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40 Cards in this Set

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the study of the human species and its immediate ancestor
appled anthropology
the application of anthropological data, perspectives, theory, and methods to identify, assess, and solve contemporary social problems
archeological anthropology
the study of human behavior and cultural patterns and processes through the cultures material remains
referring to the inclusion and combination of both biological and cultural approaches-one of anthropologys landmarks
biological anthropology
the study of human biological variation in time and space; includes evolution, genetics, growth, and development, and primatology.
cultural anthro
the study of human society and culture; describes, analyzes, interprets, and explains social and cultural similarities and differences
distincly human; transmitted through learning;traditions and customs that govern behavior and beliefs
field work in a particular culture
cross-cultural comparison; the comparative study of ethnographic data, society, and culture
food production
cultivation of plants and domestication of animals
general anthro
the field of anthro as a whole, consisting of cultural, archeological, biological, and linguistic anthro
interested in the whole of the human condition; past, present, and future; biology, society, language, and culture
linguistic anthro
the descriptive, comparative, and historical study of language and of linguistic similaries and differences in time, space, and society.
a systematic field of study or body of knowledge that aims, through expirament, observation, and deduction, to produce reliable explainations of phenomena, with references
investigates relationships between social and linguistic variations
an explanatory framework, containing a series of statements that helps us understand why; theories suggest patterns, connections, and relationships that may be confirmed by new research.
anthro and education
anthropoligical research in classrooms, homes, and neighborhoods, viewing students as total cultural creatures whose enculturation and attitudes toward education belong to a larger context that includes family, peers, and society
applied anthro
the application of anthro data, perspective, theory, and methods to identify, assess, and solve contemporary social problems
cultural resouce management
the branch of applied archaeology aimed at preserving sites threatened by dams, highways, and other projects
specialized role acquired through a culturally appropriate process of selection, training, certification, and acquistion of professional image; the curer is consulted by patients who believe in his or her special powers
a scientificallly indentified health threat caused by a bacterium, virus, fungus, parasite,or pathogen
health-care systems
beliefs, customs, and specialists concerned with ensuring health and preventing and curing illnesses
medical anthro
united biological and cultural anthro in the study of disease, health problems, health-care systems, and theories about illness in different cultures and ethnic groups
practicing anthropologists
used as a synonym for applied anthro; anthroists who practice their profession outside academia
a condition of poor health perceived or felt by an individual
scientific medicine
as distinguished from western medicine, a health-care system based on scientific knowledge and proceedures, encompassing such fields as pathology, microbiology, biochemistry, surgery, diagnostic technology, and application
complex socities
nations; large and populous, with social stratification and central governments
cultural consultants
subjects in ethnographic research; ppl the ethnographer gets to know in the field, who teach him or her abou their culture
the research strategy that focuses on local explanations and criteria of significants
the research stragegy that emphasizes the ethnographers rather than the local explianation, categories, and criteria of significance
genealogical method
procedures where the ethnographers discover and record connections of kinship, decent, and marriage, using diagrams and symbols
interview schedule
ethnographic tool for structuringa formal interview. a prepared form that guides interviews with households or individuals by being compared systematically. Contrasts with questionares because the researcher has personal contact with the local ppl and records their answers
key cultural consultant
person who is an expert on a particular aspect of local life.
life history
of a key consultant or narrator, provides a personal cultural portrait of existence change in culture.
longitudinal research
long-term study of a community, region, society, culture, or other unit, usually based on repeated visits
form used by sociologists to obtain comparable info from respondents.
random sample
a sample where all members of the population have an equal statistical chance of being included
a smaller study group chosen to represent a larger population
survey research
characteristic research proceedure among social scientists other than anthroists.
attributes that differ from one person or case to the next.