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18 Cards in this Set

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Exertional angina
due to obstruction of the coronary vessels by atherosclerotic plaques. Brought on by exertion
Variant angina
due to spasms of the vascular smooth muscles leading to the heart which temporarily narrow the artery. Usually does not progress to a MI.
List the 3 drug classes used to treat extertional angina?
a. Nitrates
b. B-blockers
c. Calcium channel blockers
List the determinants of myocardial oxygen demand & how each class of drugs used to treat exertional angina modifies demand.
a. HR—faster rate requires more O2
b. Heart muscle contractivity—stronger contractions require more O2
c. Preload—increased blood volume in ventricle just prior to contraction (venous)
d. Afterload—increased resistance the ventricles must pump against (atrial
Recognize signs/symptoms of exertional angina attacks.
a. Pain/discomfort—pressure, squeezing, burning,or tightness in chest, starting behind breastbone
b. Pain can radiate to or begin in arms, sho, neck, jaw, throat or back
c. May feel like indigestion
d. May have nausea, fatigue, shortness of air, sweating, lightheaded, weak
Discuss proper management of exertional angina attacks
a. Prophylactic therapy to prevent attacks
i. B-blockers—prevent attacks but also improve morbidity/mortality
ii. Daily nitroglycerin and/or CCB
b. SL nitroglycerin for acute attacks. Pt should carry it with them & to PT appts
c. Antiplatelet therapy—prescribed to reduce risk of MI & stroke
d. A statin and/or cholesterol lowering drugs will be prescribed to reduce total cholesterol, LDL& increase HDL as well as reduce risk of MI/Stroke & improve M/M
List the 2 drug classes used to treat variant angina & why these are effective but β-blockers are not.
CCB & daily nitroglycerin
Discuss the mechanism of action, therapeutic uses, & side effects of the nitrates.
a. Mech—venous dilator. Nitrates are converted to nitric oxide (NO) that acts at a cellular level through a chain of chemical reactions to ultimately relax vascular smooth muscle. Reduced arteriolar & venous tone= decrease preload& decreased afterload & decreased myocardial O2 demand. Promote increased blood flow to deep myocardial muscle
b. Therapeutic—angina?
c. SE—flushing,venous pooling, headache, hypotension & orthostatic hypotension (dizziness, lightheadedness)
Discuss why some patients may be instructed to provide themselves with a daily nitrate-free interval
a. To avoid tolerance (tolerance= needs higher and higher level to induce complete response)
b. Tolerance can develop after only a few days of continual use
Distinguish between the nitrate formulations that treat acute attacks vs. those used prophylactically
a. Acute
i. Nitroglycerin sublingual tablets & sublingual spray
ii. Nitroglycerin topical ointment
b. Prophylactically
i. Nitroglycerin transdermal patches
ii. Nitroglycerin sustained release capsules
iii. Isosorbide dinitrate & isosorbide mononitrate tablets
Discuss patient instructions for using sublingual nitroglycerin
a. Dissolve 1 tablet under tongue; may repeat every 3-5 minutes until pain is relieved or until 3 tablets have been taken. Contact physician or call 911 if pain persists
B-blockers on exercise tolerance?
reduce O2 demands of heart by decreasing myocardial oxygen requirement during exertion and stress
CCB on exercise tolerance?
reduce heart rate and contractility, reduce afterload, reduce myocardial O2 demand
Nitrates on exercise tolerance?
venous & arteriole dilators, reduce O2 demand by decreasing preload & afterload
List prophylaxis for angina?
b-blockers, CCBsor long acting nitroglycerin
Acute attacks for angina meds
SL nitroglycerin
aspririn and statein for angina?
anti-platelet drugs & med to reduce cholesterol
13. Discuss exercise recommendations for patients with angina (e.g. benefits vs risks; intensity of exercise)
a. Benefit of exercise outweighs risk. Fitness improves exercise tolerance, reduces symptoms, improves M&M
b. At cell—exercise improves endothelial function, increases nitric oxide release, reduces inflammation, and decrease triglycerides &increases HDL
c. Low intensity aerobic training 3x/week initially→may progress as tolerated
d. An exercise stress test can determine a safe exercise prescription including target HR
e. Avoid physical exertion in very hot, cold, humid
f. Stop activity immediately if sx occur
g. Use SL nitroglycerin if available