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173 Cards in this Set

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Parathyroid hormone

Increases serum calcium by increasing net release of calcium salts, increases osteoclast activity, released by parathyroid


Primary effect is to reduce osteoclast activity and boost osteoblast activity, released by thyroid


break in continuity of bone

Simple Fracture

skin stays intact (unbroken)

Open Fracture

wound from the exterior is in contact with the broken bone

Greenstick Fracture

One side of the bone is broken/splintered with other side is intact but bent

Complete Fracture

bone is broken across

Physeal fracture

located at the junction of an epiphysis and diaphysis

comminuted Fracture

bone is broken into smaller pieces

Step One of healing a fracture

Formation of clot

Step two of healing a fracture

clot invaded by CT cells, formation of granulation tissue (fibroblast multiplication and angiogenesis)

Step three of healing a fracture

Osteoblasts (peri and endosteum) divide rapidly (proliferate) and produce a large amount of osteoid, soft callus forms

Step Four of healing a fracture

Mineralization of callus

deposition of Ca, formation of hard callus

Step Five of healing a fracture

Spontaneous deformity correction- callus increases on concave side as stress is greatest there, erodes on convex side done by osteoclasts

Amount of spontaneous correction depends upon

age of animals, blood supply of the bone, degree of correction required, presence/absence of infection, amount of damage to associated tissues

Pathological Conditions directly in bone caused by

infections, tumors (osteoma, chrondroma, sarcoma), endocrine disturbances, or nutritional imbalances

Bone TB

infection caused by mycobacterium tuberulosis

attacks the spine and the ends of the long bone, vertebrae


Inflammation of bone and bone marrow, caused by staphylococcus/streptococcus (circular bacteria) enter via blood vessel/wound

Steps of inflammation

swelling, redness, heat, and loss of function


any abnormality in bone development, abnormality in normal Ca and P development



Rickets and Osteomalacia

inadequate mineralization of osteoid


hereditary condition in which metaphyses fuse early but bone continue to grow in diameter

EX: Dwarfism and Dachshund dogs and cattle

Joint definition

unions (articulations) between bones

Types of joints

fibrous joints, cartilaginous, and synovial

Fibrous joints

no joint cavity, syndesmosis, suture, and gomphosis




slight movement



junction that fuses after birth

EX: between bones of skull


Ex: between teeth and jaw

Cartilaginous Joints

united by cartilage, synchondrosis, symphosis


Joined by cartilage, when bone is growing

EX: immature bone diaphysis and epiphysis


Joined by cartilage

EX: pubic (ischium) bones, vertebrae

Synovial joints

skin--> fibrous capsule --> synovial membrane (delicate)

Structure of Synovial Joints

Articular surfaces/cartilage/cavity

Articular Surfaces

Specialized layers of compact bone on surfaces

Articular Cartilage

Layer of hyaline cartilage covering articular surface

Articular Cavity

Space between adjacent bones of joint surrounded by joint capsule/space

Joint capsule of Synovial joints

Two layers (synovial membrane, and fibrous capsule), tough

Synovial Membrane

Deeper layer of specialized (secretory cells) CT extending from articular cartilage of adjacent bones

lies close to blood vessels

Secretes synovial fluid

Synovial fluid- GAG's and hyaluronic acid

Fibrous Capsule

Heavier fibrous sleeve adjacent to synovial membranes, may be thickened in some areas to form extra capsular ligaments to stabilize joints


Ct bands that join bone to bone


CT bonds that join bone to muscle, cords/bands, flat fibrous sheets (aponeurosis) associate with flat muscles (ex:loin), linea alba

Example of movements

hyper=extension, extension, and flexion

Types of synovial joints

simple. composite

1.) Hinge

2.) Plane/sliding/ gliding

3.) Ball and socket

Simple Joints

two articulating bones

Composite joints

many bones within one joint capsule

Hinge Joint

"Ginglymus" move only in their saggital plane

Movements- extension, flexion, hyperextension

EX: Fetlock

Plane/Sliding/Gliding Joints

slight gliding movement

Ex: Between adjacent carpal bones

Ball and Socket Joint

"Spheroid joints" movement in almost any direction

Movements-flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, rotation, and circumduction

EX: Hip joint (coxofemoral)

