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18 Cards in this Set

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Tropic Hormones
-hormones that produce chemical substance
1.Adrenocorticotropin (ATCH)
2.Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) (Thyrotropin)
3.Somatotropic Hormone (STH)(Growth Homrone)(GH)(Somatotropin)
Gonadotropin Hormones
1.Lueteinizing Hormone (LH)
- in male “interstial cell stimulating hormone (ICSH
2.Follicle stimlating hormone(FSH)
Adrenocorticotropin (ATCH)

1. Goes to the cortext of adrenal gland(cortext) to stimulate the release of group of hormones known as glucocroticoids (cortisol-human, corticosterone-rats)

2.Effects the circadian rhythm in mammals (ACTH highest before waking, lowest during sleeping)
Adrenocorticotropin (ATCH)

-Feedback Control of Secretion?
Hypothalmus:CRF (corticotropin releasing factor)
Anterior Pituitary:ACTH
Body:adrenal cortext to release glucocorticoids (corticotropin or cortisol)

Increase of ACTH
1.low levels of cortisol
5.drive for cicradian rhythm
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH or Thyrotropin)

Goes to thyroid gland to stimulatet he release of thyroid hormone thyroxin (via CAMP)
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH or Thyrotropin)

-Feedback control of Secretion
Hypo:TRH(thyrotropin releasing hormone)
A.P.: TSH (thyrotropin)
Body:Thryoid gland or thryoid to release thyroxine

Negative feedback:
1.High levels of TSH
2.High levels of Thyroxine

Decrease in TSH:extreme states of excitment & anxiety

Increase in TSH: Prolonged period of anxiety.
Somatotropic Hormone (STH or Somatotropin or Growth Hormone or GH)

Goes to all cells in body especially skeletal
1. Protein synthesis-directly enhances transport of some amino acids into cell.
2. Carbohydrate metabolism
a. -GH added to dog with a removed pancrease (pancreatectomy) = results in diabetic condtion (increase of glucose in blood stream)
b.-GH added to dog with a removed anterior pituitary (phypohysectomy) = results is diabetic conditon decreases (decrease of glucose in blood stream) and amelioration of diabetic state (make better or less severe)
c.-GH prevents glucose from setting or being uptaken into cell
d.it decreaees carbohydrate utilization through the body
e.- it increases glycogen storage: uptake of gloucose by cell is greatly depressed
f.blood glucose concentration rises above normal “diabetogenic effect)
g. Inhibitory action -insultion produced in pancrease causes increase of glucose absrotpion into the cell. It also prevents passage of GH into the cell by pushing it into storage.
3. Mobilization of Fatty acids
a.-GH increases (fatty aci
Somatotropic Hormone (STH or Somatotropin or Growth Hormone or GH)

-feedback control
Hypothalmus: Somatocrinin (GH-RH) and Somatostatin (GIF)
Anterior Pituiotary: Growth Hormone (STH)
Body: Body cell.

Increase in STH:
b.hypoglycemia (exess of insulin) ,
c. stress,
d. fasting,
e.protein depletion,
f.some hormoenes(somatocrining).
+ feedback to hypothalamus

c. calmness,
d.improved dietary conditions,
e. some hormones
– feedback to hypothalamus

1. Biological Actions of Prolactin
-important in reproduction: mammary gland development and stimuation & secretion of milk (lactation)

A. Initiation of lactation by Prolactin (lactogenesis)

1. Lactation-production of milk-peirod following childbirth during which milk is formed in breasts (its after this that prolactin has effect)
2. End of Pregnanc (right after child is born)-Breasts are fuly developed for nursing but very little secretion until after birth of baby-contain fluid “colostrums” (not produced by prolactin ) which contains essestially small amounts of proteins and lactose as milk, has almost no fat, maximum rate of prduction ~1/100 the subsequent rate of milk production (what will happen after prolactin kicks in)
3. Prolactin: stimulates synthesis of large quantities of fat, lactose (disaccharide), casein (protein) by mammary glandular cells
-within 2-3 days breast begin to secreate copous quantities of milk (now mother can feed baby

-Sudden onset of milk secretion also requ

-feedback control
Hypothalamus: PIF (domapine), PRF (prolatinn releasing factor which is TRH (thyrotropin relasing hormone))
Anterior pIturitary: prolactin Body: mammary gland & others

Increase in Prolactin:
-interruptin connections btwn hypothalamus & pituiatary (reduction of dompamine),
-increased plasma levels of estrogen but progesterone (produced by corpus lueteum) is going to inhibit it. That’s why not see anything wen bayb is born),
-TRH increae,
- others (nervous portion, suckling action via sensory neuwran to brain).

-decreased plasma levels of estrogen,
-prolactin increase (negative feedback: feed back on hypothalamus à PRF,
-PRF decreases),
-others (no nursing.
Lueteinizing Hormone (LH)

-function in female?
-Formation of corpus luteum
-secretion of progesterone
-acts in conjunction with FSH for final maturation of follicle (stimulates ovulation)
-acts on thecal cells chiefly
Lueteinizing Hormone (LH)

-feedback control in female?
Hypo: GnRH ( gonadotropin releasing factor ) or LH- RH
Body: ovary

- low estrogen- progesterone * (critical level btwn these 2 must be mainted for LH secretion)

-high concentrion of estroge- progeseron combination

negative feedback to anterior pituityary and hypothalamus
Lueteinizing Hormone (LH or “interstial cell stimulating hormone (ICSH)”)

- function in male?
-stimulate interstial cells of Leydis thus promoting secretion of androgen or the release of testosterone
Lueteinizing Hormone (LH)

-feedback control in male?
Hypo: GnRH ( gonadotropin releasing factor ) or LH- RH
Anterior pituitary: ICSH or LH-Body: testis (around seminfersou tubles, in interstial cells of Leydis ( release of testosterone)

-maturating of hypothalamus,
-low levels of testosteron ( in adult)

-Imature hypothalamus,
-high levels of testosterone in adult
-Nervous stimuli: change in wether or amount of light in day affects GnRH releasee
Follicle stimlating hormone(FSH)
-function female?
Female: promotes growth and maturation of ovarioan follicle
1. Ovary (paired organs)
-produce female germ cell (ovum)
- secrete female sex hormone (some, estrogn)
Follicle stimlating hormone(FSH)
-feedback control female
Feedback Inhibiton of FSH in female
hypothalamus: GnRH(ganadotropin releasing hormone)
Anterior pituitary: FSH
Body: ovary or priamty follicle

-low levels of esterogen * and progesterone
-neurotransmiters (GnRH)
- feedbacks to anterior pituitary and hypothalamus: alters sensitivity of pituitary gonadotropin to FSH-RH (GnRH)

- high levels of estrogen * and progesterone
Follicle stimlating hormone(FSH)
-function male?
Male: primary action on seminiferous tubules in tsties to promote spermatogenesis
1 Testis (paired glandular organs)
A. Function
-Produce male germ cell (spermatozoa)
-secrete male sex hormones (inhibin)
Follicle stimlating hormone(FSH)
-feedback control male?
Feedback Inhibiton of FSH in male
hypothalamus: GnRH(ganadotropin releasing hormone)
Anterior pituitary: FSH
Body: testis (to stimulate seminiferous tubules and to release spermatozoa)

-low leves of inhibin

-high levels of inhibin