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133 Cards in this Set

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What is are some examples of direct integrating systems?
Gap junctions, cell adhesions, and tight junctions.
What role do direct integrating systems play?
ions increase in one cell can be tranported through connexins, or tranpsorted through cAMP. Can go directly from cyplasmic contact to the outside environment.
How does paracrine and autocrine signalling work?
through extra cellular fluid. signaling to nearby cells. I.E. cytokines and eicosonoids -- cause pain
What is the difference between endocrine glands and exocrine glands?
Endocrine glands are ductless and exocrine secrete outside the body, like pheramones.
What are some characteristics of a hydrophilic chemical messenger?
Must have a special transporter, therefore packed in intracellular vesicles and released via exocitosis, otherwise would dissolve in the Extracellular fluid. Has transmembrane receptor and is fast acting.
What are some characteristics of a hydrophobic chemical messenger?
Only synthesized on demand, thus it is slower to transport and diffuse. Short distances can travel alone, but long distances need a carrier protein.
Peptide messengers
Released by exocitosis; made in rough ER; packed into vesicles. I.E. Vasopresin (ADH)
Steroid Messengers
Made from cholesterol. Hormones, autocrine, paracrine, carrier because hydrophobic.
Biogenic amines
Neurotransmitters NH2, C, also paracrine, dopamine, thyroid hormone,
Paracrine and NT, eicosanoids -- pain reception
What chemical messengers aid in blocking pain?
leukotrienes and prostoglandings which are lipid based.
adenosine, AMP, ATP, guanine,, nucleotides, NT neuromodulators, paracrine.
Adenosine prompts what?
Calming in the brain
NO, NT Nueromodulator and paracrine. Vessel dialator via smooth muscle relaxation.
How do ligand-receptor interactions control communications?
The presence of a receptor determines the cellular response. If there is no extyson receptor on a cell then it doesnt matter how much ectysone is present, the cell won't respond.
How do agonists work?
Binding of a ligand to a receptor activates the receptor. Upregulating and down regulating is important for amplification for example caffeine binds to adenosine receptor --> and inhibits it.
How do antagonists work?
binding of a ligand to a receptor does nota ctivate the receptor --> for example, heroin downregulates receptors in order to try and maintain homeostasis.
Large proteins composed of several domains one will be the lgand binding domain
there can be one or two different forms of a receptor.
When one hormone amplifies the effect of another one
when one hormone opposes the effect of another one
presence of one hormone is required for the second to act
What are some effects of chronic stress?
muscle wasting and hypertension, atrophy of neurons in hippocampus, which can cause decrease in memory and cognistion, can decrease reproduction.
Describe the effect that glucocorticoids have on seasonal variance.
Increase during breeding season and required for some behaviors. Glucocorticoids can modify behavior.
What is the primary role for glucocorticoids?
Prime the immune system and nervous system in anticipation for stressors
Explain the scientific method.
Observations, hypothesis, experiment, predictions, results, support/reject hypothesis.
Describe the basic neural circuit
Sensory input, integration, output, response.
What are the two ways to control the nervous system?
sequential control, feedback control; sensory and endocrine work together to control cell and animal function and ensure smooth and coordinated response.
What is the most primitive nervous system?
Jellyfish, they have a nerve net, no brain.
What type of nervous system to flat worms have?
Primitive brain and a nerve cord
The PNS is split into what two branches?
Afferent sensory neurons and efferent motor neurons.
What are afferent neurons?
Sensory neurons, going toward the brain.
What are efferent neurons?
motor neurons, going away from the brain.
The CNS is split into what two branches?
somatic and autonomic
The autonomic system is split into what two branches, and what do they mean?
Sympathetic "fight or flight" and Parasympathetic "rest and digest"
What does the neuron doctrine state?
Neurons are discrete cells, not meshwork. Basically, one neuron is one cell.
neuron receptor
neuron body
neuron joint
end of the neuron
cells that surround nervous tissue
cells that glue neurons
What are the four types of neuroglia?
astrocytes, microglial cells (only located in the brain for an immune response), shwann cells (increase condictivity), and oligodendrocytes
Unipolar neurons
CNS, inverts, 1 process
sensory, 2 processes
CNS, invetebrates, many axons and dendrites 3 + processes.
net movement of charge
separation of positive and negative charges
inverts of voltage -- descrives how current flow is limited
Charge rules
carried by ions, opposite charges attract, energy required to keep them apart and overall positive and negative charges are equal in the body.
What in the body is a natural insulator and what is a natural conductor?
Pohspholipid bilayer is a natural insulator but water and ion channels are good conductors.
Ohm's Law
I=V/R, where I=current, V=Potential Difference in volts, and R=Resistance. If R is high, then charge separation is great.
Resting membrane potential
inside of membrane is negative
change in membrane potential such that positive is on the inside and negative on the outside. The voltage is zero.
knowcks out Na+/K+ ATPas that is maintaining resting membrane potential
slight overcompensation for an action potential
Nerst Equation
E=RT/zF logCout/Cin E=voltage potential R=gas constant T=temperature F=farrdale constant z=valence
refractory period
no other action potential can occur
What is responsible for the resting membrane potential?
