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153 Cards in this Set

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How many classes of anesthetic risk (determined by the american society of anesthesiologist) are there and what are they?


I-minimal risk

II-slight risk

III-moderate risk

IV-high risk

V-Extreme risk/moribund


Describe the anesthetic risk associated with a category I patient on the ASA scale

minimal risk

normal, healthy patient

ex: OVH, castration

Describe the anesthetic risk associated with a category II patient on the ASA scale

-slight risk

-mild systemic distrubances

-ex: ruptured cruciate ligament, neonate or geriatric patient

Describe the anesthetic risk associated with a category III patient on the ASA scale

-moderate risk

-moderate systemic distrubances or disease with mild clinical signs

-ex: anemia, fever, heart murmur, moderate dehydration

Describe the anesthetic risk associated with a category IV on the ASA scale

-high risk

-severe systemic disturbances that are life threatening

-ex: shock, severe deydration, fever, gastric torsion with arrhthmias

Describe the anesthetic risk associated with a category V patient on the ASA scale of anesthetic risk

-extreme risk/moribund

-submitted for surgery in desperation but little chance of survival, patient not expected to live 24 hrs

-advanced multiple organ failure, shock, severe trauma

Describe the anesthetic risk associated with a category E on the ASA scale of anesthetic risk


-any of the other categories of anesthetic risk presented for immediate surgery

what are the main categories of preanesthetic drugs


-tranquilizers and sedatives



how do anticholinergics exert their effects on the body

anticholinergics are parasympatholytic drugs that exert their effects by blocking the actions of the parasympathetic neurotransmitter acetylcholine at the muscarinic receptors

name some commonly used anticholinergics



when may anticholinergics be contraindicated

-in patients with preexisting tachycardia and existing cardiac diseases (may induce tachycardia)

-possibly geriatric patients or patients with other conditions (ex: pulmonary edema) who could not handle potential tachycardia

-patients with conditions such as ileus or constipation (would further reduce peristalsis)

-may cause colic in horses or bloat in ruminants

which species would atropine be ineffective in


-because rabbits often have high levels of atropinesterase which breaks down the atropine molecule

what are the effects of the anticholinergics

-reduces salivation but has the tendency to cause thickened mucus secretions (especially in cats and ruminants)

-reduces vagal tone

-reduces GI activity

-may cause ileus in horses

-causes mydriasis and bronchial dilation

-reduces tear secretions

anticholinergics are used for the treatment of?

sinus bradycardia, heart block, sinoatrial arrest

which has a slower onset of action, atropine or glycopyrrolate? and what does that mean?

-atropine has a higher lipid solubility than glycopyrrolate and therefore is more potent and faster acting

-glycopyrrolate has a slower onset of action and less potential for prducing tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmias than atropine and will last longer than atropine

what is the reversal agent for atropine


-signs of atropine toxicity include drowsiness, excitement, potential seizure

which anticholinergic would be contraindicated in pregnant animals

-atropine will cross the placental barrier (And will cross the blood-brain barrier)

-glycopyrrolate will NOT cross the blood-brain barrier and will not cross the placental barrier

what is a tranquilizer

a tranquilizer is a drug that calms an anxious patient by reducing anxiety but will not necessarily reduce awareness

what is a sedative

a sedative is a drug that reduces excitement or irritability by causing sleepiness and decreased mental activity

what are some examples of tranquilizers and sedatives




-alpha-2 agonists

what are some examples of phenothiazines




what is the mechanism of action for phenothiazines and what are they used for

-the mechanism of action involves the blockade of D2 dopamine receptors in the brain thereby producing sedation and tranquilization

-used as atranquilizer to decrease anxiety and awareness to external stimuli

what are the effects of phenothiazines




-exvessively high dosage can cause peripheral vasodilation which can lead to hypotension and/or hypothermia

-provides no analgesia but does have a reversal

-skeletal msucle relaxation

-inhibits platelet aggregation

-may produce hematological effects such as decreasing patient's hematocrit

-may cause excitement

contraindications of phenothiazines

-seizing/epileptic patients, seizure history, head trauma (lowers seizure threshold)

