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19 Cards in this Set

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what is a colic?
any abdominal pain
what are some possible causes of colic?
-obstruction of ingesta
-hyperactive peristalsis (spasms)
what is the most common cause of colic?
hyperactive peristalsis
Obstruction can be caused by
-volvulus or torsion
-reduced blood supply to intestine (parasites)
-paralysis of intestine
what is a volvulus?
twisting of the small intestine
what is a torsion?
twisting of the large intestine
what is a lipoma?
a tumor
what is an intussusception?
telescoping of the intestine
telescoping of the intestine
what is an impaction?
(pelvic flexure)
-intestinal blockage by a large mass of dry food
-usually in large intestine
what is a gas colic?
a build up of gas in the intestine or cecum
-drive over a bumpy road
what is an enteritis/colitis?
inflammation of the small or large intestine
what is gastric distension/rupture?
when a horse bolts its feed to fast and then it expands in its stomach causing it to rupture

-dried pulp is a no no
what is an enterolith?
an intestinal stone
an intestinal stone
what are some early symptoms of colic?
-quiet or lethargic
-not eating
-irregular feces
-acts like it wants to urinate
-laying down at abnormal times
what are some advanced symptoms of colic?
-sweating (neck and flank)
-rolling (may become frequent and violent)
-abnormal mucosal coloring
-abnormal borborgymii
-pulse rate will rise and become weaker
-rising hematrocit (packed cell volume)
increased gut sounds usually mean _____
spasmodic colic
decreased gut sounds usually means ______
what is paracentesis
puncturing the abdominal cavity with a sterile needle
what are some treatments for colic?
-allow horse to rest
-administer drugs (banamine)
-mineral oil through a nasogastric tube
-fecal softener
-surgery (last resort)