Joints of Forelimb

Scapula, Scapulohumeral, elbow joint, carpus, Metacarpophalangeal (fetlock), proximal interphalangeal (pastern), and distal interphalangeal (coffin)


no bony connection with thorax but muscle and ligaments (synsarcosis)

Hindlimb Joints

Sacroiliac Joint, coxofemoral (hip) joint, stifle joint, and tarsus (hock) joint

Sacroiliac Joint

bony connection between axial and appendicular skeletons

limited movement- relaxin (hormone released) acts on ligaments to make them limp

Hunter's Bump- tuber sacrale


crisscross of two major ligaments that hold pelvic roof together, causes the tuber sacrale to rise up

Coxofemoral (hip) Joint

Best example of ball and socket joint (head of femur and acetabulum of os coxae)

movement in nearly all directions

Stifle joints

condyles of distal femur, patella, and proximal tibia

stabilized by medial and lateral collateral ligaments

Tarsus (hock) joint

distal end of tibia and talus, calcaneus projects to form lever for attachment of Achilles tendon


meaning: layer, two in hoof: insensitive (outer) and sensitive (inner)


of pus

Separation of two laminae

laminitis further damage causes founder (sunk because coffin bone starts to dissociate and rotate)

Bog spavin

distension of joint capsule of hock, swlling on cranio-medial aspect of hock


degenerative joint disease


Harvest of fluid to look for bugs in swelling

(bone) jack spavin

DJD of distal intertarsal and tarso-metatarsal joints, "true" spavin, chronic

Capped Elbow

Inflammation of bursa over olecranon process (point of elbow)

Fistulus Withers

(can be anywhere) inflammation/infection with draining tract from bursa over spinous process, makes pus (liquefied tissue and dead WBC bodies)


Inflammation of laminae between hoof wall and distal phalanx

Skeletal Muscle

Voluntary, striated, multiple nuclei, long, thin fiber, necessary nerve supply

Location- attached to bones of skeleton

Function- movement of limbs, trunk, neck, respiration, and move bones/ generate heat

Smooth muscle

involuntary, unstriated, produce movement, spindle cell shape

Location- lining of digestive tract, urogenital system, airways, blood vessels

Function- contraction (intrinsic), control distribution of blood/diameter of pupil, mix and propel food in GIT

Nerves- multiunit necessary for function

Cardiac Muscle

Involuntary, striated, pump blood, single nuclei, branched cell shape

Location- heart

Function- contracts intrinsically assisting in circulation of blood

Nerves- modify activity (not necessary for function

skeletal muscle organization

arranged in bundles surrounded by CT

Origin- the fixed attachment

Insertion- moveable attachment (EX: biceps brachii- scapula and radius)

Skeletal muscle parts

Endomysium, perimysium, and epimysium


CT between individual muscle fibers


sheath surrounding bundes of muscle fibers, wraps fascicle (bundle of cells)


CT around an entire muscle, becomes the muscle sheath which fuses with tendon

Arrangement of Muscle Fibers

Parallel, Fusiform, and pennate


Muscle shortening but weak (abdominals)


Spindle (biceps brachii)


Feather-like, increase power of a muscle

Uni- Extensor digitorum longus

Bi- Rectus Femoris

Multi- Deltoid

Physical Characteristics

Action, shape, location, direction of fibers, numbers of heads/divisions, attachment sites

Functional Groups

Flexor, Extensor, Abductor, Adductor, Sphineter, Cutaneous


Muscle directly responsible for producing an action


Muscle that opposes an action


Muscle that oppose undesired action of agonist

EX: Elbow flexion

Muscles of head

Masseter, Zygomaticus, Orbicularis Oris, Orbicularis Oculi, and Buccinator


Swings scapula forward, thoracic and cervical


Brings scapula together

Serratus Ventralis

Sling supporting trunk

Extensors acting on shoulder girdle

Supraspinatus and brachiocephalicus (head to arm)

Flexors acting on shoulder girdle

Latissimus Dorsi and infraspinatus

Adductors acting on shoulder girdle

Pectoralis and Subscapularis

Abductorsacting on shoulder girdle


Extensors acting on elbow joint


Flexors acting on elbow joint

Biceps Brachii, Brachialis

Extensors acting on hip joint

hamstrings (biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus)