-may cause penile prolapse in stallions, avoid in breeding stallions

-may cause splenomegaly, avoid in splenectomies,

-avoid in allergy testing because of antihistamine effects

-shock, hypovolemia, dehydration, hypothermia, conditions with existing peripheral vasodilation compromise

-caution in Boxers with a European bloodline

Example benzodiazepines

diazepam, midazolam, zolazepam, lorazepam

benzodiazepines are used for

-as a tranquilizer agent in pediatric, geriatric, or debilitated aniamsl

-not a good tranquilizer agents when used alone in young, healthy animals and may cause excitement

mechanism of action of benazodiazepines

binding to a sepcific site on the y-aminobutryic acid (GABA) receptor in the brain

indications and side effects of benzodiazipines

-provides muscle relaxation (commonly used in conjunction with ketamine)

-anticonvulsant (used to treat seizures)

-inhalant-sparing properties (reduce inhalant anesthetic requirements)

-minimal cardiovascular and respiratory effects (therefore indicated in geriatric, pediatric and other moderate-to-high risk patients)

what is the reversal agent for the benzodiazepines


contraindications of benzodiazepines

-metabolized by liver so avoid in patients with compromised livers (ex: liver disease and porto-systemic shunts)

-normal, excitable, healthy animals may not be sedated or tranquilized, may cause excitement in these animals

-ataxia and exictement evident in larger animal species and therefore a preanesthetic medication (ex xylazine) is recommended

special considerations for diazepam

-don't give diazepam IM (poor uptake in muscle due to proplyene glycol preservative)

-do not store in plastic syringes or IV bags for longer than 24 hrs

-protect f3rom light

-incompatible with atropine, acepromaxine, barbiturates and opioids (do not mix in the same syringe)

what schedule drugs are diazepam and midazolam

class IV w

name some examples of butyrophenones

azaperone and droperidol

which species are butryrophenones most commonly used in

swine and exotic animal fields

examples of alpha-2 agonists

xylazine, medetomidine, dexmedetomidine, detomidine, romifidine

what is the mechanism of action of alpha-2 agonists

stimulate the alpha-2 adrenoceptors causing a decrease centrally and peripherally of norepinephrine release which produces CNS depression and decreased cateocholamine release

alpha-2 agonists have a biphasic effect on blood pressure, what does this mean

initially there is vasoconstriction and a period of hypertension but eventually the blood pressure will normalize

what ar e the indications of alpha 2 agonsits

-produces calming effects

-provides profound sedation

-moderate analgesia

-muscle relaxation

-reduction in the dose of induction an inhalant agents when used as preanesthetic drugs

cardiovascular side effects of alpha-2 agonists

-bradycardia, decreased cardiac output, dysrhythmias (first-, second-, and third-degree heart block)

-cause a biphasic effect on blood pressure

-profound peripheral vasoconstriction (pale mucous membranes)

-avoid in patients with cardiovascular dz or systemic compromise

-longer period of hypotension is noted after the initial hypertension due to the decrease in release of norepinephrine

non-cardiovascular side effects of alpha-2 agonists

-dose-dependent respiratory depression


-depression in swallowing reflex (caution in patients with laryngeal paralysis)

-decreased salivation, gastric secretions and GI motility and may trigger emesis (especially xylazine in small animals)

-slight muscle tremors



what are the reversal agents for xylazine



which alpha-2 agonists are commonly used in small animals

-medetomidine and dexmedetomidine

which alpha-2 agonists are commonly used in large animals




what are the reversal agents for detomidine



what is the reversal agent for medetomidine


what is the reversal agent for dexmedetomidine


which species are especially sensitive to xylazine and what is done to compensate

-cattle, sheep, and goats

-they are usually given 1/10th the horse dose

cattle, sheep, and goats are especially sensitive to which alpha-2 agonists


contraindications of alpha-2 agonists

-cardiovascular disease

-respiratory disease

-hepatic or renal disease


-shock conditions

-gastric dilation and torsion (dehydration)

what can happen in horses or dogs sedated with alpha-2 agonists

-they may appear very sedate but can still respond to external stimuli by kicking and biting

what are some examples of opioids










what is balanced anesthesia

administering low doses of multiple drugs from different drug classes to achieve hypnosis, amnesia, analgesia, and muscle relaxation

