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56 Cards in this Set

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Why w should give cryo. early In obstatric hemorrhage ?

B.c Dec. in fibrinogen led to strongly Inc. In severity of PPH

What is PPH?

Bl loss more than 500ml in VD or 1000 in CS

Causes of PPH?

Uterine Atony

How u ll tt PPH ?

Agresive uterotonic therapy

D&C with uterine relaxation eather by volatile under GA or NTG IV under RA

What is sever preclampsia?

Occur in more than 20 wGA with

1- protin urea more than 5g in 24hurin

2- evidence of EOD

3- hypertension sys 160 dis. 110

W I. eclempsia

Preclempsia + sizure

What is pathology in preclampsia?

Un blanc in prostaglandin relase

Led to more Thrombxane then prostacycline

Thrombxane response to Increase vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation & urine activity while decrease Utroplacental blood flow

What is treatment of preclampsia and eclampsia?

- Mg sulfate anticonvulsions

- Hydralazin antihypertension

Hydralazin inc the utrine and renal blood flow

W u know about Mg sulfate

- give a warm feeling and sid tion in IV

- Anti convulsions

- neuroprtective for fetus (Dec risk of cerebral palsy )

- Metabolise by kidney

- Inc effect of MR by Dec ACH

- cross BBB

- Therapeutic concentration is 4 to 8 mg /dl

- in serum concentration of me than 12 Patellar reflex lost

- antagonis the effect of adrnargic agonist so ephedrine preferred over phenylephrine when need

- CCB and Mg led to more hypotension

What is dose of Mg sulfate?

4G Iv bolus follow by 2g /h

What is Mg toxicity & w I the sign?

- Serum mg 》12 mg/dl

- led to lose patellar reflex

- sign



Respiratory compression at 18mg/dL

Confusion or sizure that is tonic clonic

Cardiac arrest at 30 mg/dl

- Antidote is calcium

W i ttt of Mg toxicity?

Calcium gluconate 1g IV

Ttt the respiratory compression

WU Know about MH in pregnancy ?

- It's Autosomal dominant

- trigerd by volatile or sux

- Nuroaxial Anesthesia should carry on

- All local Anaesthetic is safe

W is Dentrolene

- Ttt of MH with manitol 300mg /20mg of DTL

- cross BBB and cause hypotonia for fetus

- manitol led to utrine Atony if giving to pt for CS or VD

H. U can Dx MH?

By caffeine test

W is APGAR score

Score for fetus evaluation of wellbeing at 1m and 5m after delivery


HR , RS effort, MS tone, Reflex irritability, & Color

What make resuscitation of pregnancy different?

- Pt must have let utrine displacement

- chest compression performed above the center of sternum

- no risk of Cardioverion on fetus

- vasopressin may Dec bl flow to fetus but not contrindiction

What you can do if resuscitation effort in pregnancy not effective?

Primortem CS ( remove the aortocaval pressure and could help the mother as well as baby depend on his GA)

W is GI system change in pregnancy ?

- upward displacement of stomch and relaxent of muscle by progestine led to lowering esophgeal sphincter tone

- gastric emptying daily in labor

- Inc secretion of bile and it's complications

- opioid drug Iv or neuroaxial delay gastric emptying

What is cardiac Change at term ?




- SV





What is RS Change in pregnancy?


- O2 consumption 20 -60%

- MV 50 % =TV 45% ×RR (slightly)

- Pao2



- Paco2 30 to 32 wich cause alkalis

- Bicarbonate fall to Dec the ph

- FRC due to = ERV+ RV


What change occur in Enndocine during pregnancy ?

- thyroid gland enlargement

- estrogen led to Inc in thyroid binding globulin led to inc total T3 & T4

- unbound T3 & 4 unchanged so it euthyroid

- Inc. Cortisol level

- lactogen production from placenta led to Insulin resistant

How u can detect Lower utrine rupture?

By Fetal heart rate monitor

P.s LUR not cause bleeding as LU is avascular

What factors affecting transfer of drug In BBB?

Drug size less than 1000 daltons



Blood flow

Protein binding e.g ionised protin bind

Lipid solubility or lipophilic

And unbounded drug cross easly

What are the criteria of drug that cross BBB?

- low Molecular Wight 《500 Da

- lipophilic

- Low degree of ionisation

- large concentration gradient a cross the membranes

What dermatom should be cover in 1st and 2nd stage of lapore

1st stage T10 to L1

2nd stage S2 to S4 I.e. pedendal nerve

What is +ve oxytocin contraction test ?

Is 3 aducute contractions in 10m period with repetitive late deceleration.

What is meaning of early deselection?

Slowing FHR with onset of utrine contraction

What is meaning of late deceleration?

