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16 Cards in this Set

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Which nervous system innervates skeletal muscle & controls voluntary movement?
somatic nervous system
2 main neurotransmitters of the ANS are?
acetylecholine and norepinerine
Nerve fibers secreting norepinephrine are called?
adrenergic fibers
Nerve fibers that secrete acetylcholine are called?
cholinergic fibers
Neurotransmitters, medications or hormones that bind to receptors are collectively called?
Increased arterial blood pressure is a specfic response of which branch of the autonomic nervous system?
SNS (sympathetic nervous system)
Pupil dialation is a specific body response of which branch of the ANS?
Responses of this branch of the ANS are protective mechanisms designed to help the person cope with the stress or get away from it?
SNS (sympathetic nervous system)
Which 2 neurotransmitters of the SNS also function as hormones?
norepinephrine & epinephrine
Norepinephrine acts mainly on which adrenergic receptors?
Epinephrine acts mainly on which adrenergic receptors?
alpha and beta
Which adrenergic receptors are located in the brain, kidneys & other viscera?
dopaminergic (dopamine) receptors
Primary response to stimulation of this adrenergic receptor is vasconstriction & gyconeonolisys, gluconeogensis
alpha 1
Primary response to stimulation of this adrenergic receptor is vasconstriction & inhibition of insulin release?
alpha 2
Increased blood sugar is a specific body response of which branch of the ANS?
Increased capacity for vigorous muscle activity in response to a perceived threat, whether real or imaginary, is often called the fight-or-flight reaction and refers to which branch of the nervous system?
SNS (sympathetic nervous system)