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167 Cards in this Set

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complex societies
large societies, socially stratified, central gov'ts
cultural consultant
people who teach the anthropologist about their cultures
An approach that looks at how people view the world.
The emic approach looks at
the "native viewpoint"
etic ethnographers focus on
What the outsider sees as important
genealogical method
kinship diagram method
informed consent
agreement to take part in the research after being informed about it
interview schedule
face-to-face questioning the person
key cultural consultants
people who are capable of providing the most information about their culture.
life history
The person's recollection of what life was like growing up in a particular culture.
longitudinal research
long-term study of a culture by repeated visits
participant observation
taking part in the events you're analyzing
random sample
picking people at random from that culture for a study
a manageable study group
survey research
sampling, impersonal data collection, and stats
Like age, income, gender, and political preference.
The owners of factories, mines, large farms and other means of production.
wealth invested for a profit
Capitalist world economy
profit over supplying domestic needs
the political, social, economic, and cultural domination of a territory and its people by a foreign power for an extended time.
A social system where property is owned by the community and people work for the common good.
the dominant position in the world system
extending rule of an empire over foreign nations and holding their colonies.
indigenous peoples
The original inhabitants of a territory
Industrial Revolution
changing from traditional to modern through investment, usaually in machines.
Intervention philosophy
Belief that outsiders should be able to guide natives on a civilizing mission.
The government should stay out of its nation's economic affairs.
Neoliberalism was laid out by
Adam Smith
Neoliberalism's manifesto is:
The Wealth of Nations
The world's least privileged and powerful countries.
The periphery produce
raw materials and human labour
The study of interactions between European nations and the societies they colonized.
mid-level between core and periphery
Semiperiphery export
industrial goods and commodities
Working class, or
The working class is people
Who have to sell labour to survive
World-system theory
An identifiable social system based on wealth and power differentials extends beyond individual countries
The absorption of a minority ethnic group
Cultural colonialism
Internal domination by one group over another (culture/ideology)
Social identity based on ancestry
Policies and practices that harm a group and its members.
Ethnic Group
shares beliefs, common background.
Identification with an Ethnic Group
Destroying the culture of certain ethnic groups.
mass murder of an ethnic group
distant descent can make you a minority
Majority Groups
The dominant or controlling group
Minority Groups
Subordinate group with less access to resources.
Minority Groups are often
Ethnic Groups
The view that cultural diversity is desireable
Now, state or governement.
An automonous political entity.
Ethnic Groups that once had or want back their own political status.
Obvious physical traits: e.g. hair, eye, and skin colour.
Plural Society
Different ethnic groups control different resources and depend on each other.
Devaluing a group because of its assumed behaviour.
The assumption that there is a biological basis to an ethnic group.
Descrimination on people who are assumed to share biological genes.
People who have fled their countries to escape persecution or war.
Social Races
Groups that are assumed to have biological similarities, but really only have a similar culture.
Fixed ideas about what the members of a group are like.
Anthropology and education
How everyone reacts to education in a culture from the classroom to home.
Applied Anthropology
The use of anthropological data to solve current social issues.
An often shamanic healer who holds a high position in a culture.
Development Anthropology
A branch of applied anthropology that focuses on economic policies.
A scientifically identified health threat.
A disease is caused by
Genetics or an outside bacteria or virus, etc.
Health Care Systems
Practices aimed at preventing, diagnosing, and curing illnesses
A condition of poor health perceived or felt by an individual.
Increased Equity:
Reduced poverty and more even distribution of wealth.
Medical Anthropology asks:
Which diseases affect who; how is the illness seen and treated?
too much change.
Overinnovation means people:
Want to change just enough to keep what they have.
Scientific Medicine
Real medicine. Even Western medicine contains practices that don't make sense.
The tendency to view "less-developed countries" as more alike than they are.
Urban Anthropology
The study of life in the cities in various cultures.
The role that individuals play in interpreting and recreating culture.
Rejection of the modern in favour of a purer way of life.
Cultural Imperialism
The advance or spread of one culture at the expense of others.
The offspring of an area who have spread to many lands.
Viewing an identity as established, real, and frozen, hiding the processes of development.
Hegemonic Reading
The originally intended meaning of a text, by the creators or elites.
Where subordination to domination is viewed as a natural order of things, and the way things should be.
Hidden Transcript
A secret critique of power.
Modified to fit the local culture
Our time and situation--today's world in flux.
Development and experimentation in the arts and architecture.
The breaking down and blurring of established rules and standards.
Public Transcript
The open, public interactions between dominators and oppressed.
Any cultural product. Something that can be creatively "read" and interpreted.
The influence of Western expansion on other societies.
Sep. 14: Humans can't exist without:
Sep. 14: Culture is sh...
Sep. 14: Culture is le...
Sep. 14: Culture is ad... and ma...
adaptive; maladaptive
Sep. 14: Culture is in...
Sep. 14: Culture is based on sy...
