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28 Cards in this Set

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The earliest form of religion, was a belief in spiritual beings
Cargo Cults
Revitalization movements that may emerge when traditional communities have regular contact with industrial societies but lack their wealth, technology, and living standards
Communal Religions
- In addition to shamanic cults - have communal cults in which people organize community rituals such as harvest ceremonies and rites of passage.
- Polytheistic; their adherents believe in several deities who control aspects of nature
- Typically associated with farming societies - e.g. tribes, chiefdoms etc...
Intense community spirit, a feeling of great social solidarity, equality, and togetherness
Leveling Mechanism
Custom or social action that operates to reduce status difference.
The critically important marginal or in-between phase of a rite of passage.
Use of supernatural techniques to accomplish specific aims.
Imitative Magic
Magicians produce desired effect by imitating it
Contagious magic
Whatever is done to object believed to affect person who once had contact with that object
Sacred impersonal force that can reside in people, animals, plants, and objects.
In Polynesia, Mana attached to political offices. Bodies and possessions of high chiefs were taboo.
Worship of a single eternal, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent supreme being
Olympian Religions
- Polytheistic with powerful anthropomorphic gods.
- Permanent priesthood.
- Pantheon of gods is hierarchical.
- Associated with chiefdoms and archaic (non-industrial) states
Belief in multiple gods
Beliefs and rituals concerned with supernatural beings, powers, and forces
Revitalization Movements
Movements that occur in times of change, in which religious leaders emerge and undertake to alter or revitalize a society. Christianity = revitalization.
Rites of Passage
Culturally defined activities associated with the transition from one place or stage of life to another.
Behaviour that is formal, stylized, repetitive, and stereotyped, performed earnestly as a social act.
A part-time religious practitioner who mediates between ordinary people and supernatural beings and forces. Sometimes different or ambiguos sex or gender role.
Prohibition backed by supernatural sanctions.
People turn to magic as means of control when they face uncertainty and danger
Trobriander Islanders
Used magic only in situations they could not control
A system of belief in which humans are said to have kinship with a spirit-being/totem. Totem = animal, plant, or geographical feature. Totem associated with descent group.
Wallace - 4 Types of Religion
- Shamanic
- Communal
- Olympian
- Monotheistic
Religious Effervescence
Collective emotional intensity generated by worship
Tylor's Evolution of Religion (Three Stages)
1. Animism
2. Then Polytheism
3. Finally Monotheism
Shamanic Religion
- Simplest type
- Has a shaman
- Typically associated with foragers
Monotheistic Religion
- All supernatural phenomena under control of single supreme being
- Priesthoods
- Typically associated with states, but spread through conversions
- Robert Bellah: "world-rejecting religion"
Sympathetic Magic
Achieve similar success magically by mimicking European behaviour and manipulating symbols