Buddhist temple or pagoda


male Buddhist monk


female Buddhist monk

At what age did Siddhartha Gautama attain enlightenment?

35 years of age


most important scriptures of Theravada buddhism; "three baskets" that represent all of the spiritual teachings of Siddhartha Gautama

When did the Siddhartha Gautama live?

563-483 BC

Prince Siddhartha Gautama

4th Buddha aka Shaki Buddha or Shakyamuni

Bodhi Tree

under which Siddhartha Guatama attained enlightenment

Middle Path

determined by Siddhartha Gautama


righteous living


liberation from cycle of death and rebirth


Cambodian savior-king or messiah

Anak man puny

type of Messiah or savior-king in Cambodian Theravada Buddhism

Neak Ta

Cambodian animist spirit associated with statues and buildings

Gatilok Stories

Popular 20th century Cambodian folk stories about un-Buddhist animist practices

Panca Sila

5 principles of Indonesian constitution

most important: one supreme deity

Ashin Jinarakkhita

Bikkhu who modernized Indonesia Buddhism and declared a one true god

Sang Hyang Adi Buddha

"all powerful god" referred to in Indonesia Buddhism; concept comes from Sang Hang Kamahayanikan, an old Javanese text

3 main principles of Indonesian Buddhism

1. one supreme god is Adi Buddha

2. prophets are Guatama and Bodhisattvas

3. Holy books: Tipitakas, Dhammapada, Sang Hyang Kamahayanikan


good spirit; "perfection"


evil spirit


spirit possession

"Royal concubine"

what Cambodian spirit mediums are called

What different types of parami?

naga, monk spirits, Leper King, disciples of Buddha, earth spirits, and spirits from India

Anak Ta

local village spirits (can become parami)


demon guardian spirits of families

Gru Parami

spirit mediums or "royal concubines" that are good Buddhists who are possessed by parami spirits

Can Khmer Buddhist monks be possessed by parami?

Yes, even though Theravada Buddhism prohibits this

Khleang Moeung

15th century Cambodian warrior who sacrificed himself to lead a spirit army against the invading Thai/Siamese

Kleang Moeung spirit cult

worshippers of the spirit in Long Beach, CA


Founder of Islam, 7th century, prophet of Islam, message given by angel Gabriel in a cave near Mecca


religious center of Islam, where Kaba is located, where Hajj pilgrimage occurs


pilgrimage to Kaba/Mecca


message given to Muhammad by angel, emphasizing one-ness of God & God's own words, & is considered the word of God


writings about Muhammad by his followers

Three major types of Islam




Sufi Islam

most mystical type

experience God in life thru dance, song, meditation

Similarities with Hinduism, Buddhism,

In South East Asia, do some people regard Muhammad as another form of Vishnu or Buddha?


When did Islam arrive in South East Asia

7th century

What kinds of SE kingdoms were the first Islamic kingdoms?

trading kingdoms

Why did early SE rulers convert to Islam?

To help with trade relations with India and Middle East

What are two early Islamic kingdoms in SE Asia?

Kingdom of Pasai

Kingdom of Malacca

Where was the kingdom of Pasai established? When? By whom?



Malik ul Salih

Where was the kingdom of Malacca established? When By whom?

Malaysian peninsula


Sultan Parameswara

Why was Malacca so prosperous?

Sultan Parameswara secured a trade monopoly with China

When did Islam enter Insular SE Asia? And what were two vehicles for Islam transfer?


trade & missionaries

Who converted to Islam first? The rulers or the common people?


Were forced conversions to Islam a common occurrence in SE Asia?


Initially, did SE Asian practice Islam that was mix of Islam and older traditional customs?


True or False? SE Asians who practiced "purer" forms of Islam were usually either immigrants to SE Asia


Why did Muslims in SE Asia decide to adopt more "pure" Islam?

Muslims in SE Asia decided that older practices that were mixed with Islam were not modern. In an effort to modernize their practice, they tried to eliminate older practices in favor of a more "pure" form of Islam

True or False? Scholars have divided the different religious practices of the Balinese into different religious traditions.


