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34 Cards in this Set

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local complications:
-needle breakage

-persistent anestesia or paresthesia

-facial nerve paralysis

-trismus -soft tissue injury

-hematoma -pain on injection

-burning on injection

-infection -edema -sloughing of tissue

-post anesthetic intraoral lesions

needle breakage: extremely rare since intro of disposable needles

- almost always associated with?

-breaks at the?

-Md. inferior nerve block and 30 gauge needle that was bent by the dr.

-hub without visible needle present

prevention of needle breakage
use larger gauge needle - 25 gauge
persistent anesthesia or paresthesia:

is an _____

altered sensation well beyond the expected duration of anesthesia
causes of persistent anesthesia or paresthesia:

-__ to the nerve sheath

-__ into or around the nerve sheath

-__ solution- __%



-local anesthetic -4% (md inferior alveolar nerve bock or lingual nerve)

an increased sensitivity to noxious stimuli
a painful sensation to usually non-nonxious stimuli
Prevention of persistent anesthesia or

paresthesia: caution must be advised when

considering ?

3% or 4% local anesthetics for Md. nerve blocks
Facial nerve paralysis:

____ cranial nerve carries __ to the muscles of facial expressions and other structures

seventh, motor impulses
Transient paralysis of terminal branches occurs:

-___ block

-___ infiltration above the ___

-loss of __ to the ___ produced by deposition of local anesthetic into the capsule of the __ located at the ___

-infraorbital nerve block

-superior infiltration above the Mx. canines

-loss of motor function to the muscles of facial expression... parotid gland located at the posterior border of the ramus

Problem of transient paralysis of terminal branches: transient loss of ___
unilateral muscles of facial expression including possible inability to voluntary close 1 eye
Prevention of transient paralysis of terminal branches:

-adherence to ___

-make needle contact to ___ before depositing local anesthetic

-protocol for IANB

-Md. Bone

Management of transient paralysis of terminal branches:




1. reassure patient

2. cover the eye

3. documentation

prolonged tetanic spasm of the jaw muscles by which the normal opening of the mouth is restricted
causes of trismus:

-__ injection of LA

-__ or __ can produce tissue irritation

-___ infection

-__ injections

-___ of LA after missed IANBs

-IM injection of LA

-hemorrhage or extravascular blood

-low grade infection

-multiple injections

-excessive volumes of LA after missed IANB's

problem of trismus: in acute phase
pain produced by hemorrhage leads to muscle spasms and limitation of movement
problem of trismus: chronic phase
hypomobility secondary to hematoma leads to scar and fibrosis if not treated
Prevention of truisms:




-sharp needles

-avoid repeat and multiple injections

-use minimal effective volumes of LA

Treatment of truisms:
-heat therapy -warm saline rinse

-analgesics -muscle relaxation

-initiate physiotherapy (chewing gum)

-5-7 days with antibiotics


self inflicted trauma to lips and tongue by inadvertently biting or chewing while anesthetized
soft tissue injury
Cause of soft tissue injury: most frequently

occurs in?

children or mentally and physically challenged patient


Prevention of soft tissue injury: warn pt or guardian about?
warn pt. or guardian against eating or drinking hot fluids and biting lips or tongue

management for soft tissue injury
-analgesics for pain

-antibiotics if indicated

-warm saline rinses

-vaseline to abrasions

effusion of blood into extravascular spaces from inadvertently nicking a blood vessel during the injection of LA.
Cause of a hematoma

1____ block

2 rarely develops after a ___

3 __ may cause intraoral hematoma

4 __ may cause large extraoral hematoma

-mental nerve block

-rarely develops after a palatal injection

-IANB may cause intramural hematoma

-PSA nerve block may cause large extra oral hematoma

prevention of a hematoma

-use a __ for the PSA nerve block

-modify __ for a PSA in a patient with smaller

facial characteristics

-short needle

-penetration depth

management of a hematoma


-do not apply __ to the area for ___ hours after

-__ may be applied

-tincture of time ___


-heat, 4-6 hours


-7-10 days

prevention of a hematoma




-use a topical anesthetic

-use sharp needles

-inject slowly

Burning on injection:

pH of LA plain is __

ph of LA with vasopressor is __



infection causes: Contamination

-usually occurs when?

-usually occurs when the needle touches

mucous membrane in the oral cavity prior to


-injection LA into an infected area

Management of infections

-usually reported as __ and __ 1 or more days

after dental care and ___ is indicated

-post injection pain and dysfunction, antibiotics
Causes of edema


2__ may become life threatening


-allergy induced angioneurotic edema of the tongue, pharynx or larynx and may become life threatening

epithelial desquamation following prolonged use of topical anesthetic

sloughing of tissues
post anesthetic intra-oral lesions causes:



1. recurrent aphthous stomatitis(unattached tissue)

2. herpes simplex (attached tissue)