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70 Cards in this Set

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Name the ligaments of the lateral ankle, with their attachments.
3 lateral ankle ligaments:

Anterior Talofibular lig.
Posterior Talofibular lig.
Calcaneofibular ligament
Name the ligaments of the medial ankle, with their attachments.
4 medial DELTOID ankle ligaments:

2 Deep ligaments:
Anterior Tibiotalar lig.
Posterior Tibiotalar lig.

2 Superficial ligament bands:
TibioNavicular band
TibioCalcaneal band
What bones articulate at the ankle joint ?
The distal tibia and distal fibula both articulate with the superior surface of the talus.
Palpate the talus on live model
Identify on your model the lateral collateral ankle ligaments
Identify on available models the: Soleal Line, Trochlea Surface of Talus, Medial and Lateral Malleoli
Palpate on your live model:
Medial border of tibia
Sustentaculum Tali
Navicular Tuberosity
Styloid Process
Ankle joint line
What dermatome covers the lateral leg region ?
Dermatome for the lateral leg is L5.
What is a dermatome ?
A dermatome is an area of skin supplied by one spinal nerve through both its rami.
How would you assess Tibialis Posterior strength ? What type of contraction is this ?
Invert foot against resistance, with foot in slight plantarflexion. If normal, then the tendon will be seen posterior to lateral malleolus.
Identify the Deep Peroneal Nerve on the lower limb models.
The Deep Peroneal Nerve innervates the muscles of the Anterior Compartment of the leg.
Demonstrate the full range of AROM and PROM for ankle DORSIFLEXION.
What is the close-packed position of the ankle ?
The close-packed position of the ankle joint is in maximum dorsiflexion. This is because the talus is wider anteriorly than posteriorly.
State the muscles of the Anterior Compartment of the Leg, giving their origins and insertions.
Anterior Compartment of Leg:

Tibialis Anterior
O=Lateral condyle, Upper 2/3rds of lateral tibia & interosseous membrane
I=Medial side of Medial Cuneiform & Base of 1st Met

Extensor Hallucis Longus
O=(between TibAnt and EDL) Middle half of anterior fibual & Interosseous membrane
I=Base of distal phalanx, dorsal aspect

Extensor Digitorum Longus
O=Upper 2/3rds of anterior fibula, reaching upwards to lateral tibial condyle
I=Base of middle and distal phalanges of toes 2-5

Peroneus Tertius
O=Front of lower quarter of fibula
I=Medial and dorsal shaft of 5th metatarsal
Give the origin and insertion of Tibialis Anterior
Tibialis Anterior
O=Lateral condyle, Upper 2/3rds of lateral tibia & interosseous membrane
I=Medial side of Medial Cuneiform & Base of 1st Met
Origin and insertion of Extensor Hallucis Longus
Extensor Hallucis Longus
O=(between TibAnt and EDL) Middle half of anterior fibual & Interosseous membrane
I=Base of distal phalanx, dorsal aspect
Origin and insertion of Extensor Digitorum Longus
Extensor Digitorum Longus
O=Upper 2/3rds of anterior fibula, reaching upwards to lateral tibial condyle
I=Base of middle and distal phalanges of toes 2-5
State the muscles of the Lateral Compartment of the Leg, their origins and insertions.
Peroneus Longus
O=Head of fibula & lateral 2/3rds of shaft
I=Base of 1st Met & Medial Cuneiform

Peroneus Brevis
O=Lower 2/3rds of lateral fibula
I=Base of 5th Met, dorsal aspect
Which muscle lies deep to which ? Peroneus Brevis and Peroneus Longus ?
Peroneus Brevis lies deep to Peroneus Longus.
What nerve innervates the muscles of the lateral leg ?
Lateral leg muscles are innervated by the Superficial Peroneal Nerve.
State the muscles of the Deep Posterior Compartment of the Leg, their origins and insertions.
Deep posterior leg:

Tibialis Posterior
O=Upper half of lateral tibia, Interosseous membrane & posterior fibula
I=Plantar surfaces of all tarsal bones (except Talus), Sustentaculum Tali and middle 3 Mets.