Flexors acting on hip joint

Ilopsoas and Quadriceps

Adductors acting on hip joint


Abductorsacting on hip joint

deep gluteal (gluteus profundus)

Extensors Acting on stifle joint

Quadriceps (rectus femoris, vastus medialis (lateralis/intermedius)

Flexors Acting on stifle joint

Hamstrings, and gastrocnemius

Extensors acting on hock joint

gastrocnemius and soleus

Flexors acting on hock joint




Latissimus Dorsi


External Abdominal Oblique


Diaphragm and intercostals


Muscle for IM Injection

fairly large, easily accessible, sufficiently thick

In practice, only a few muscles are suitable in each species

Horse, Cattle, and Goats muscle differences

Pelvic Limb- Gluteal muscle, and hamstring

Thoracic Limb- triceps brachii

Neck- Trapezius muscle


Outer cell membrane of muscle


Elongated protein strands inside muscle cell (fiber)

Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

Smooth ER, fills the clefts/ space between myofibrils


"Transverse tubles" tubular invaginations formed by sarcolemma, only in skeletal muscle, propagate action potential to inside of cell

Terminal Cisterna

Where SER ends at T-tubule


two terminal cisterna and T-tubule

Thin Filament

twizzler shaped, Actin (tropomyosin strings around bigger balls (g-actin molecules) with smaller balls (troponin) on the strings) thus it's a multiprotein structure, 3000 chain


Ca binds to this, Troponin masks myosin head binding site (unmasked by Ca binding which lifts troponin from head binding site)

Thick Filament

Golfclub ends (myocentail --> hinge region --> Myosin head (ATPase bubble with ATP/ADP + PO4), 1500, connections onnect myosin vertically, myosin


Cleaves ATP- causing head to store E

Dihydropyridine Receptor

between T-tubule and SR, protein that opens SR's store of Ca


Middle, or M-line, of the sarcomere

Properties of skeletal muscle

Excitation --> Contraction --> Relaxation

Excitation of skeletal muscle

Generation of action potential --> neuromuscular junction (midpoint of fiber) (study pic)

Contraction of Skeletal Muscle

causes shortening of I band and H zone disappearance


repeating contractile unit

Step one of contraction of skeletal muscle

Muscle action potential propogated --> transverse tubule --> lateral sac (of SER)

Step twoof contraction of skeletal muscle

Ca 2+ released from lateral sac --> Troponin

Step three of contraction of skeletal muscle

Ca 2+ binding to toponin removes blocking action of tropomyosin

Step four of contraction of skeletal muscle

Cross bridge moves (thick and thin) filament movement of tropomyosin, allows binding sites of actin to be exposed --> Myosin binds to actin - myosin head is charged and bends 90 degrees when bound to actin --> movement pulls actin towards center of Sarcomere (Z-lines) --> After contraction, more ATP reqs to pump Ca back into SR (also to reestablish resting membrane)

Step five of contraction of skeletal muscle

Ca 2+ leaving troponin restores tropomyosin blocking actin, with Ca 2+ re-sequestration --> lateral sac

Relaxation of Skeletal muscle

Ca sequestered into SR and ion pumps inside use ATP to pump Ca from SR --> Storage (without ATP muscle cannot relax)

Neuromuscular Junction

Vesicles wait for action potentials --> fuse with terminal ending with influx of Ca (end plate) --> release into synaptic cleft --? find its receptor on sarcolemma --? depolarization (excitation of sarcolemma) --> neurotransmitter breaks up because of achesterase --> repolarization (dual ion channel)


modified AA's


essential AA, combo of acetate and choline


breaks acetylcholine bond

E supply

chain of Rxs that supply R for muscle contraction and recovery, four different pathways

ATP -->

ADP + phosphoric acid + E (immediate use in contraction)

CP -->

creatine + phosphoric acid + E (resynthesis of ATP from ADP)

Glucose --> (glycogen or blood)

lactic acid and E (resynthesis of CP from creatine and phosphoric acid)

Lactic Acid + Oxygen -->

H2O + CO2 + E (resynthesis of ATP + CP)

Smooth Muscle

involuntary, 3-5 mm, mostly single unit (action potentials transmitted across cell via gap junctions)