what are the 4 phases of balanced anesthesia





what is neuroleptanalgesia

-the combination of an opioid and a sedative/tranquilizer

-generally used during the premedicaiton phase of balanced anesthesia

-work synergistically to enhance sedation, relieve anxiety, and provide analgesia

what are the opioid receptors

mu, delta, kappa

how are opioids classified

-pure (mu) agonists

-mixed agonists-antagonists

-pure antagonists

examples of pure (mu) agonists





what are some examples of opioid mixed agonists-antagonists




what are some examples of pure antagonist opioids


what is a pure (mu) agonist opioid

opioids which stimulate all opioid receptors

what are mixed agonist-antagonist opioids

opioids which block one type of receptor and stimulate another type of receptor

what are pure antagonist opioids

-opioids which will reverse the effect of pure and mixed agonists with very little clinical effect on their own

-reversal occurs because the antagonist has a higher affinity than the opioid at the specific receptor site

-it is possible to titrate the antagonist to remove the side effects while maintaing analgesic properties of the opioid

what are the clinical effects of opioids







-panting in dogs


-hyperthermia in cats (with hydromorphone)

-nausea, vomiting, defecation (esp. with morphine and hydromorphone)

-constipation from prolonged GI stasis

-mild muscle relaxation

-cough suppression



-miosis (dogs and pigs) and mydriasis (cats and horses)

-increased responsiveness to noise

-excitement if given rapidly IV

contraindications of opioids

-previous history of exitement

-morphine in cases of GI obstruction or diaphragmatic hernia (increased risk of vomiting)

contraindications of transdermal fentanyl

-hypersensitivity to fentanyl or adhesives

-suspected or existing intracranial pressure

-central hypoventilation

-renal or hepatic dysfunction


indications of neuroleptanalgesics

-need for heavier sedation for shorter procedures

-cardiac or shock cases

contraindications of neuroleptanalgesics

-patient will become hyperactive to auditory stimulus (need a quiet environment)

-respiratory depression (opioid dose dependent)

-some patients may pant (temperature regulating center of the brain interprets that the normal body temperature is being elevated because of opioid effect)

-opioid may cause defecation, flatulance, vomiting

-bradycardia (dose related effected of the opioid)

-morphine and meperidine injected IV may cause histamine release

-miosis in dogs and mydriasis in cats

-excessive salivation



How many stages of anesthesia are there


how many planes of anesthesia are there


which stage of anesthesia is divided into how many planes of anesthesia

stage 3 is subdivded into 4 planes

describe stage 1 of anesthesia

-immediately after administration of injectables

-patient is disoriented but not anesthetized

-sensations become dull

-BP may be elevated

-resp rate is generally increased and may be irregular

-vomiting, retching, and coughing may occur

-pupils are normal in size and begin to dilate when entering stage 2

ideally which stage of anesthesia is bypassed

ideally a smooth induction goes from stage 1 to stage 3 and quickly bypasses stage 2

describe stage 2 of anesthesia

-excitement phase

-stage of delirium or excitement, loss of consciousness

-all reflexes are still present, may be exaggerated

-eyes closed, jaw set

-animal may struggle and is not anesthetized

-excitement and involuntary muscular movement, may appear to struggle

-pupils dilated, light reflex still present

-resp irregular (panting or holding breath is common)

-vomiting may occur

describe stage 3 of anesthesia

-stage of surgical anesthesia

-resp is full and regular

-pupils begin to constrict

-subdivded into 4 planes

describe plane 1 of anesthesia

-light anesthesia

-endotracheal intubation can be achieved

-eyeball begins to roll, pupil is light resposive, and medial palpebral reflex still present

-muscle tone still present

-pain reaction still present

-resp is half thoracic and half abdominal

-BP and HR are normal

describe plane 2 of anesthesia

-medium anesthesia

-considered "surgical anesthesia" or the optimal plane for surgical stimulus to occur

-resp becomes deep and regular

-fixed eyeball, often rotated ventrally; sluggish pupillary response

-increase in heart and resp rate is mild in response to surgical pain

-peripheral relfexes are absent

describe plane 3 of anesthesia

-deep anesthesia

-moderate to severe cardiovascular and pulmonary depression

-all reflexes are absent

-increased abdominal resp, delayed thoracic inspiratory effort (intercostal paralysis)

