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33 Cards in this Set

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What are Wileys 4 types of communication?
True Communication, manipulation, eavesdropping, and ignoring.
What is a discrete signal?
A signal that is either all or nothing.
What is a graded signal?
Mouth expressions. Closed mouth is mild, while open mouth is more intense.
What are the different theories behind the pseudopenis for hyenas?
1. There were high levels of androgen during development.
2. Could have been passed down from generation to generation.
What are the advantages of dominance hierarchies?
-Less energy spent fighting over resources
-Less stress among individuals
-Higher testerone levels
What are the disadvantages of dominance hierarchies?
-Too busy being dominant that the other males do all the breeding
-Dont necessarily have the most children in a pack
-Achieving rank may have reproductive costs
What is the vulture hierarchy?
1. Turkey vulture, finds food with sense of smell. (Red head)
2. Black vulture, flies in flocks. (black)
3. King vulture, has an attitude.(white wings, orange head)
4. Andian condors, one of the largest birds 20-25lbs. (rectangle shape on head)
What is an honest signal?
When a baby is begging for food. The louder it begs the hungrier it is.
What are illegitimate recievers?
Animals that warn other animals of danger that is near.
What are illegitmate signalers?
Animals that provide false information. Ex: Angler fish that lives deep in the ocean.
What is parental care?
Anything that the parent does that increases the fitness of that particular parent's offspring.
What is parental investment?
Something that increases the fitness of this offspring, or this set of offspring, at a cost to any other component of the parent's future fitness.
What is R-Selected in species?
-Large number of offspring
-No parental care
-Small in size
-Short lifespan
What is K-Selected in species?
-Small number of offspring
-Large amounts of parental care
-Large in size
-Longer lifespan
What selected species (K or R) is better under an unstable envionrment?
R-Selected species.
Define Altricial Young.
Hatched with eyes closed, with little or no down, incapable of departing from the nest, and fed by the parents. All passerines are altricial.
Define Precocial Young.
Hatched with eyes open, covered with down, and leave the nest within two days.
What sex should be more involved in parental care according to Trivers?
What is the Batemans principle?
Where each sex should decide whether or not to prolong investment.
How does Dawkins differ from the Batemans principle?
That each sex should decide whether or not to prolong investment on the basis of likely net benefits in the future.
What are the 4 evolutionary stable strategies for parental care?
1.Both sexes desert
2.Female deserts & male cares
3.Female cares & male deserts
4.Both partners care
Give an example of "Both sexes desert."
Requires that neither male nor female does better (in terms of surviving young) by providing care
Give an example of "Female deserts & male cares."
-No difference in survival of young relative to presence or absence of female care.
-Egg survival with uniparental care must exceed survival of uncared for eggs multiplied by the number of matings that a non-caring male can achieve, or male will desert.
Give an example of "Female cares & male deserts."
Possible if a male who deserts has a good chance of mating again.
Give an example of "Both partners care."
Reproductive success must be greater than if male or female deserts.
What is Monogamy?
-When both male and female participate in rearing.
What is Polygyny?
-One male, several females and the female usually provides the care.
What is Polyandry?
-One female, several males and the male usually provides the care.
What is Polygynandry?
When both males and females are promiscuous, and where either sex could provide parental care.
What was the experiment with the Sunbird?
It was the Food-type separation, where the adults would eat nectar. More nectar caused the females to feed the young more and the males to mob more.
What was the experiment with the Startling?
The Weighted-experiment was when weights were put on tails, and less food was brought to the nest. The partner tried to make up difference.
What is the parent/offspring conflict?
Parents & offspring share only ½ of their genes. As a result, there comes a time when it is more profitable for a parent to 'dump' offspring & devote efforts to production of another offspring. At this time, 'conflict' may occur.
In birds, who usually got fed more?
The bird that had the red mouth gape.