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31 Cards in this Set

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Nervous System Function
1. transmit signals
2. analyze signals
3. respond
Sense receptors
picks up a signal from outside of the body, changes it to an chemical or electrical signal, and relays it to the central nervous system
Effector (muscles/glands)
The muscle that effects the action
Sensory Neuron
Picks up stimulation from outside of the body and relays it to the central nervous system
Inter-inside the body
Neuron-relays signals
Interneuron-the signal is coming from INSIDE the body and going to another place inside the body (communication occurs only between neurons)--the signal is going to remain inside the central nervous system
Motor Neuron
Brings a signal from the central nervous system to a muscle for action
Reflex of Arc-involuntary response
The path a nerve impulse takes during a reflex action.

1. receptor
2. sensory neuron
3. interneuron
4. motor neuron
5. effector
Examples of Reflexes
Initial Response
Initial Response-a sensory receptor is triggered by something dangerous, triggers a reflex arc (sharp, hot), the reflex allows you to pull your foot away)
Examples of Reflexes
Secondary Response
Interneuron response during which spinal cord interneurons that receive sensory impulses connect with other neurons leading to the brain. After the foot is snatched away, the brain knows, and you might say "ouch!"
Anatomy of a neuron
Axon terminals
Cell Body
Myelin Sheath
Schwan's Cell
Picks up the signal
What the signal travels through
Axon Terminal
Where the signal travels through the neuron and where the synapse occurs
Contains nucleus, which contains DNA (same as cell body)
Myelin Sheath
Wraps around axon and makes transmission of signal faster
Axon terminal
Transmits the electrochemical signal across the synapse
Pathway messages
sent through the neuron
Chemicals/molecules that travel across the synapse to bring the signal from one axon terminal to the next dendrite
fluid filled space between each neuron along a nerve pathway--where signals crosses
The effects of stimulants and deppressants on nervous system
they interfere with neurotransmitters
stimulants-make receptors more likely to react
depressants-make receptors less likely to react
Frontal Lobe
Controls higher order thinking and behavior, part of the cerebrum, controls complicated thinking, muscle movements, judgments, emotions
Parital Lobe
Controls sensory stuff: sense of touch and proprieception (understanding where you are in space)
Temporal Lobe
At your temples--auditory (hearing)--language and speech reception
Back of the brain-vision
Controls motor memory--balance, posture, and keeps heart and lungs working
Mood, body temperature, hormones, and pace of growing, and maturing associated with puberty
Pituitary Gland
Hormonal processing, physical maturation, sexual function
Medulla Oblongata
Most impotant part of the brain--cardiac and resperatory function (heart and lungs)
Right Hemisphere
controls left side of the body-motion, nonverbal information, communicating emotions, spacial relationships (how to fit a square block into a square hole)
Left hemisphere
controls right side of the body and allows you to produce and understand language
An important adaptation for surivival...
1. Couldn't respond to external environment (wouldn't know how to pull away from fire, that your arm was broken)

2. Couldn't control own bodily actions (how much pressure you use to pick something up)