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49 Cards in this Set

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Horner's syndrome may be caused by (3)
-variety of lesions including carotid dissection
-cavernous sinus tumors
-pulmonary apex lesions
Margin-reflex distance
Normal is 4-4.5mm
(distance between upper lid margin and corneal reflection of the a pen torch held by examiner)
Palpebral fissure height
distance between upper and lower lid margins
-2mm below upper limbus
-1mm above lower limbus
Upper lid crease
-vertical distance between the lid margin and lid crease in down gaze
(females -10mm, males - 8mm)
recurrent painless edema of the upper lids
-atrophy and laxity of the upper lid
Floppy eyelid syndrome is associated with ___
obese men/apnea
What do you see in floppy eyelid syndrome?
chronic papillary conjunctivitis with lax tarsi
Von-Graefe's sign
lid sag on downgaze in thyroid dz
Boston’s sign
lid lag on downgaze in thyroid dz
Cogan’s sign
upper eyelid twitch when pt with ptosis refixates from downgaze to primary position. A non-specific finding in MG. also refers to venous engorgement over lateral rectus in thyroid dz.
Czarnecki’s sign
segmental pupillary constriction with eye movements due to aberrant regeneration of CN3
Dalrymple’s sign
widened palpebral fissure secondary to upper eyelid retraction in thyroid dz
Enroth’s sign
eyelid edema in thyroid dz
Globe’s sign
lid lag on upgaze in thyroid dz
Parry’s sign
exophthalmos in thyroid dz
Pseudo-von Graefe sign
lid elevation on adduction or downgaze due to aberrant regeneration of CN3
ciliary injection
injection solely circumlimbal points to uveitis
watery discharge is associated with what kind of conjunctivitis as opposed to purulent/muco discharge?
viral/allergic conjunctivitis
epithelial inclusion cysts that have become calcified
conjunctival lymphangiectasia
also called conjunctival retention cyst
What is the most common type of conjunctival amyloidosis
primary localized
Congenital ocular melanocytosis
-not a true conjunctival lesion
-unilateral nevus of the episcleral and sclera
multifocal slate gray pigmentation in the episclera
T/F PAM is a deposition of pigment.
FALSE profliferation of conj. epithelial melanocytes
What are the two types of PAM?
cellular atypia
and w/o atypia
What is usual for PAM pts?
unilateral, middelaged white pts, palepbral or bulbar
T/F Pigmented lesions in fornix of conj is HIGHLy suspect for PAM
Secondary acquired melanosis is due to __, __, __, __, and __
actinic stimulation
What is the most common type of conj tumor?
conj nevus
What is the key to diagnosis of nevus?
small cysts
If you have a nevus of palpebral conj, consider __ and ___
PAM or melanoma
Conj. melonoma arises from __, __, and __
de novo
What are the 5 types of conj nevus?
junctional, compound, subepithelial, spindle cell, and blue
Where is the primary mestatsis of conj melanoma?
Conj intraepithelial neoplasia: what is it and risk from? (4)
uncommon unilateral

Conj intraepithelial neoplasia represents __, __, and __
conj epithelial dysplasia
carcinoma in-situ
squamous cell carcinoma
Gelantinous, papillomatous appearance and growth is centripetal
Squamous CC
What is effective against SCC
topical MMC
What are the 2 types of conj papilloma?
1-VIRAL- multiple ped. leisions in young, HPV ( palepbral usually)
2-NEOPLASTIC-broad, flat, sessile, near limbus
Which kind of conj papilloma do you usually leave untreated?
recurrence is common
Most common epibulbar tumors of childhood
Which kind of choristoma is present in adults and located at where?
outer canthus
What are the 2 kinds of choristoma?
epibulbar osseous choristoma
What can mimic subconj hemmorhage?
conj kaposi
Conj kaposi is associated with __ and ___
Herpes Virus 8
What is the difference between true and psuedo lymphomas?
true-slow onset and nonpainful
psuedo-fast onset and painful
Majority of lymphomas systemically are from ___
conjunctiva are from ___
B lymph
B and T
How is conj lymphoma presentd on bulbar con or in fornix?
salmon color
Conj lymphoma may arise from ___, __, __, or mainly ___
de novo
orbital llymphoma
MALT (mucosa associated lymphomia tissue)