Multiunit Smooth muscle

eye (line ciliary body), pilomotor fibers of hair (hackles)

Structure of smooth muscle

central nucleus, no orderly arrangement of actin and myosin (no striations)

Action potentials of smooth muscle

not always req for contraction

Smooth muscle stimulation overall

ligand binding hormone receptor, metabolite (too many = toxin but can also excite), mechanical stretch- bolus causes excitation for stomach wall to mix and ionic fluxuations, slow wave electrical activity- hormones, environment

No troponin,

Circular Contraction

Smooth muscle stimulation steps

Ca released from SR and Na is inside, Ca also enters from outside cell via Ca channels

inside cells- Ca binds to an adapter protein called Calmodulin --> that attraction activates kinase that phosphorylates --> myosin (light chain) to allow binding with actin

relaxation of smooth muscle

phosphatase breaks PO4 off and myosin head cant engage + Ca ATPase pumps Ca back to whence it came

Cardiac muscle

intermediate, intercalated disks at ends of muscle cells allow for transmission of electrical activity- cardiac muscle acts as syncytium, A

Action potentials of Cardiac muscle

occur spontaneously within pacemaker cells (sincatrical node) cells in R atrium can automatically depolarize, regulated by autonomic nervous system, electrical conduction system of heart (Na at certain points leak into surrounding walls, no T-tubules, yes troponin, two sources of Ca, Ca two sources same as smooth)

Relaxation of cardiac muscle

Ca+ ATPase pump


sporelated, treated with supportive therapy, neurotoxin from clostridium tetani, lockjaw (masseter stronger)

excitory impulses aren't regulated- produces continuous tonic muscle spasms


botulinum toxin produced by clostridium bolulinum, limberneck in poultry

acts on neuromuscular junction- toxin prevents vesicles containing Ach @ synapse from releasing

Rigor/ Rigor Mortis

when most ATP is depleted- myosin heads cant separate from actin and Ca can't be sequestered back into SR by Ca pump --> no relaxation


decrease in ATP availability, function of muscle cell- not due to neurons

increase in I C concentration of metabolites (lactic acid), decrease in pH

Two metabolic pathways to produce ATP- 1.) glycolytic 2.) oxidative

Functions of Nervous System

Regulate movement of body parts, Regulate secretion from glands, Collect info about external and internal environment, Maintaining a state of consciousness, Stimulate behavior for survival

All req. rapid transmission of info

Similarities about nervous and endocrine system

They both monitor stimuli and react so as to maintain homeostasis

Differences about nervous and endocrine system

NS- rapid, fast acting system who effects don't always persevere

ES- acts slower (via blood-borne chemical signals: hormones) and its actions are usual much longer lasting


dendrites + soma = input region, axon = conducting component that can 1 or 1 1/2 meters long ( myelin sheath (sphingomyelin), axon hillock (where it's attached), axon collateral (where it's split), node of Ranvier (has channels too), and axon terminal (secretory output region)

Bipolar neuron

sensory system, one side = dendrites

Pseudo-unipolar neuron

sensory neuron

multipolar neuron

motor neuron

multipolar neuron (with arborization)

purkinje cell from cerebellum


junction between an axon of one neuron with another neuron or another cell type


group of nerve cell bodies (soma) in CNS: cell processes (axons) - tracts


group of nerve cell bodies in PNS + bulge as axons are leaving, cell processes- nerves




star-shaped, abundant, versatile, involved in formation of blood brain barrier


specialized immune cells that act as macrophages of CNS

Ependymal cells

low columnar epithelial-esque cells that line the ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord, some are ciliated which facilitates the movement of CSF

Oligodendrocytes/Schwanna cells (neurolemmocyte)

produce the myelin sheath which provides the electrical insulation for certain neurons in the CNS/PNS

Cerebral cortex

neuronal cell bodies (gray matter) on exterior, basal nuclei, deep subcortical gray matter ( imp. in initiation and maintenance of normal motor activity)

Cerebellum (dorsal)

two lateral hemispheres- median: vermis (resemblance to worm), surface has many laminae: folia, white matter central and gray mater peripheral

function of cerebellum

accurate timing/execution of movements and coordinate muscle activity