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88 Cards in this Set

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purpose of the urinary system
-rids waste materials
-controls volume and composition of bodily fluids
what is a nephron
filtering unit that forms urine
-specialized tubular structure that's closely associated with blood vessels
name the parts of the renal corpuscle
1. bowmans capsule
2. eff/aff arteriole
3. glomerulus
4. capsular space
5. parietal layer
6. visceral layer (podocytes)
what makes up the filtration membrane
1. capillary endothelium
2. basment membrane
3. podocytes
brush border? where is it?
simple cuboidal cells of the PCT that project into the tubule's lumen
what is the juxtamerular appartatus
macula dense and JG cells that respond to osmolarity
-sensitve to BP
epi and permeability of PCT?
simple cuboidal brush border
-lots of microvilli
-highly permeable to water and many solutes
epi and permeability of desc loop of henle
simple squamous
-lack brush borders, reduces SA for reabsorption
-highly permeable to water but NOT solutes
epi and permeability of asc loop of henle an dearly distal convoluted tubulte
cuboidal cells
-fewer, smaller microvilli
-luminal membrane with glycoprotein layer
-highly permeable to solutes (NACl but NOT water)
epi and permeability of late portion of the distal convluted tubule and coritcal colecting ducts
cuboidal cells
principal cells: few microvilli and basal lateral folds that regulate Na and K
-Intercalated cells: secretion of H+ ions for acid base balancing
***permeability to water and solutes is regulated by hormones
medullary collecting ducts epi and permeability
principal cells
few mitochondria
***hormonally regulated permeability to water and urea
podocyte fxn
arm like
form pedicels adn hold membrane to gether when presure is high
passive barrier characteristics based on what
vasorectal BV's fdo what
JM nephrons and aff and eff
-concentrate urine
-take water so you don't destroy hypertonicity
describe ureters
come in at an angle and are surrounded by smooth muscle
how big is a kidney
varies bc of stretching
difference in appearance between cortex and th emedulla
cortex: renal corpuscles, PCT's and DCT's, LOH's of cortical nephrons
medulla: CD's, LOH's of JM nephrons
what does a calyx look like
ducts in epi that drop urine into mino calyx
-hollow tube that funnels urine
how long is a ureter
up to 12"
how big is the bladder
varies by stretching
big as fist
length and trajectory of urethra in males
longer than female, through penis
length and trajectory of urethra in females
shorter, bladder-->out
diff between kidney x-rays with child and adult
child: 2 ureters on each side
adult: left side you couldn't see because of white spots of blockage..kidney stones
describe thymus
shrinks with age
role in development of immune system
islets of langerhans fxn
produce insulin in pancreas
adrenal gladn fxn
produce epi and aldosterone
diff between endocrine and exocrine
endo: directly into blood circ
-can store in cyto or produce on demand
exo: duct system, reaches large duct and goes to target organ
diff between hydrophilic and hydrophobic and release etc
hydrophilic: need to active receptors
phobic: through membrane to blood, take longer b/c they produce on demand
testes fxn
2-3 degrees lower than body temp for spermatozoa
-make testost for spermatazoa and secondary sex char
vas def fxn
epithelial lined
-wraps around ureter and has extension called seminal vesicle which adds fluid
spermatic cord describe and fxn
runs through inguinal canal
-includes vas de, testicular artery and veins
*pampiniform plexu
inguinal canal fxn and describe
where spermatic cord travels
-testes house here before they descend
prostate gland prob
difficulty peeing
seminal vesicle fxn
add fluids
cowpers galdn or bulourethral
adds pre-ejaculatory lubricatn
penis fxn
filled with erective tissue and vascular spaces
epitherlial tissue and smooth muscles
what happens to artery that supplies blood to testes
cooled first by network of veins
hwo is pancreas exo and endo
acini: digestive enzymes
endo(islets)-insulin and glucagon
endocrine organs
1. hypothalamus
2. kidneys/adrenal gland
3. pancreas
4. thyroid
5. thymus gland
6. uterus/ovaries
7. testes
8. pinneal gland
ovary fxn
produce and hold eggs
fallopian tube fxn
where egg gets fertilized
uterus fxn
opening continuous with vag
holds baby, egg implanted into the wall
vagina describe
leads to cervix and uterus
labia majora fxn
skin with hair to protect
labia minora fxn
protect vaginal opening and urethra
broad ligament fxn
attaches all organs
ovarian ligament
holds ovaries in place
round ligament
holds uterus in place
-bent anteriorly
external female genitalia
lab min and major
supportive female strcutes
round broad ovarian ligaments
appearance of spermatic crod
how long is the vas def? texture?
foot and a half, depends on height
how big is the fallopian tube
not very long, wide with finger-like projections
x rays of women
normal: kidneys
abnormal: preg woman with 2kids, can't see anything
6 major anterior pit hormones
GH via somatomedins
2 posterior pit hormones
where are they produced and how do they reach
ADH and oxytocin
from hypo
via axons
hormones that regulate anterior pit and where dot hey comef rom
1. TRH
2. GnRH
3. CRH
5. PIH
6. somatostatins
how does a negative feedback system work
enough...stop producing
too little signal to produce
whole process
1. spermatagonia
2. primary spermatocyte
3. secondary spermatocyte
4. spermatid
5. spermatazoon
sertoli cells are impt why
tight jxns
form blood barrier
prevent antibodies
sperm won't develop w/o them b/c they absorb radiation and nurse
biggest and protected
spermatids do what
transform nuclear material to become sperm
spermiogenesis definition
teh process from spermatid to mature sperm
-part of spermatogenesis
acrosomal cap fxn
enzymes, dissolves to penetrate ovocytes
ABP/FSH thing
sertoli makes ABP and FSH acts on sertoli
-ABP binds testosterone...vascular...seminiferous tubule...
highest testosterone levels are under
FSH influences
androgen binding protein
why do the renal pyramids appear striated
parallel bundles of ducts carrying urine from nephrons
ex of a negative feedback loop in endocrine
rising blood ca acts as a negative feedback to decrease PTH secretion

-blood ca levels control PTH levels
3 hormones involved in regulation of blood ca
3 hormones involved in reg of blood gluc levels
fight flight hormone
scrotum fxn
surround and protect testes
sperm cord
VD, BV's, nerves
epidid fxn
where sperm mature
releasing hormones must come from
vagina epi
simple squamous
difference between posterior pituitary and anterior pituitary
anterior: releasing hormones
-released into cap plexus into sinusoids
-activates cells on surface

posterior: store hormones at axon terminal
-neuronal activation releases hormones directly
-AP's start in hypothalamus and trigger exocytosis
chain of events to hormone
1. cns/hypo
2. pit gland
3. target organ
4. hormone
fxn of lam prop in oviduct
nourish and secrete into lumen for development of fertilized ovum
what is special about uterine wall
can increase in size and #
describe proliferative phase
like ovary's follicular
describe secretory phase and saw tooth glands
LH influencers
trying to create an implantable envt.
saw tooth: up in size and # to increase secretions and SA
cortisol describe and membrane
steroid from cholesterol
-can go through membranes so adrenal gland releases and synthesizes it on demand based on ACTH release
what activates the adrenal medulla
sympathetic NS
-ACTH on surface of cell
-pregang symp nerves directly activate
granulosa cell fxn
create and produce estrogen from androgen
-grow aroudn oocyte
ovulation sees surge in and what happens
granulosa get released into cavity
what replaces corp lut with preg