Bali Aga

"Old" Balinese practices that are supposed to represent Hinduism and are considered "backwards"

What are two villages with Bali Aga or "Old" Hinduism?



True or False? The villages of Julah and Sembiran practiced Bali Aga ("Old" Hinduism) but also were strongly influenced by Islam.


True or False? The Shinto Fire Festival marks the start of the lunar year in Japan.


What does submerging oneself in the cold ocean during the Shinto Fire Festival represent?

purification of one's sins

In Shinto ritual, what is written on a piece of paper before setting it alight as a torch?

wishes for the new year

the smoke from the torch carries the message to the gods

In the Shinto Fire Festival, what does the charge of the men through the open temple gate in the night represent?

the chaos of the charge through the gate represents "at one point, there was chaos" in the world

What is the Shinto belief regarding god(s)?

There are many gods, or Kami, that inhabit the world

Is Shinto an animist religion?


What two main religions coexist in Japan?

Shintoism and Buddhism

What is the Naked Man Festival in Japan?

New year fertility rite in which monks in the 1500s cut off the testicles of a bull

In the Japanese Naked Man Festival, what does the drop of the sticks represent?

Drop of the sticks represents the cutting of the testicles of a bull (tradition in the 1500s) which are a sign of good fortune and a fertility rite for the new year

What is the state religion of Thailand?


True or False? There are Hindu shrines in Thailand despite Buddhism being the state religion.

True. Buddhism preaches acceptance.

How many months does it take for a young man to be ordained as a monk in Thailand?

3 months

Which religion teaches to control the chaos in our hearts? Which teaches us to control the chaos in the world?



True or False? In China, Mao Zedong persecuted religious Chinese people.



Philosophy for our relationship with our family, the world, etc. written by Confucius


Tao or "The way" is the way to find order within the chaos. Lao Tzu came up with it.


the force that rules the universe in Taoism; made of two components: ying and yang

ying and yang

two parts of the Dao that together make up the universe in Taosim


the cosmic energy the results from the harmony between ying and yang

In Taoism, how do you produce peace?

Tap into Chi, the cosmic energy made when ying and yang are in harmony

True or False? According to Taoism, if you achieve the Dao, you can achieve immortality.


True or False? Taoism has a pantheon of immortals.


What is the biggest church in the world? Which country is it located in?

Pentacoastal Church of Korea

What is the fasting growing source of Christianity?

Pentecostal Church of Korea

Who brought Christianity to Korea?

American missionaries after the war

What three religions are less popular in Korea after the arrival of Pentecostalism.

1. Buddhism (Tripartite)

2. Confucianism

3. Daoism/Taosim

Cao Dai

Vietnamese religion that believes in one god, symbolized with "one eye," and is very inclusive of other religions like Buddhism, Christianity, etc.

Mother Goddess Religion

Vietnamese religion that grew from rice farmers' tradition, has spirit mediums that enter a trance state, temples, spirits living alongside humans (animistic)

What is ironic about the Balinese protesting Islam?

Balinese actually practice some forms of Islam

Was it outside scholars or the Balinese themselves who called them Hindu?

outside scholars

Do the Balinese believe that they are Hindu or Muslim?


True or False? The Dutch colonials wanted to preserve authentic Hinduism in Bali.


True or False? The Dutch considered being Hindu to be "backwards" or from an older civilization but considered being Muslim to be more modern.


What are the 3 groups that scholars divide the Balinese into?

1. Bali Aga "traditional" Hindu

2. Majapahit "royal" Hindu

3. Slem (Muslim)

True or False? Bali Aga was originally a derogatory term for a "backwards" culture.


Where did Majapahit Hinduism in Bali come from?

Majapahit Hinduism came from Java, where royal court Hindus fled after the arrival of Islam there.

Why is Majapahit Hinduism called "royal?"

Came from the royal court of the Javanese

What are two Bali Aga villages?



The Dutch thought that the Bali Aga villages of Julah and Sembiran were untouched by Islam and unchanged over centuries. Why is this false?