-resp rate decreases, breaths are no longer deep and regular

-eyeballs fixed and usually centrally rotated

-pupils begin to dilate

-pulse fast and faint

-blood pressure decreased, fails to response to surgical pain stimulation

describe plane 4 of anesthesia

-dangerously deep anesthesia

-cardiac and respiratory arrest may occur if immediate intervention does not happen

-progressive respiratory paralysis

-tidal volume decreased

-palpebral and corneal reflexes absent

-pupils dilated and not light responsive

-heart rate decreased, blood pressure significantly low

-apnea or jerky inspiration

-pale mucous membranes and prolonged CRTs

describe stage 4 of anesthesia

-moribund stage

-cardiovascular and respiratory collapse leading to death

-resuscitation is needed to save the patient

-stage of medullary parlysis


-cardiac arrest

indications for injectable anesthetics

-administration of anesthesia drugs followed by inhalant agents

-as anesthetic agents for short, minor procedures (ex suturing, radiographs)

-administered by repeated bolus or by infusion such as total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA)

-supplement to inhalant agents

-can provide long-term sedation (ex: patients in ICU)

advantages to injectable anesthetic drugs

-rapid onset and recovery

-simple, require little equipment,

-drugs do not irritate airways, minimal adverse effects on cardiovascular and respiratory systems (dose dependent)

-provide analgesia and good msucle relxation

disadvantages of injectable anesthetic drugs

-difficulty in catheterization (ex: patient with fibroses in peripheral veins)

-IV drugs and therefore may be difficult to maintain if there is no IV catheter in place

-some drugs are irritants if given perivascularly

-drugs cannot be removed ocne they are injected

-cumulative effect of the drugs

-risk of airway complications if the patient is not intubated

-may cause induction apnea

-may cause hypotension

-may cause excitement on induction or recovdery

examples of barbiturates





what might be problematic about using methohexital or thiopental as an anesthetic

neither are currently available in the US

which types of animals should thiopental be avoided in

sight hounds - low body fat will result in prolonged recovery

what you consider when dosing thiopental for an obese

when dosing thiopental for an overweight or obese patient you need to dose based on ideal body weight and not actual body weight because this may lead to an overdose

what are some examples dissociatives and what are the dissociatives also known as

-the dissociatives are also known as cyclohexamines

-examples are: ketamine, tiletamine

what are some examples of injectable anesthetic agents

-barbiturates (pentobarbital, thiopental, methohexital)

-nonbarbiturate anesthetic drugs (propofol, alfaxalone, etomidate, fentanyl, guaifenesin, chloral hydrate)

-dissociative/cyclohexamines (ketamine, phencyclidine, tiletamine)

what are some benefits to using thiopental

-provides a rapid, smooth, excitement free induction provided that a sufficient amount is administered as a bolus prior to titrating the rest to effect

what may occur if an inadequate dose of thiopental is given

-excitement or hypertonus can be seen if an inadequate dose is given to an unsedated or poorly sedated animal

what are some effects and contraindications of thiopental

-may see an increase in heart rate, has a tendency to cause bigeminy at induction

-potent respiratory depressant

-can cause splenic engorgement, not recommended for splenectomies

-causes tissue sloughing and cecrosis if given perivascular

what are some special considerations for dosing thiopental

-it is not recommended to give repeated doses or use as a CRI to maintain anesthesia, it is cumulative within the body and will prolong recovery

-highly protein bound so patients with hypoprtoeinemia may exhibit a prolonged duration of effect

-lack of body fat can greatly prolong recovery (not recommnded for use in sight hounds)

-obese patients may receive an overdose if the dose is based on actual body weight and not ideal body weight

what is propofol

-propfol is a phenol compound

-it is a short acting "hypnotic" and alkylphnol derivative

-an injectable anesthetic

what is the mechanism of action of propfol

cuases CNS depression by binding to specific GABA receptors in the brain

what is the shelf-life of propofol

-regular propofol should be discarded within 6-8 hrs of opening (some use for up to 24 hrs)

-refrigeration does not decrease or prevent bacterial growth

-propofol-28 has a 28 day shelf life

contraindications of propofol

-respiratory depression (dose-related): transient apnea has been reported after rapid IV inject, apnea is dependent on how quickly the drug is given and has caused respiratory arrest in some cases