Mainly the K+ ion gradient -- equilibrium occurs when electrical force exactly balances chemical force of an ion
recovery phase
voltage-gated channels still open, working on closing, leaky Na+ channels still open.
What are the channels doing during a resting membrane potential?
PK>PNa; The K+ leak channel is leaky, the voltage gated Na+ and K+ channels are both closed.
What are the channels doing during the rising phase of an action potential?
PNa>PK; The K+ leak channel is leaky, voltage-gated Na+ channel is open allowing Na+ into the cell, voltage gated K+ channel is closed.
What are the channels doing during the falling phase of an action potential?
AKA refractory, PK>PNa; The K+ leak channel is leaky, the voltage-gated Na+ channel is inactivated and the voltage-gated K+ opens to release K+ out of the cell.
What are the channels doing during the recover phase of an action potential?
PK>PNa; Everything moves toward an equilibrium. The K+ leak channel is leaky, the voltage-gated Na+ channel is closed, and the voltage-gated K+ channel allows K+ to move freely toward an equilibrium.
What is a graded potential?
Small stimuli that don't reach action potential
What is the importance of a refractory period?
prevents re-excitation of the cell, prevents bi-drectional firing, prevents continual firing.
What affects conductivity?
Axon length (longer the faster), myelination, and temperature.
What are the importance of synapses?
They are similar to gap junctions, they cause no delay, and they are found in nervous systems where speed is important.
What are some responses of a chemical synapse?
Fast, slow, excititory, inhibitory, one-way signaling, amplify signaling.
Describe the release of a neurotransmitter
presynaptic cell (neuron) stimulates a post-synaptic cell (muscle cell, or another neuron) via membrane depolarization. This triggers voltage-gate sodium channels to open, and since Ca2++ is low on the inside, high on the outside, it triggers exocytosis of the neurotransmitters. Neurotrsmitter receptor and receptor number are important!
tags vesicles for re-uptake
connects two axons via schwann cells, eveloping the axons of the neurons
act as metabolic intermediaries between capilaries of neurons -- take up neruotransmitters in intercellular space.
microglial cells
aid in immune responses in neural tissue and may act as phagocytes
properties exhibited due to the insulating properties of the lipid bilayer.
Passive electrical properties
cconditions in which the membrane resistance does not change--govern how voltages change over space and time along neuronal axons. Don't explain generation of action potentials.
Resting Membrane potential
polarity is negative on the inside of the membrane compared to the positive outside charge.
Membrane Resistance
The Positive and negative charges aligning the membrane cause a resistance of ions to pass freely through the membrane
decrease in absolute value of membrane potential toward zero (becomes less negative inside the cell)
Increase in the aboslute value of membrane potential away from zero (becomes more negative inside the cell)
passive spread/electrotinic conduction
voltage change decreases exxponentially with distance from the source producing it.
Electrochemical equilibrium
reacheced when the tendency for K+ ions to diffuse out of the cell is exactly blaanced by their tendency to move in
Function of Na+/K+ ATPase Pump
Actively transports Na+ out of the cell and K+ into it because Na+ leaks into the cell and K+ leaks out of it. 3 Na+ ions for every 2 K+ ions. Makes inside more negative. This produces outward ionic current.
Gibbs-Donnian Equilibrium
Cl- ions are in passive equilibrium although they are more concentrated outside of the cell.
ionic hypothesis
concentrations of ions inside and outside a cell are maintained in a steady state by a mixture of active-transport processes and passive transport processes
electroneutral pump
equal quantities of charge inward and outward across a membrane
electrogenic pump
unequal quantities of charges inward and outward across a membrane
Action potential
Mementary reversal of membrane portential from about -65 mV (inside negative) to about +40 mV (inside positive) that last about 1 ms, followed by resoration of original membrane potential.
Voltage threshold
critical value of depolarization that allow AP to occur.
what do action potentials result from?
intense, localized increases in permeabilites to specific ions, increases that are both voltage and tine-dependenct. Permeability increases are selective for specific ions, Sodium and potassium
Why do action potentials not greatly interfere with ion concentrations?
Action potentials require a very small concentration of ions, also the Na+/K+ pump maintains a constant ratio of ions within the cell. Presumably, their firing rates will not excede the limit of the Na+/K+ ATPase pump.
nonspiking neurons
neurons that produce only graded membrane potential changes in response to a stimulus or synaptic input because they lack voltage-gated sodium channels. these include photoreceptors, bipolar cells, and horizolntal cells of the vertebre and retina.
pacemaker potentials
some cells are spontaneously active, generating action potentials without depolarization of another cell. vertebrate cardiac muscle fibers, I.e. depolarization ramps another action potential
Form channels from postsynaptic cell and presynaptic cll that connect the cytoplasm. Consist of 6 connexins. Exist in electrical synapses
synaptic vessicles
store neurotransmitters
How do chemical synapses work?
presynaptic neuron releases neurotransmitter molecules in response to an arriving AP. Neurotransmitter is synthesized in presynaptic neuron and stored in synaptic vesicles until release. Neurotransmitter is released by calcium dependent exocytosis-fusion of the synaptic vesicles to the presynaptic membrane. The rleased neurotransmitter molecules bind to treceptor proteins embedded in the postsynamptic membrane. Neurotransmitter receptors are transmembrane proteins that are effectors for change in the postsynaptic cell, usually producing a change in post synaptic membrane potential.