Sep. 14: Culture is an al...
all-encompassing system
Sep. 14: In relatively egocentric societies: individuals are
free agents
Sep. 14: In relatively egocentric societies: private
Sep. 14: In relatively egocentric societies: Individual center
of awareness
Sep. 14: In relatively egocentric societies: social relations
social contracts
Sep. 14: In relatively egocentric societies: Competition
Sep. 14: In relatively sociocentric societies: individual is
social relations
Sep. 14: In relatively sociocentric societies: public
Sep. 14: In relatively sociocentric societies: social situations
intrinsic value
Sep. 14: In relatively sociocentric societies: cooperation is
Sep. 14: In some communities, a person is a person at
Sep. 14: Enculturation
when a culture is passed from generation to generation
Sep. 14: Behaviour is
Sep. 14: Enculturation begins with
Cultural Relativism
Everyone's culture is good
Sep. 16: Culture is constituted through
Sep. 16: language is humankind's most used
symbolic system
Sep. 16: The most-spoken language is
Sep. 16: Code:
a neutral label for any system of linguistic communication
Sep. 16: Variety:
any system of linguistic expression whose use is governed by situational variables
Sep. 16: Dialect:
a regionally or socially distinctive variety of a language, identified by a particular set of words, grammatical structures, or phonology.
Sep. 16: Style:
ideologically and aesthetically distinct language
Sep. 16: Code-switching:
Juxtaposition of linguistic elements from different languages in the same sentence or across sentences.
Sep. 21: Modes of production:
social relations through which labor is organized
Sep. 21: Means of production:
land, labor, and technology
sep. 23: (political systems): Economic type: Band
sep. 23: (political systems): Economic type: Tribe:
Horticulture; pastoralism
sep. 23: (political systems): Economic type: Chiefdom:
horticulture, pastoral nomadism, agriculture
sep. 23: (political systems): Economic type: State:
Agricultural, industrial
sep. 23: (political systems): Band, group-type
Kin based
sep. 23: (political systems): Tribe, group-type
Small descent groups
sep. 23: (political systems): Chiefdom group-type
Medium kin-based
sep. 23: (political systems): State group-type
Large-scale, non-related
Sep. 28: (Gender): Sex is
biological; male or female
Sep. 28: (Gender): Gender refers to:
traits attributed to the sexes, and gender roles
Sep. 28: (Gender): In India, people descriminate against a
"Third" gender not based on biological sex
Sep. 30: (Sexuality): Sexual orientation is
who a person is attracted to
Sep. 30: (Sexuality): Sudanese Azande have
Male wives
Oct. 5: (Kinship): Kinship diagram: Z
Oct. 5: (Kinship): Kinship diagram: = means
Oct. 7: (Marriage): Cognatic means
a descent group that is Ambilineal or Bilateral
Oct. 14: (Marriage and Worldview): Worldview refers to:
What we see as the natural order of things.
Oct. 14: (Marriage and Worldview): Naturalists
Are non-dualists
Oct. 14: (Marriage and Worldview): 3 parts of rite of passage:
– Separation
– Liminality
– incorporation
Oct. 14: (Marriage and Worldview): Liminality:
The person is in transition; limbo; they don't belong to society.
Oct. 19: (Worldview and Religion): Religion is a ___, rationalized by ___, which mobilizes ____.
set of rituals; myth; supernatural powers
Oct. 19: (Worldview and Religion): Traditional religion
Oct. 19: (Worldview and Religion): World religion
Oct. 19: (Worldview and Religion): religious syncretism
Blends different religious, military, etc practices
Oct 21 Violence and Conflict: Smaller-scale societies tend to
migrate and/ divorce
Oct 28 Ethnography and Ethics: An anthropologist's main responsibility is:
To the people he is studying; their privacy and safety, their agreement to the study, and their share of the profits.
Oct 28 Ethnography and Ethics: The second responsibility is
To science: Don't deceive, and preserve the data.
Oct 28 Ethnography and Ethics: The third responsibility
To the public; knowing the political consequences of the study.
Oct 28 Ethnography and Ethics: The Hmong fought the:
Nov 9 Race: Broca made
Cranial types to measure intelligence by head measurements.
Nov 16 Ethnicity and Nationalism: A Nation can be said to be:
an imagined community
Nov 16 Ethnicity and Nationalism: "Stateless people" are
refugees and migrant workers.
Nov 16 Ethnicity and Nationalism: "Nominal citizens" are
immigrants and indigenous people
Nov 16 Ethnicity and Nationalism: Non-citizens refers to
Nov 16 Ethnicity and Nationalism: Diaspora Criteria: common history
of dispersal from homeland
Nov 16 Ethnicity and Nationalism: Diaspora Criteria: Strong collective
memory of home
Nov 16 Ethnicity and Nationalism: Diaspora Criteria: Feeling not fully
accepted by host country
Nov 16 Ethnicity and Nationalism: Diaspora Criteria: Desire to
return to homeland
Nov 16 Ethnicity and Nationalism: Diaspora Criteria: positive identification with
home country
Nov 16 Ethnicity and Nationalism: Diaspora Criteria: What attached to homeland?
Mythicalogical significance
Nov 16 Ethnicity and Nationalism: Diaspora: What is a good example of Diaspora?:
Nov 30 Applied Anthropology: Forensic Anthropology functions by:
Telling us what really happened in violent human rights violations.
Sonia Das Deals with
sanitation, flooding, and politics of corruption in West Bengal
Sonia Das Deals with
sanitation, flooding, and politics of corruption in West Bengal