Slowing of FHR after the utrine contraction 10-30sec

Cuse by Fetal distrase

Ttt is left utrine displacement, Iv fluide

If mother hypotensive give ephedrine

What is renal change in pregnancy?

- Increase Kidny size

- dilation of ureters

- increase renal blood flow

- increase clearance of urea and creatinine and uric acid ( Dec. Level)

- glucose urea

Physiological change in utroplacental blood flow?

- 12% of COP is account for uterus at term

- it has letal or no autoregulation

- UPBF depend on maternal circulation

the main supply is utrine artery from internal iliac artery ( hypogastric) - GA minimal effect the utrine Bl flow

What is hemodynamic gole for MS ?

Avoid pulmmonary hyerention by

Sinus rythm

Dec HR


Agresive ttt acute AF.

Avoid aortocaval compression

Prevent pain, hypoxia, Acidosis and hypercarbia

What is hemodynamic gole for MR?


Mild Inc HR

Avoid Inc SVR and venous returne

What is hemodynamic gole for AS?


Maintain HR and venues return

Avoid Dec SVR

What is hemodynamic gole for AR?

Mild Inc HR

Avoid Inc SVR

What is lab cheng in pregnancy ?

- Dec hg and Htc

- plt unchanged or Dec

- Inc cogulation factor

- Dec BUN and creatinine by inc GFR and renal bl flow

- bicarbonate and pco2 by 10 Dec led to Unchanged ph

- inc po2 by 10

What is lab cheng in pregnancy ?

- Dec hg and Htc

- plt unchanged or Dec

- Inc cogulation factor

- Dec BUN and creatinine by inc GFR and renal bl flow

- bicarbonate and pco2 by 10 Dec led to Unchanged ph

- inc po2 by 10

What is tried of amniotic fluid embolism?

1- hypoxemia

2- sever systemic collapse

3- cogulopathy

What is the Nor. Fetal scalp ph ??

Is 7.25

7.2 to 7.24 is intermediate required close monitoring

Less than 7.2 reflect hypoxemia and need immediate delivery

What is Neurophysiology change in pregnancy ?

Decrease the requirements of anesthesia with 25% LA.

Atomic change decrease CSF led to increase the speed of LA

- increase secretion of endorphins led to inc threshold

The change Happen from 1st trimester

What is placenta Acreta nd what is her risk factor ?

It is abnormal implantion of placenta

RF is placenta previa

Previous CS

What is Dx criteria of spinal cord compression?

- sever back pain

- leg weakness greater than expected

-recurrent of weakness after recovery

When dose Epidural hematoma or Abbess occur?

-Hematoma take 12 h

-Abbess take a day

How do you Dx Hematoma or Abscess in Nuroaxial and what is best time for recovery ?

- Need Neuro surgical consultation


- Dx befor 8h from hematoma is better than after 8h

What is terbutaline ?

B2 adrnargic agonist

Tt Asthma and tocoilytic agent






Pulmonary edema






What happened to COP in pregnancy ?


Return to Normal 2w. after delivery

What is the normal utrine blood flow at term ?

700 to 900 ml / min

What are the anesthetic goals for prgnancy in nonobstatric surgery?

1- Maternal safety

2- prevention of

- Tertogenic drug

- Nenatal asphyxia

- preterm labor

What are the anesthetic complications in obstatric?

1- matrnal nerve damage

2- neonatal brain damage

3- matrnal death

4- Headch

5- back pain

6- neonatal death

7- emotional distress

8- matrnal brain damage

9- pain during anesthesia

10- aspiration pneumonitis

What you do in cases of sever emergency bleeding in ob?

- Do RSI with Ketamine or Etomidat + Sux - If pt in shock do RSI with sux just - If pt is difficult intubation just do local infltration

Why we mix epinephrine with local anesthetic in Nuroaxial Anesthesia ?

- To decrease vascular uptake by Vasoconstriction

- Increase the intensity and duration of LA block

The more lipid soul able is the LA the less effect of epinephrine

What is complications of intra spinal narcotic?

1- pruritus

2- N/V

3- urinary retention

4- Drawsiness

5- Respiratory depression or headch

What is O2 saturation in newborn ?

- 60-65% at 1min

- 65-70% at 2min

- 70-75% at 3min

- 75-80%at 4min

- 80-85% at 5min

- slowly inc after 5 min up to 95% at 10 min

Placenta previa

1st episode has

- pain less bleeding

- in 2nd or 3rd trimester

- no distress or colapse

What are the normal values for arterial umbilical cord blood ?

Ph 7.25

Pco2 50

Po2 20

Bicarbonate 22

How you can improve the saturation in one lung ventilation ?

- Increase the Hg

- Increase the COP

- inflating the pulmonary artery catheter

- less likely is to increase fio2