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44 Cards in this Set

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Ectropion cicatrical
mainly due to burns, trauma, or chronic inflammation
Also: ocular cicatrical pemphigoid, infections, Steven Johnson Syndreome
Tarsal Kink syndrome
structural defects in the tarsal plate with entropion in the upper eyelid.
What is the SNAP test for?
diagnostic maneuver for involutional entropion
Internal hordeolum
infection of the meibomian glands
External hordeolum
Zeis/Moll sebacceous glands
T/F Hordeolum is sterile.
Resultant lipogranuloma formation
What can stimulate chalazion?
ocular leishmaniasis
What is a recurrent chalazion?
supicious sebaceous carinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, microcystic adnexal carinoma, or TB
What is a recurrent chalazion?
viral conjunctivits and hyperimmunoglobulinemia E (hyper-IgE)- (Job syndrome)
T/F Epidermoid Cysts are sebaceous in origin.
Foul-smelling cheeselike material is a common complaint.
Epidermoid cyst.
Sebaceous cyst is also known as
cyst of zeiss
This cyst is translucent
Cyst of Moll
Eccrine Hidrocystoma
rare, benign cystic lesions with lining that resembles that of the eccrine sweat gland and may be solitary or multiple
cellular proliferation of intraepidermal duct eccrine sweat gland epithelium
benign overgrowths of normal epithelium with varying levels of keratinization and pigmentation
Papillomas have a characteristic configuration of
lobular projections
papillomas of viral origin
T/F Both verruca and squamous papillomas are benign in nature.
What is the most common benign eyelid growth?
squamous papilloma
Seborrheic Keratosis
(3 differential diagnoses)
-pigmented basal cell carcinoma
(Stuck-on appearance)
Viral Papilloma is associated with
Inverted Follicular Keratosis
-male predilection
-older adults
-a type of seborrheic keratosis
What is the most common precancerous skin lesion?
actinic keratosis
Keratocanthoma is AKA _____ and is a form of ____.
-molluscum sebaceum
-pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia
Ferguson-Smith syndrome
-self-healing squamous epithelioma
-acne like leisons that gradually inc in size/ulcerations.
Keratocanthoma is found in patients ____
on immunosuppressive therapy following renal therapy
5 types of Nevus
Which type of nevus occurs in young? What about the older?
1)junctional- young 'j for junior'

2)compound-middle aged
What is the most common pediatric eyelid tumor?
capillary hemangioma
What is the male/female ratio for capillary hemangioma?
Port Wine is aka ____ and often confused with ___.
nevus flammeus
Pyogenic Granuloma
-red mass at site of chronic inflammation
-is not pyrogenic
-solitary nodular lesion with cells that demonstrate features of hair cells
-more in white f
Two types of neurofibroma
-plexiform type: children with NF1
-solitary type: adults, 25% with NF1
Neurofibroma signs: (2)
-affect upper lid
-S-shaped deformity
Nevus Ota is AKA ____
oculodermal melanocytosis
Nevus Ota is ___lateral of CN ___
CN 5
Xeroderma pigmentosum
AR disease characterized by skin damage. Pts. have bird like facies, BCC, SCC, and melanoma
Goliin-Goltz syndrome
naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
-extensive cogenital abnormalities to eye, face, bond, and CN
-pt.s usually develop multiple, small BCC during the second life.
Muir-torre syndrome
-predisposes to cutaneous and systemic malignancies
-cutaneous tumors: BCC, SGC, keratoacnthoma
-most common systemic: colorectal and genitourinary
Basel cell carcinoma, Bowen disease, SCC, and mycosis fungoides have developed in ___
epidermoid cyst