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77 Cards in this Set

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evan's syndrome
ITP and autoimmune hemolytic anemia, can cause warm agglutanin ds
extravascular hemolytic anemias
sickle cell ds, G6PD def, and hereditary spherocytosis
do you see jaundice in intravascular hemolytic anemias
causes of non hemolytic, normocytic anemias
AOCD, kidney ds (no epo), aplastic anemia
what is the TIBC in AOCD (low, nl, or high)
low (because iron stores are high)
what type of ig is associated with cold ab ds
what two infections are associated with cold ab ds
mono and mycoplasma
what are the defective proteins in hereditary spherocytosis
spectrin and ankyrin
what abnl cell do you see on a smear with warm agglut ds
is warm agglut ds intra or extravascular hemolysis
extravascular (rbc's phagocytosed by macrophages, no complement fixing because IgG)
is cold agglut ds intra or extravascular hemolysis
intravascular (IgM-->fix complement) and can also be extravascular (phagocytosis by liver macrophages)
what are some clinical findings with thal mj
1. splenomegaly
2. skeletal deformaties (frontal bossing and other)
3. iron overload (due to transfusions)
what is the transferrin saturation in AOCD (high, low, nl)
nl (trans sat = serum iron/TIBC)
what is glanzmann's thrombasthenia
defect in plt plug formation by dec gp2b/3a (plt to fibrinogen to plt)
what is bernard-souli ds
defect in plt plug formation by dec gp1b (plt to collagen)
is the plt count increased, decreased or nl with glanzmann's
is the plt count increased, decreased or nl with bernard-souli
what would a BM aspirate show in ITP
increased megakaryocytes
what is the defect in ITP
anti-gp2b/3a (leads to peripheral plt destruction)
dx for TTP
low plts and shistocytes required. others:neuro, renal, fever
what is the txt for VWD
DDVAP (it releases stored VWF)
is the PTT nl, high or low in VWD
high because vwf carries factor VIII
is the PTT nl, high or low in DIC
high because using up all coag factors
is the PT nl, high or low in DIC
high because using up all coag factors
P vera: epo up, down or nl
epo down (-feedback)
what is a major toxic effect of heparin therapy
heperin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)
what is the pathophys of HIT
stimulates antibodies against plts--> leads to plt activation--> can get thrombosis with thrombocytopenia
do thalasemias have micro or macrocytosis
do corticosteroids increase or decrease circulating PMNs levels
increase because the demarginate PMNs so there are more in circulation
when do you see basophilia
myeloproliferative disorders
what is the pathophys of G6PD def
without G6PD, oxidative agents convert hgb to methgb which gets denatured and ppts as heinz bodies. spleen macrophages pinch off the heinz bodies creating bite or blister cells-->hemolysis
what kinds of drugs cause neutropenia
antipsychotics, antiepileptics, antithyroid and some abx
what do sulfa drugs do to PMN count
cause agranulocytosis (also levamisol contaminated coccaine and others)
how do you treat TTP
PLEX (not plts- they fuel the fire!)
what does TF/FVIIa activate
X (direct) and IX (indirect)
what does thrombin activate
plts, 5,8,11,13
what is the most sensitive test for monitoring heparin
TT>PTT>PT (note TT is too sensitive so use PTT)
what is the lupus inhibitor
anti-phopholipid (can't correct PTT with 1:1)
monocytosis- which conditions
myelodysplastic syndromes, infx, ibd, leukemia
when do you do a 1:1 mixing test
when you have an abnl PTT to determine if the have a deficiency or inhibitor (a deficiency will be corrected, and inhibitor won't be)
splenic enlargment will lead to what
decreased plts
what does protein c inactivate
Va and VIIIa
antithrombin III inactivates...
what do deficiencies in anticoag proteins do to PT, PTT, TT
all are nl
what is the PTT change with VWD
increased because vwf carries factor VIII
what does DDVAP do
increases release of factor VIII and vwf
prothrombin 20210 is what kind of mutation
gain of function point mutation codes for increased factor II levels (prothrombin)
are arterial thromboses platelet or fibrin rich
platelet (white thrombosis)
does factor V leiden have high, low or nl PTT
nl (same time to clot, but stays around longer because can't inactivate factor V well)
what are some clinical and lab findings with anti-phopholipid antibody syndrome
thrombosis, recurrent miscarriage and persistant anti-PL ab (lupus inhibitor and/or anticardiolipin ab). Also have prolonged PTTs
characteristic labs in DIC
decreased plts, fibrinogen; increased FDPs, PT, PTT, TT
what is purpura fulminans
a syndrome of DIC with skin necrosis and secondary hemorrhage. indicates high grade DIC. causes include sepsis or homozygous def in protein c or s
what factors does heparin inactivate
II (thrombin) and X
what factors does LMWH inactivate
X only (not thrombin)
what kind of thrombosis does aspirin help prevent
arterial only
what kind of thrombosis does heparin help prevent
arterial and venous
what kind of thrombosis does warfarin help prevent
arterial an venous
when is a pRBC transfusion indicated
when you need to increase O2 carrying capacity such as with symptomatic anemia (tachycardia>100, mental change, heart ischemia, angina, SOB)
what type of plasma can an O recipient receive
O, A, B, or AB (O has all the antibodies that these have)
how does heparin effect antithrombin
it causes antithrombin to rapidly inactivate factors IIa and Xa
what type of hemolysis (intra or extravascular) can Rh mismatch cause
extravascular (rbc's phagocytosed by macrophages, no complement fixing because IgG)
what type of hemolysis (intra or extravascular) can ABO mismatch cause
intravascular (complement fixing because IgM)
what is the number 1 cause of fatalities with blood transfusions
human error
what antigens to plts have
ABO and HLA (although consider Rh when giving a plt transfusion because trace amts of RBCs are found in plts)
what is in fresh frozen plasma
clotting factors, fibrinogen (and citrate as an anticoag)
when is a plasma transfusion indicated
DIC, liver ds, trauma, massive transfusion, Pt/PTT>1.5x nl, and warfarin reversal if no time for vit K
when is cryoprecipitate indicated
when you need lots of fibrinogen in a small volume (it also has VIII, vwf, and XIII)
what is TRALI
transfusion related acute lung injury from donor antiHLA or anti-PMN attacking recipient WBCs.. new lung injury within 6 hrs of transfusion. bilat chest infiltrates, hypoxemia, not PE risk factors, usually fever chills and hypotension
how do you prevent transfusion associated GVHD
irradiate the blood (indicated for severe immunodef pts)
is transfusion assoc GVHD an acute or delayed transfusion rxn
delayed ( sx 8-10 days s/p tx)
p vera labs
increased rbcs, may have high plts, basophilia, high hgb/hct, may have high wbcs, decreased epo, +Jak2, and teardrops on smear
what syndromes can manifest with a Jak2 mutation
p vera (97%), ET (50%), and myelofibrosis (50%)
what is the major complication of ET
what BM cell type is effected in myelofibrosis
txt for p vera
phlebotomy, hydroxyurea, p32, low dose aspirin to decrease thrombosis risk, ifn alpha
myelodysplastic syndrome labs (smear, bm, genetics)
smear: macrocytosis, lg plts, monocytosis, marrow:ringed sideroblasts and sm megakaryocytes, genetics: monosomy 5,7,8
what is the ANC for agranulocytosis