-avoid in animals that are hypotensive (ex: blood loss, dehydration)

-may see transient excitement and muscle tremors

-crosses placental barrier

can propofol be given as a CRI or in repeated doses

-the effects of regular propofol are non-cumulative so it can be given in repeated doses or as a CRI in dogs

-it should not be given for more than 3 consecutive days or used as a CRI in cats

-propofol-28 should not be used as a CRI in dogs or cats due tot he preservative

what is the first choice injectable anesthetic for sight hounds


what are the uses and side effects of propofol

-inductions and recovery are smooth and excitement free

-more easily and rapidly biotransformed by the liver than barbiturates

-minimal cardiovascular effects but may cause tachycardia, bradycardia, transiet arterial and venous dilation, and depression cardiac contractililty

-good anticonvulscent

-nonirritating with incidental perivascular injection

-muscle relaxation

-analgesia is poor

what is etomidate

very safe, ultra-short acting, rapidly distributing, noncumulative nonbarbiturate induction agent

-imidazole derivative

which injectable anesthetic agent would be a good choice for an animal with cardiac disease because of the minimal effect is has on cardiac output, respiratory rate and blood pressure


what are some indications and side effects of etomidate

-causes rapid induction and recovery

-has little to no effect on cardiovascular system (no change in heart rate, blood pressure, or myocardial contractility)

-causes mild to moderate respiratory depression)

-no analgesic properties

-rapidly metabolized in the liver

-can cause vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, excitement, and apnea on induction and recovery

contraindications of etomidate

-suppresses adrenocortical function for up to 3 hours after administration in dogs (use with caution in patients with endocrine dz especially hypoadrenocorticism)

-does cross placental barrier but the effects are minimal because of rapid clearance

-can cause hemolysis, phlebitis, or pain after IV injection especially in smaller veins

-very expensive compared to other injectable drugs

how can etomidate be given

-can cause myclonus and excitement if used alone at induction so commonly combined with a benzodiazepine to smooth out induction

-can be given as repeated bolus or continuous infusion

what are some common reflexes used to judge anesthetic depth

-eye position

-eye reflexes (palpebral, corneal, nystagmus)

-pupil constriction/dilation


-swallowing reflex

-laryngeal reflex

-pedal reflex

-ear flick

-whisker reflex

with most reflexes:

loss of reflexes indicate what in regards to anesthetic depth? a return of a reflex indicates what in regards to anesthetic depth

-loss of the reflex indicates an increase in anesthetic depth

-a return of a reflex indicates arousal from anesthesia

how can we monitor the central nervous system while an animal is anesthetized

-look at a variety of reflexes to help judge anesthetic depth

-muscle tone (jaw tone or anal tone) can also be used to judge anesthetic depth

Systolic pressure (SAP) is

produced by the contraction of the ventricles and propels blood through the aorta and major arteries

in healthy awake animals the SAP is 100-160 mmHg

Diastolic pressure (DAP) is

the pressure that remains in the vessels when the heart is in its resting phase between contractions

-in awake, healthy animals the DAP is 60-100 mmHg

Mean pressure (MAP)

-establishes an adequate perfusion pressure for the vital organs

-it is calculated by MAP = DAP + 1/3 (SAP - DAP(

-it is NOT an avg. between SAP and DAP

-in awake, healthy animals the MAP is 80-120 mmHg

under anesthesia, hypotension is a MAP of...

below 60 mmHg in small animals

below 70 mmHg in large animals

normal systolic BP for an anesthetized dog

80-120 mmHg

normal systolic BP for an anesthetized cat

80-150 mmHg

normal systolic BP for an anesthetized horse

100-120 mmHg

normal systolic BP for an anesthetized cow

120-150 mmHg

normal diastolic BP for an anesthetized dog

40-80 mmHg

normal diastolic BP for an anesthetized cat

40-80 mmHg

normal diastolic BP for an anesthetized horse

50-80 mmHg

normal diastolic BP for an anesthetized cow

75-100 mmHg

normal mean BP for an anesthetized dog

60-100 mmHg

normal mean BP for an anesthetized cat

60-100 mmHg

normal mean BP for an anesthetized horse

70-100 mmHg

normal BP for an anesthetized cow

90-120 mmHg

what are the techniques used for measuring blood pressure




describe the oscillometric technique for measuring BP

a non-invasive measure of peripheral blood pressure by mechanically inflating a cuff placed around the extremities or tail

