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13 Cards in this Set

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Symptoms of angina

  1. Constriction/heavy discomfort to the chest, jaw, neck, shoulder or arms
  2. Symptoms brought on by exertion
  3. Symptoms relieved within 5min by rest or GTN

All 3 symptoms: typical angina

2 features: atypical angina

Causes of angina

  1. Atherosclerosis of the coronary artery vessels (70% stenosed)
  2. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (increased afterload)
What chemicals cause anginal pain

Bradykinin and adenosine and more

What is diaphoresis


Unstable angina cause usually due to

Atherosclerotic rupture and thombosis

What happens in vasospastic angina (Prinzemetal's angina)

Ishaemia occurs due to vasospasms of the coronary artery.

They may or may not have atherosclerosis

What type of ischaemia is vasospastic angina

Transmural ischaemia

What are some of the signs of angina

ST segment deppression in stable and unstable angina

ST segment elevation in vasospastic angina because it is severe ischaemia (transmural)

What can all anginas be treated with


Which blocker can you give to vasospastic angina

Calcium channel blockers

How do you treat stable angina

Reduce risk of a MI

Statin and low dose aspirin

Treating the angina

Beta-blockers or Calcium channel blockers


Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) spray for attacks

If not improved on 1

Use both a beta blocker and dihydropyridine CCB like amlodipine and nifedipine (or felodipine)

If indicated


A long acting nitrate



How do you use a GTN spray

Sit down, no need to shake it, prime it if first use (Spray in the air), then spray under your tongue, wait for 5 minutes, do it again if it doesn't work try 1 more time? but dont wait and go to the hospital

Identify appropriate skills to elicit an accurate history of chest pain.

Meena's notes