Flexor Hallucis Longus
O=Lower 2/3rds of posterior fibula & adjacent Interosseous membrane
I=Base of distal hallux (plantar surface)

Flexor Digitorum Longus
O=Middle, medial posterior tibial shaft
I=Bases of distal phalanges 2-5
State the muscles of the Superficial Posterior Compartment of the Leg, their origins and insertions
Superficial posterior leg:

O=Lowest part of lateral supracondylar ridge
I=(either) Tendocalcaleus or medial side of posterior calcaneal surface

O=(wishbone shape) posterior Tibia soleal line to head of fibula, & upper third of fibula

O=Medial and lateral condyles of femur (medial supracondylar ridge/popliteal surface)(outer surface of lateral condyle of femur)
Name the ankle joint FLEXORS
Ankle joint flexors:
Plantaris, Tibialis Posterior,
Flexor Digitorum Longus, Flexor Hallucis Longus, Soleus, Gastrocnemius, Peroneus Brevis, Peroneus Longus
Name the ankle joint EXTENSORS
Ankle joint extensors:
Tibialis Anterior, Extensor Digitorum Longus, Extensor Hallucis Longus, Peroneus Tertius
Name the ankle joint EVERTORS
Ankle joint evertors:
Peroneus Longus, Peroneus Brevis, Peroneus Tertius
Name the ankle joint INVERTORS
Ankle joint invertors:
Tibialis Anterior, Tibialis Posterior
Name the muscles that specifically extend the toes
Toe extensors:
Extensor Hallucis Longus, Extensor Digitorum Longus
Name the muscles that specifically flex the toes
Toe flexor muscles:
Flexor Digitorum Longus, Flexor Hallucis Longus,
State the origin and insertion of Popliteus muscle
O=Popliteal groove on lateral condyle of femur
I=(triangular area) on posterior tibia, above the soleal line
What is the action of Popliteus ?
When the foot is planted, popliteus laterally rotates the femur on the fixed tibia. This unlocks the knee joint at the start of flexion.
What nerve innervates the anterior compartment ?
Anterior compartment is innervated by the Deep Peroneal nerve.
What nerve innervates the lateral compartment ?
Lateral compartment is innervated by the Superficial Peroneal Nerve.
What nerve innervates the posterior compartment of the leg ?
The Tibial nerve innervates the posterior compartment of the leg.
True/False: the tendon of origin of Popliteus enters the knee joint capsule and is connected to the lateral meniscus.
True - Popliteus arises on the popliteal groove, and has a connection to the lateral meniscus.
Distinguish ankle dorsiflexion from inversion of the foot.
Identify the tendons of the anterior compartment muscles.
Look down at your own anterior ankle.
From medial to lateral the tendons are:
Tibialis Anterior
Extensor Hallucis Longus
Extensor Digitorum Longus
To what does the Spring Ligament attach ?
Spring ligament (AKA Plantar Calcaneonavicular ligament) forms a "socket" for the head of the Talus.

It runs from the Navicular to the Sustentaculum Tali.
Find the muscle belly of Soleus on the live model.
Soleus muscle belly is the widest part of the posterior calf, found medially and laterally to the gastrocnemius tendon.
The ankle joint allows movement in --- plane, the -------- plane.
Ankle joint movement is in one plane, the sagittal plane only.
What are normal ranges of movement for ankle dorsiflexion and plantarflexion ?
Normal dorsiflexion = 15 degrees

Normal plantarflexion = 40 degrees
Demonstrate CONCENTRIC contraction of the ankle flexors.
Rising onto toes/demipointe.
Demonstrate ECCENTRIC contraction of the ankle flexors.
From demi-pointe, lowering heels to the ground.
Demonstrate ISOMETRIC contraction of the ankle flexors.
Maintaining position on demi-pointe.
Demonstrate CONCENTRIC contraction of the ankle extensors.
Model seated on couch, leg straight in front of her, bringing toes towards her against resistance of my hand.
Demonstrate ECCENTRIC contraction of the ankle extensors.
Demonstrate ISOMETRIC contraction of ankle extensors.
Please activate the peroneal muscles on your model.
Ask model to dorsiflex and evert foot, against resistance of hand.
Explain where you would locate the Dorsalis Pedis pulse. What artery is this a branch of ?
Dorsalis Pedis pulse is on dorsum of foot lateral to cuneiform bones and the base of the first Met.

