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63 Cards in this Set

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What are the layers of the abdominal wall? (6)
1. Skin
2. Subcutaneous Fascia:
-Superficial layer: Camper's fascia
-Deep layer: Scarpa's fascia
3. Muscular layer & fascia
4. Transversalis fascia
5. Preperitoneal fat
6. Peritoneum
The thin, fatty layer of the superficial fascia is known as?
Camper's fascia
The membranous layer of the superficial fascia is known as?
Scarpa's fascia
Scarpa's fascia continues over pubis & perineum as the membranous layer of superficial perineal fascia known as?
Colles' fascia
Tendinous median raphe between 2 rectus abdominis muscles, extending from xiphoid process to pubic symphysis
Linea Alba
What are the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall? (4)
1. External oblique
2. Internal oblique
3. Transversus abdominis
4. Rectus abdominis
What are the contents of the Rectus Sheath? (7)
1. Rectus abdominis
2. Intercostal nerves T7-T11
3. Subcostal nerve (T12)
4. Superior epigastric artery & vein
5. Intercostal arteries
6. Inferior epigastric artery & vein
7. Pyramidalis
Curved line along lateral border of rectus abdominis
Linea semilunaris
Crescent-shaped line marking inferior limit of posterior layer of rectus sheath just below level of iliac crest
Linea semicircularis (Arcuate line)
The most inferior border of the external oblique aponeurosis thickens & folds over itself forming?
Inguinal ligament (Poupart's ligament)
Which ligament extends between anterior-superior illiac spine & pubic tubercle?
Inguinal ligament
What represents the medial triangular expansion of inguinal ligament to the pectineal line of pubis?
Lacunar ligament
Strong fibrous band that extends laterally from lacunar ligament along the pectinal line of pubis
Pectineal (Cooper's) ligament
The neurovascular plane in anterior abdominal wall is located between?
Internal oblique & transversus abdominis muscles
Sickle-shaped peritoneal fold connecting liver to diaphragm & anterior abdominal wall?
Falciform ligament
What is contained within falciform ligament?
Liamentum teres hepatitis & paraumbical vein
The ligamentum teres hepatitis is a remnant of?
umbilical vein
What folds are found below the umbilicus of AAW?
1. Median umbilical fold
2. Medial umbilical folds
3. Lateral umbilical folds
The median umbilical fold contains?
Obliterated urachus
The medial umbilical folds contain?
Obliterated umbilical arteries
The lateral umbilical folds contain?
Inferior epigastric vessels
Depression on anterior abdominal wall between medial & median umbilical folds of peritoneum?
Supravesical fossa
Depression on anterior abdominal wall between medial & lateral umbilical folds of periotneum?
Medial inguinal (umbilical) fossa
Depression on anterior abdominal wall lateral to lateral umbilical fold of periotneum
Lateral inguinal fossa
What are the borders of Hesselbach's (Inguinal) Triangle?
-Lateral : Inferior epigastric vessels
-Medial: Rectus abdominis (linea semilunaris)
-Inferior: Inguinal ligament
Anterior layer of rectus sheath-- Above arcute line is formed of which aponeuroses?
Anterior layer- above arcuate line:
1. External oblique
2. Internal oblique
Anterior layer of rectus sheat-- below arcuate line-- is formed of which aponeuroses?
Anterior layer- below arcuate line:
1. External oblique
2. Internal oblique
3. Transversus abdominis
Posterior layer of rectus sheath --above arcuate line-- is formed of which aponeuroses?
Posterior layer- above arcuate line:
1. Internal oblique
2. Transversus abdominis
Posterior layer of rectus sheath-- below arcuate line-- is formed of which aponeuroses?
Posterior layer-- below arcuate line:
1. Rectus abdominis in contact w/ transversalis fascia
What makes up the anterior wall of the inguinal canal?
Anterior : Aponeuroses of external & internal obliques
What makes up the posterior wall of the inguinal canal?
Posterior : Fascia transversalis
What makes up the superior wall (roof) of the inguinal canal?
Superior (Roof): Arching fibers of interinal oblique & transversus abdominus
What makes up the inferior wall (floor) of the inguinal canal?
Inferior (Floor): Inguinal & lacunar ligaments
Where is the superficial (external) inguinal ring?
Triangular opening in aponeurosis of EXTERNAL OBLIQUE muscle that lies lateral to pubic tubercule
Where is the deep (internal) inguinal ring?
Lies in TRANSVERSALIS FASCIA lateral to inferior epigastric vessels
The inguinal canal begins & terminates where?
Begins: deep (internal) ring
Ends: superficial (external) ring
What is the spermatic cord composed of?
Ductus deferens & associated neurovascular structures -- meet at deep inguinal ring
The internal spermatic fascia is derived from which anterior abdominal wall fascia?
Internal spermatic fascia = Transversalis fascia
The cremasteric muscle & fascia is derived from which muscle of the anterior abdominal wall?
Cremasteric muscle & fascia = Internal oblique muscle
The external spermatic fascia is derived from which aponeurosis?
External spermatic fascia = aponeurosis of external oblique muscle
What are the contents of the spermatic cord? (6)
1. Ductus deferens & its vessels
2. Testicular artery
3. Pampiniform plexus of veins
4. Autonomic nerves
5. Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
6. Obliterated processus vaginalis
What is the cremasteric reflex?
Lightly stroking skin on medial aspect of superior thigh results in rapid elevation of testis on same side
Afferent (sensory) fibers travel via what branch of genitofemoral nerve?
Afferent (sensory) -- Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve
Efferent (motor) fibers travel via which branch of the genitofemoral nerve?
Efferent (motor) --> Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
Peritoneal diverticulum in fetus that evaginates into developing scortum & forms visceral & parietal layers of tunica vaginalis testis?
Processus vaginalis testis
Double serous membrane- peritoneal sac that covers front & sides of testis & epididymis
Tunica vaginalis
What forms the innermost layer of the scrotum?
Tunica vaginalis
Tunical vaginalis is derived from?
Abdominal peritoneum
What structure in the male is homologous to the ovarian ligament & round ligament of the uterus?
Gubernaculum testis
What is the most common hernia?
Indirect inguinal hernia
Where does an indirect inguinal hernia occur?
Lateral inguinal fossa
-Leaves lateral to inferior epigastric vessels
-Begins at deep inguinal ring
-Descends into scrotum
Which type of hernia is manly congenital?
Indirect inguinal hernia-- can occur if processus vaginalis testis persists
Where does direct inguinal hernia occur?
Direct Inguinal hernia--Inguinal (Hesselbach's) triangle
-Medial to inferior epigastric vessels
-Lies outside of processus vaginalis parallel to spermatic cord
-Protudes to (not through) superficial ingual ring & doesn't descend into testes
Which type of hernia is always acquired, but there are genetic factors that predispose?
Direct inguinal hernia
Which type of inguinal hernia has high risk of strangulation?
Indirect inguinal hernia
The left testicular vein drains to?
Left renal vein
The right testicular vein drains to?
Inferior vena cava
The lymphatic drainage of the testis is to?
Para-aortic (lumbar) lymph nodes
The lymphatic drainage of the scrotum is to?
Superficial inguinal lymph nodes
What nerve innervates the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall?
Subcostal nerve (T12)
Which 2 nerves arise from the first lumbar nerve?
1. Illiohypogastric
2. Illioinguinal
What nerve innervates the internal oblique & transversus abdominis?
Iliohypogastric nerve (L1)
What nerve innervates the internal oblique & transversus abdominis?
Illioinguinal nerve (L1)