Villager interacted with Muslim traders. the villages were burned down and repopulated by different people many times.

Do the Bali Aga practice Hinduism, Islam, or a mix of the two?

Mix of Islam and Hinduism

In Bali Aga temples, which ritual is done in:

spring/summer and is Hindu

fall/winter and is Islam

Agama Kale (think "buta kala")

Agama Slem (slem ~ Muslim)

What is the difference between the meat that is sacrificed in the Agama Kale and the Agama Slem in Bali?

Agama Kale = pork

Agama Slem = No pork

What three Muslim spirits worshipped in the temple rituals of the Bali Aga?

1. Ratu Pesisis = Muslim missionary

2. Ratu Kamasan = Muslim missionary

3. Batara Uli Mekkah = "ancestor from Mecca"

Is the Bali Aga worship of Muslim spirits considered a traditional practice of Islam?

No, very un-traditional & mixed with animism

What three religions have blended in Bali?




True or False? According to Weber, religions react to social changes, disruption, hardships, etc.


True or False? According to Emile Durkheim, religion was a primary way to experience connections with people and the community to find a sense of belonging


What year was Cao Dai founded in Vietnam?


What was Cao Dai a response to in Vietnam?

Vietnamese identity crisis due to tensions with France

How did Cao Dai respond to the conflicting European and Asian belief systems?

By blending them together and being very inclusive

Does Cao Dai state belief in one god or many gods?

one god

What is the Ajeg Bali Movement?

movement to preserve Bali's culture

What year did the Ajeg Bali movement begin?


What event did the Ajeg Bali movement respond to?

2002 terrorist bombing of a Bali nightclub targeting foreigners by Muslim extremists

Does the Ajeg Bali movement promote Hinduism, Islam, or both?


True or False? The Ajeg Bali movement pushes for more Hindu autonomy and promotes Hinduism in public schools.


True or False? The Ajeg Bali movement tries to exclude Muslims and remove foreign influence.


True or False? Muslims believe that Muhammad is the one supreme god

False. Muhammad is a prophet

How many heavens do Muslims believe in?

7 heavens

True or False? Jihad, when translated means "holy war."

False. Jihad means "effort" to be good and not evil

Which type of Islam is most tied to mysticism?





In Sufism, who performed poems during circle dancing in the 13th century?

Rumi and the Mevlevi Order

True or False? Historically, we have not had religious wars in South East Asia.


Is Indonesia the largest Muslim country?


Which city in modern Saudi Arabia is called "the city of prophets" in Islam?


Which city was Muhammad driven out of for preaching Islam?


Which city was the first Islamic mosque built in?


True or False? When Muhammad first preached Islam in Mecca, his message was accepted by the rulers.

False, he was driven out of Mecca

What year did Muhammad and his follower return to Mecca and destroy the idols?

630 AD

What were the idols?

Statues of gods worshipped by the rulers of Mecca

Is the Quran or the Hadiths considered the word of god?


True or False? All sects of Islam agree with the Hadiths.


Does Shariah law come from the Quran or the Hadiths?

the Hadiths

How are the Sufis different from Sunnis and Shias in terms of experiencing God?

Sunnis & Shias experience through meditation and prayer.

Sufis through dance and music

Which sect of Islam (Sunni, Shia, Sufi) is most like Hinduism and Buddhism of Southeast Asia?


The Hindu-Balinese were more likely to adopt Islamic practices from which sect of Islam?


Insular Southeast Asia

island region of Indonesia, dominated by Islam

Peninsular Southeast Asia

mainland region of Indonesia, dominated by Buddhism


divine or spiritual power (gained in trance)


sacred Balinese dance, dancers are entranced by hyang (not meant to be for tourists)


courtly Balinese dance usually performed by women and about traditional stories

The tale of the King of Lasem from the Malat (a collection of heroic romances) would probably be part of which type of Balinese dance?


Buta kala

evil spirits


widow witch or evil spirit of Bali, similar to Durga