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29 Cards in this Set

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Beef catte provide how many jobs in the US
1 mil direct jobs and 2 mil related positions
beef cattle as food
75m people eat beef every day
6.5 bil serving of beef served in restaurants each year
beef cattle numbers
top 10 producing states hold 57.94% of the cattle
texas #1 in beef cows
101.8m cattle in US
one steer provides ___ servings of beef
how many head in average herd
texas production
#1 in beef cows
#2 nebraska, kansas, oklahoma
14.39% of nations totl cattle
over 185,000 ranches cattlemen and farmers
129 million acres for ranching
how many countries have beef cattle production
all 254 countries.
45 countries have dairy herds of 500+
___% of cattle operation have less than 100 head of cattle and ___% have less than 50 head.
Beef cattle production chart
seedstock breeders> purebred commercial > backgrounders stockers growers > feedlots > packers processors > retailers restaurants > consumers
cow-calf production
cows an heifers mated to bulls
produce calf crop
commercial or purebred breeders
commercial producers
raise steers and heifers sold at weaning
destined to become slaughter animals
purebred breeders
specialize in seedstock production
destined to be part of breeding herd
produce bulls for AI purposes
stocker operations
feed cattle roughages from weaning to feedlot
replacement heifers
feedlot production
feed high concentrate in confinement
sold to meat processor
2 types: commercial (40k to 100k herd) and farmer-feeder (less than 1k head - accounts for %30 of feedlot cattle in US)
bovine spongiform encephalopathy
mad cow disease
degeneration in the brain and spinal cord
4 year incubation period
in humans called creutfield-jakobs disease
first US outbreak dec 29 2003
US beef exports dropped dramatically
consequences of BSE
meat and bone meal banned in 1997
remove brain and spinal cord at harvest
combination tattoo and ear tag
tattoo in ear
tag in ear
hot or fire branding
oldest and most permanent methods of identification
electronic ear tag
traces point of origin
computer reads tags
can identify origin of a disease during outbreak
most costlyq
why castrate bull
makes them more docile
steers finish sooner bc fat disposition occurs faster
carcass has more marbling
prevents masculinity
prevents mating
when to castrate bull
any age up to 12 months, best 2-4 months
crushes spermatic cord
clip one at a time
no infection-prevents screwworm
elastrator (rubber rings)
birth-4 months
rubber ring placed on scrotum above testes
less infection, less pain
higher possibility of tetanus
fall off in 3-4 weeks
prolonged stress
open wound castration
3-4+ months
knife: jagged cut with less bleeding
emasculator: holds spermatic cord to prevent further bleeding
acute stress
why dehorn cattle
prevents bruising
feed more conveniently
can be trucked housed and fed together
hot iron dehorning
3-6 weeks of age
iron heated dull red, moved in circular motion
barnes dehorner
scoop out horn bud
2-6 months
saw dehorning
removing large horns
implanting cattle
steroids into ears to increase ADG
groth increases 6-30%