Ioinotropic receptors
Work fast to change membrane potentials. Single molecule constitutes both the receptor and athe ion channel. Receptors bind and neurotransmitter they open to allow ion flow.
Metabotropic receptors
produce metabolic change in the postsynaptic cell. Slow, long-lasting modulatory effects on synaptic processes.
What are some advantaged to chemical synapses?
Amplify current flow, can be excitatory or inhibitory, one-way flow, much more modifiable in their properties.Use makes them stronger, disuse makes them weaker.
synaptic potential
transitory, graded change in the resting potential of the membrane of the synapse. Can cause excititory or inhibitory responses.
spatial summation
simultaneously occurring EPSPs produced by different nerves
Neuronal integtration
neruon's output is not the same as its input, instead an integral function of that input--resulting from spatial and temoral summation of EPSP and IPSPs
Describe how a neuromuscular junction works
Each muscle fiber is innervated by only one motor neuron. Functions as relay synap;se: Each action potential in the motor neuron evokes large EPSP in the muscle fiber, which reaches threshold and elicits anaction potential in the muscle. Muscle fiber AP propagates to all parts of muscle fiber, depolarizing its membrane and triggering contraction.
In a synapse, why do ligand-gated channels open?
In response to a neurotransmitter rather than in response to depolarization.
only synaptic, voltage independent, not regenerative, not all-or-none, and not propogated.
What are the two major differences between neuronal and neuromuscular EPSPs?
Glutamate is common in CNS rather than ACh and neuromuscular junctions are much larger than neuronal junctions, therefore they release much more neurotransmitter.
What is the difference between an IPSP and EPSP
one is inhibiting and one is excititory, EPSP is hyperpolarizing and EPSP is typically depolarizing. IPSP result from CL- ions.
What is the role of presynaptic depolarization?
trigger Ca2+ entry
What is the role of Ca2+ in a synapse?
Aids in the secretion of the neurotransmitter
packets of neurotransmitters that are released from synapse
detaches vesicle from cytoskeletin in order to migrate toward lipid bilayer
promotes reuptake of vesicles
Dale's principle
A neuron releases usually only releases one neurotransmitter at all it's synapses, however, few exceptions exist. They do, however, respond to multiple neurotransmitters.
Five criteria to be a neurotransmitter
Located at presynaptic terminal, released upon repsynaptic stimulation, mimic the effects of presynaptic stimulation, there should exist a mechanism for removal, effect of drugs.
What are some broad generalizations about neurotransmitters and their general modes of action?
Most synapses in the CNS use amino acid neurotransmitters.Biogenic amines are found in relatively few neurons, but these neurons have widely projecting endings (slow).. Peptides are present in substantial minorities and can be co-released.
How are neurotransmitters terminated?
reuptake and enzymatic digestion
ionotropic receptors
produce effects directly ; neurotransmitter produces effect directly dthrough ligand gated channel; nicotonic
metabotropic receptor
initiates metabolic cascade and typically act to increase the concentration of a second messenger.
synaptic current
sum of the net ionic currents through all of the activated receptors
G-protein coupled receptor
activated membrane proteins called G proteins, Initiate metabolic cascades.
Presynaptic inhibition
specific inhibitory interaction in which one axon terminal ends on another axon terminal and causes a decrease in the amount of neurotransmitter that the second terminal releases per action potential. More common than post-synaptic inhibition
synaptic plasticity
changes in synaptic strength over time
Synaptic facilitation
increase in amplitude of postysynaptic potentials in response to successive presynaptic impulces
decrease in intensity of a reflex response
prolonged enhancement of a reflex response to a stimulus when the stimulus is presented repeatedly
Long-term potentiation
long--lasting enhancement of synaptic transmission following intense stimulation -- involves changes in synapse strength. necessary component of learning.
rhabdomeric photoreceptors
collections of microvilli that increase the membrane surface area in order to sense vomeronasal organ
vomeronasal organ
receptor molecules are located in microvilli on a secondary epithelium
How are sensory cells replaced?
The nerve cells stimulates growth and renewal every 3 months or so
Steroid Hormones
Synthesized from cholesterol. I.E> AGonads and adrenal cortex secrete steroid hormones
Peptide or protein hormones
ADH, insulin, GH
Amine hormones
EP, Norepinephrine, and dopamine.
How are steroid hormone synthesized
On demand from cholesterol