Dorsalis Pedis is a branch of the Anterior Tibial Artery.
Palpate the Posterior Tibial Artery.
Posterior Tibial Artery is within the Tarsal Tunnel on the medial ankle, palpate mid-way along a line between the medial malleolus and the "corner angle" of the heel.
Where would you locate the Tarsal Tunnel, and what structures would you find within it ?
Tarsal Tunnel runs posterior to the medial malleolus. The tendons of the ankle flexors, the posterior tibial artery and the tibial nerve all pass through it. The Flexor Retinaculum is the "side wall" of the tunnel, attaching to the medial aspect of the posterior calcaneus and the medial malleolus.
At what joint does inversion/eversion occur ?
At the subtalar joint.
What structures assist in venous return from the foot ?
The Triceps Surae muscles together act as a venous pump for the Deep Anterior Tibial Vein of the leg.
Describe the venous drainage system in the lower limb.
2 systems of venous drainage in lower limb. Deep vein - anterior tibial vein within Triceps Surae --> Popliteal Vein --> Femoral Vein.

Superficial Veins: Dorsal Venous Arch feeds Great Saphenous Vein (medially) & Small Saphenous Vein (laterally). SSV-->Popliteal Vein (becomes) Femoral Vein.
What is the nerve root for the Sciatic Nerve ?
Sciatic nerve root is L4,L5,S1-3
What type of joint is the ankle ?
The ankle is a synovial hinge joint.
List the features of synovial joints that can be found in the ankle joint ? Which of these features are constant components and which are optional ?
Synovial joint characteristics:

Joint capsule (constant)
Synovial membrane (constant)
Articular cartilage (constant)
Accessory structures (optional)
Describe the articular surfaces of the talocrural joint.
Ankle articulation is between

distal tibia-superior talus
distal fibula-lateral talus
The short plantar ligament runs from the ------- -------- to the ------.
plantar calcaneus to the cuboid
The Long Plantar Ligament runs from the ------- --------- to the ------, plus three slips to the bases of metatarsals 3-5.
plantar calcaneus to the cuboid
Name one function of the short and long plantar ligaments
The short and long plantar ligaments both support the lateral longitudinal arch of the foot.
What muscles form a sling under the foot, and where do they both attach ?
The Tibialis Anterior and Peroneus Longus muscles both attach to the base of the 1st Met, and the Medial Cuneiform.
True/false ? - the Plantar Aponeurosis is superficial to the short and long plantar ligaments.
Where does the cervical ligament arise and attach ?
The Cervical ligament extends from the inferior aspect of the talar neck, across the Sinus Tarsi, to the dorsum of the neck of the calcaneus.
What type of joints are the proximal and distal Tibiofibular joints ?
The Proximal Tibiofibular joint is a Plane Synovial joint.

The Distal Tibiofibular joint is a Fibrous joint (syndesmosis).
The Tarsal Tunnel contains what ?
Tendons of all deep flexors, posterior tibial artery and tibial nerve.
The Superficial Peroneal nerve and Deep Peroneal Nerve are both branches of which nerve ?
Superficial and Deep Peroneal Nerves are both branches of the Sciatic Nerve. They arise from the Common Peroneal Nerve.
Describe the positions of the ankle retinacula, and the structures to which they attach.
Superior Extensor Retinaculum (joins the malleoli)

Inferior Extensor Retinaculum (Y-shaped, runs from calcaneus to plantar aponeurosis/medial tibia & talus)

Medial: Flexor Retinaculum (tibia & talus to calcaneus)

Lateral: 2 Peroneal Retinacula (the Superior joins fibula to calc, Inferior straps peroneal tendons to calcaneus)
How many ankle retinacula are there, and what is the function of each group ?
5 retinacula in total.

Peroneal Retinacula stabilise the peroneals.
Extensor Retinacula prevent extensor tendons from bowing away from dorsum of foot.
Flexor Retinaculum forms the side of the Tarsal Tunnel.
Which of the peroneal tendons is superior to which, as they pass across the lateral ankle ?
The Brevis tendon is aBove
the Longus tendon is beLow
If the ankle is forcibly everted, which ligament could be injured ?
the deltoid ligament will be injured in forcible eversion