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40 Cards in this Set

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What are the core vaccines for felines?
What are the non-core vaccines for felines?
-FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus)
-FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency virus)
-FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis
What is the purpose of having core and non-core vaccines?
-Core vaccines are recommended for all cats where-as non-core vaccines are optional. This lowers the incidence of vaccine associated fibrosarcomas which are +/- 30% fatal.
What is the etiology of feline respiratory disease (4)?
-Feline Rhinotracheitis Virus (FRV), feline herpesvirus
-Feline Calicivirus (FCV)
-Chlamydia psittaci
-mycoplasma spp.
What are four pathogenesis traits?
-feline herpesvirus and calicivirus account for about 80% of respiratory disease
-shed in ovular, nasal, and pharyngeal secretions
-direct contact, fomites
-carrier states
What are two carrier states of feline respiratory disease?
-both FRV and FCV have persistently infected carriers/shedders that maintain infection in groups of cats
-theswe shedders may or may not be clinically ill
What are 7 clinical signs of FRV?
-begins with intermittent sneezing that becomes paroxysmal
-ocular and nasal discharge
-oral ulcers
What are the clinical signs of FCV (5)?
*Signs generally more variable and less severe:
-oral lesions
What therapy is given to prevent feline respiratoy disease?
How can this be prevented?
-antibiotics (tetracycline and amoxacillin)
+kennel management
How can you diagnose feline respiratory disease?
-history and physical exam
-virus isolation
What are two types of feline viral neoplasia?
What is the etiology of feline leukemia virus ?
What are 5 ways of pathogenesis in FeLV?
-most prevalent cause of severe illness and death in cats
-transmission primarily via saliva and respiratory secretions
-continuous viral shedding by viremic cats
-virus dies in 24 hours in environment
-easily killed by heat, drying, soaps, and disinfectants
-virus goes to bone marrow to infect hematopoeitic precursor cells
What are three general signs of FeLV?
-neoplastic disease
-bone marrow suppression syndromes
-How can you diagnose FeLV?
-clinical signs
-laboratory using immunofluorescence, virus isolation, in-house testing
How do you treat a can with FeLV?
-chemotherapy which has only a 5 month remission span
How can you prevent FeLV?
-vaccinate in negative cats only
*vaccine may not be completely effective
What is the persentage rate of contraction of FeLV?
-10-15% chance if exposed to a FeLV+ cat for more than several months
What is the etiology of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)?
-subgroup lentivirus (human HIV)
-What are 4 pathogenesis keys?
-transmission primarily from the bite of an infected cat
-possible sexual transmission
-transmission to nursing kittens
-causes T cell supression; decreased macrophage activity
What are the two stages of cinical signs for FIV?
-initial acute stage
-latent stage
What happens during the initial acute stage of FIV(3)?
-general lymphadenopathy
What occurs during the latent stage of FIV(10)?
-weight loss
-chronic upper respiratory disease
-chronic conjunctivitis
-behavioral changes
-psychotic behavior
What are 4 ways to diagnose FIV?
-virus isolation
-in house test (combined with FeLV test)
What therapy can be given for FIV?
How can it be prevented?
-no listed therapy
-spay/neuter and vaccine will hopefully work
What is the etiology of Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP)?
*Remember Crickets Scare!
-unstable and short lived outside host
What are three pathogenesis of FIP?
-infection via ingestion/inhalation (must be close however)
-spread to organs via blood stream
-deposition of Ag/Ab complexes damages blood vessels (allows fluid to leak out into tissues)
What are five clinical signs of FIP?
-seen primarily in young cats (3-4years typically)
-acute or gradual onset
-wet/effusive form
-dry/non-effusive form
-almost always fatal!
What occurs in the wet form of FIP?
+How about dry form?
-accumulation of fluid mostly in abdominal cavity
-death in 5-7 weeks
+insidiuous onset of weight loss, depression, anemia, fever
How can you diagnose FIP?
-clinical signs
-evaluation of effusive fluid
What therapy can be given for FIP cats?
How can it be prevented?
-no therapy, invariably fatal
-no vaccine available
What is the etiology of Feline Panleukopenia Virus (FPV)?
-"Feline Distemper"
What are 4 pathogenesis items of FVP?
-virus can survive up to one year out of host, fomites
-very resistant and extremely stable
-transmission via direct contact with infected cats or secretions
-virus requires rapidly multiplying cells for successful infection
Which secretions carry FPV?
-all secretions
Where can you find rapidly multiplying cells for FVP to attack?
-bone marrow
-lymphoid organs
What are the clinical signs of FPV?
-most common are subclinical due to appropriate immune response
-severe illness in young unvaccinated kittens (3-5 months)
-fever (104-107), depression, anorexia, vomiting, dehydration, abdominal pain, weakness, semi-coma
*cats surviving longer than 5 days typically recover over several weeks
How can you diagnose FPV?
-clinical signs
-laboratory using serology and virus isolation
What therapy is given for FPV?
-supportive care (fluids, anti-emetics, vitamins, +/- antibiotics)
+recovery from natural infection probably confers lifelong immunity
When do you test for FeLV?
-8 weeks of age
What causes death in healthy FeLV + cats?
-anemia, infection, tumors