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48 Cards in this Set

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Why does Propofol sting?
Preservative metabisulfite (allergen to some?) or Benzyl alcohol.
Avoid stinging with 5% lido 1% propofol 1:1 ratio.
How is Propofol metabolized
Liver. Lungs (up to 30%)
Inactive metabolites secreted though kidneys. Quickly redistributes.
Propofol dosing and half life
induction 1.5-2.5 mg/kg IV
(2.5-3.5 mg/kg IV kids)
25-75 mcg/kg/min MAC
100-200 mcg/kg/min TIVA
T1/2 alpha 2-4 min
T1/2 B 4-23 hours
Pt awakes in 3-10 minutes after induction dose.
97% protein bound
Propofol mechanism of action
Presumed potentiation of Cl current of GABA receptor complex : AKA hyperpolarizes the Reticular Activating system.
Propofol CNS effects
Decreases CBF, ICP, and CRMO2 (cerebral metabolic rate of O2 consumption.
Can decrease CPP due to reduced MAP.
Occasional twitching noted on induction.
Propofol Cardiovascular effects.
Decrease in SBP due to vasodilation (both arterial and venous).

Decreases Preload and Afterload.

Inhibits barroreflex response.

mild HR increase

Occasional profound bradycardia or asystole.
Propofol Respiratory effects.
Depresses respirations

Reduces TV and rate

reduced hypoxic drive/ Hypercapnic drive.

Less wheezing comp to pentathol.
Propofol infusion syndrome
Unexplained tachycardia after dosing .
It can lead to cardiac failure, rhabdomyolysis, metabolic acidosis and renal failure and is often fatal

Check ABG for Metabolic acidosis.
Barbituates acidic or alkalitic?
Alkaline: pH >10
Will precipitate in acidic solution.
Barbituate metabolism
Hepatic oxidation
(except phenobarbitol which is excreted unchanged in the urine)
Can conjugate and be excreted in the bile.
Contraindications for barbituates:
AIP (acute intermittant porphyria) Barbituates increase porphyrin production through stimulation of aminolevulinic acid synthetase.
Barbituate examples and induction doses
Thiopental 3-5 mg/kg
Methohexital 1-1.5 mg/kg.
20-30 mg/kg PR in mentally challenged or pediatric patients.
Barbituate mechanism of action
1: Enhances inhibitory neurotransmission (GABBA mediated?)

2: Inhibits excitatory transmission
Barbituate CNS activity
Potent cerebral vasoconstrictor, decreases CBF, Blood volume, ICP and CMRO2.
Preferred for space occupying lesions. Good for temporary clip on an artery.
Neuroprotective from focal (not global ischemia)
Will activatic epileptic foci, which can facilitate their identification during ablation surgury or ECT.
Barbituate cardiovascular effect
Modest decrease in SBP due to peripheral vasodilation.
Blunts baroreflex but compensatory tachcaredia limits drop in BP.

Decrease in C.O. (blood pooling)

Negative Inotrope.
Barbiturate Respiratory effects:
Resp. Depressant

Decreases minute ventilation by decreaasing TV and Rate.

Decrease response to hypoxia and hypercarbia,

Only mild suppression of laryngeal reflexes
Barbituate Side effects
Don't inject intra-arterial

Barbituate crystals may occlude small arteries.

SQ injection = irritation

histamine release.
Barbituate indication
Induce anesthesia, Treat ICP
Benzodiazepine routes of absorption
IM,IV,Oral, intranasal,, sublingual
Benzodiazepine pharmacokinetics
Highly lipid-soluable.

Metabolized by liver via microsomal oxidation or glucuronide conjugation.

Diazapam has active metabolites

Versed metabolize by CYP 450 to single inactive metabolite

versed short context-sensitive half-life make it the only suitable on e for continuous infusion.
Benzodiazepine pharmacodynamics
Activate GABA receptor complex and enhancement of GABA-mediated chloride currents. =hyperpolarization of neurons and dreduced excitability.

Versed affinity for these sites is 2x that of valium.

Sedative-hypnotic effects and amnestic properties via gamma subunits.

Anticonvulsant. ( alpha subunit property)

Limited respiratory depression when given alone.
Benzodiazepine CNS effect
Decreases CMRO2 and CBF

Has a cieling effect: cannot produce isoelectirc EEG

Little effect on ICP

NOT neuroprotective.