-gives values for SAP, DAP, MAP

describe the doppler method for measuring BP

-a probe is placed over a peripheral artery and taped in place when an audible sound of the pulsating artery can be heard

-an appropriately sized bp cuff is placed proximal to the probe and is attached to a pressure gauge (sphygmomanometer)

-the cuff is inflated until the pulse sound stops and then released slowly until the pulse can be heard again

which type of arterial blood pressure can be measured using the doppler method

-only measures the systolic pressure accurately

when might the doppler method give an inaccurate blood pressure reading

has been shown to under estimate the SAP in cats by 10-15 mmHg

which type of arterial blood pressure can be measured using the oscillometric method

-systolic, diastolic, mean

when might the oscillometric method give an inaccurate blood pressure reading

-if you cuff is the wrong size

-if the cuff is too wide you will get a false low BP

-if the cuff is too narrow you will get a false high BP

where are the most common places for placing a doppler probe

just proximal to the metacarpal or metatarsal pad and the ventral aspect of the tail

which method of blood pressure monitoring is the most accurate


describe the direct method of blood pressure monitoring

a catheter is placed in a peripheral artery and then attachedto an electronic pressure transducer by extension tubing

-SAP, DAP, MAP, and a waveform are displayed on a monitor screen

which arteries are most commonly catheterized when using the direct method of blood pressure monitoring

-the dorsal pedal and metacarpal in dogs and cats

-the facial, transverse facial, lateral nasal, and metatarsal in horses and ruminants

-the auricular artery is also used in cattle and small ruminants

what are the drawbacks to using the direct method of blood pressure monitoring

-invasive technique that requires skill to place catheter in artery

-risks associated with procedure including thrombosis and occlusion of blood flow to extremity if catheter is tape too tightly

-potential for the patient to bleed out if the extension tubing becomes disconnected from the arterial catheter without notice

how do you determine respiratory rate on an anesthetized patient

-observing the chest excursion is the simplest way

-if the patient is covered by surgical drapes observing the movement of the reservoir bag or listening through the esophageal stethoscope are options also

normal respirations for an awake dog

10-20 bpm

normal respirations for an awake cat

15-25 bpm

normal respirations for an awake horse

8-16 bpm

normal respirations for an awake cow

10-16 bpm

normal respirations for an anesthetized dog

8-14 bpm

normal respirations for an anesthetized cat

10-14 bpm

normal respirations for an anesthetized horse

6-10 bpm

normal respirations for an anesthetized cow

6-10 bpm

name some types of non-rebreathing systems

-bain coaxial

-jackson rees

examples of rebreathing circuits

circle system

universal F

how can rebreathing systems be classified and what does that refer to

-can be classified as closed or semiclosed

-refers to the fresh gas flow rates compared to the metabolic demands of the patient

-ex: fresh gas flow rates for a closed system are 6-10 ml/kg/min and flow rates for a semi-closed system are 22-44 ml/kg/min

-does not have anything to do with the state of the pop-off valuve

rebreathing circuits

-part or all of exhaled gases, after the extraction of carbon dioxide, flow back to the patient

-conserve inhalent, oxygen, heat, and moisture but impart more resistance to ventilation

-commonly used on patients over 7 kg

what are some of the basic components of all rebreathing circuits


-breathing hoses

-one-way valves

-fresh gas inlet

-pop-off valve

-reservoir bag


-air intake valve

-absorbent canister

what differentiates the circle rebreathing system from the Universal F rebreathing system

the set up of the breathing hoses

what are the fresh gas flow rates for a closed rebreathing system

6-10 ml/kg/min

what are the fresh gas flow rates for a semi-closed rebreathing system

22-44 ml/kg/min

non-rebreathing circuit

-does not use chemical absorbent for CO2 removal but depends on high fresh gas flow rates to flush the exhaled CO2 from the circuit

-commonly used on patients less than 7 kg

-resistance to ventilation is minimal but the high fresh gas flow rates contribute to hypothermia and drying of the respiratory tract

-also not very economical to operate