Potent anticonvulsant. (epilepsy, ETOH withdrawal, Local anesthetic induced seizure.)
Benzodiazepine Cardiovascular effects
Can reduce BP (Versed> valuium)

Effects of hypotenstion are exaggerated in hypovolemic patients.
Benzodiazepine Respiratory effects.
minimal depresion

Transient apnea after induction ( esp. with opioids)

Decreases ventilatory response to CO2
Benzodiazepine side effects
Allergic reactions rare.

Valium contains propylene glycol: Painful on injection.
how do you recognize if a drug is a Benzodiazepine
Give 2 examples

Midazolam (versed)
Benzodiazepine doses
Versed 1-2 mg IV

0.5 mg/kg Oral for Kids 30 prior to surgury

Induction: Versed 0.1-0.3

Antiepileptic: Valum 0.1 mg/kg/IV
Ketamine effects
Potent Analgesic,
Dissociative anesthesia
(eyes remain open with slow nystagmic gaze or cateleptic state)
Ketamine pharmicokinetics
Lipid soluable. Racemic mixure
S(+) isomoer more potent that R(-) isomer

Redistributed to inactive tissue sites.

Metabolized by CYP450

Norketamine 1/3 as potent metabolie

Low protein binding. (12%)

NMDA receptor complex inhibition

Lacrimeation and salivation are increased cocomitantly administer anticholinergic)
Ketamine CNS effects
Do NOT give with elevated ICP
or intracranial pathology.

May help treat epilepsy.

Nightmares. (decreased with benzos)
Ketamine Cardiovascular effects
transient increases in BP, HR, C.O. from centrally mediated sympathetic stimulation.

Direct myocardial depressant, usually masked by SNA stimulation.
Ketamine Respiratory effects
Hypoventialtion may follow induction.

relaxes bronchial smooth muscle and may help in reactive airways.
Ketamine routes, doses
IV IM Oral Pr Epidural

induction 1-2 mg/kg IV
4-6 mg/kg IM

Regional anesthesia 0.2-0.8 mg/kg IV.
Etomidate Indications
Induction for cardiac patients. use when pt has - cardiac contractility.
Etomidate Pharmicokinetics
Ester hydrolysis to inactive metabolites.

GABA-like effects Potentiates GABA -mediated chloride currents.
Etomidate CNS effects
Potent cerebral vasoconstrictor
not neuroprotective, may activate seizure foci.
Cardiovascular effects
Some SBP decreases
Minimal changes in HR and C.O.
Etomidate endocrine effects
Cuses adrenocortical supression by producing dose-dependent innhibition of 11B-hydorxylase, and enzyme that converts cholesterol to cortisol. Probably don't need stress dose of steroids. Thus ok for induction, not for infusion
Etomidate clinical uses
used for compromized cardiac contractility.
Etomidate Induction dose
0.2-0.3 mg/kg iv
(onset similar to Propofol.
Most find it painful upon injection.
Etomidate side effects
up to 80% myoclonic movments reported.
Post op N/V "pukidate"
Dexmedetomidine "precedex" mechanism of action
Highly selective alpha-2 adrenergic agonist. (yohimbine and phentolamin are alpha-2 antagonists that can compete)

Produces Hypnosis through stimulation fo Alpha-2 recptors in Locus ceruleus

Resembles natural sleep by activating endogenous sleep pathways.
Is analgesic at spinal chord with no depression of respiration.
Dexmedetomidine clearance
Metabolites excreted through urine and bile, short elimination half-time
context sensitive half-life increase from 4 minutes (after 10 minute infusion) to 250 minutes (after 8 hour infusion)
Dexmedetomidine neural effects
Decreases CBF without changes in ICP or CMRO2

Potential fo rtolerance and dependence.
Dexmedetomidine cardiovascular effects
moderate decreases in HR and SVR (thus BP)

Bolus transientsly increases BP and decreases HR)

Bradycardia to Asystole documented.
Dexmedetomidine Respiratory effects
small drop in TV.
Little depressant, good for anesthesia.
Dexmedetomidine Uses
Short term sedation (ie Fiberoptic intubations, deep brain stimulation, etc.)
Dexmedetomidine doses
Loading dose 0.5-1mcg/kg Iv loading dose over 10 minutes then 0.2-0.7 mcg/kg/hr.