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89 Cards in this Set

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growing hairs
hairs undergoing transition from growing into resting
resting hairs
the phenomenon of telogen hairs remaining for variable lengths of time before they fall out
lag period between loss of telogen hair and growth of a new anagen hair
NOTE: Anagen hairs typically grow for about 1000 days (3 years), but maybe up to 6 years
The hair growth rate of terminal hairs is ___ (mm/day)
roughly 1/3
rapid and complete loss of hair in one or more round or oval patches, usually on the scalp, bearded area, eyebrows, or eyelashes
alopecia areata
in alopecia areata, the loss of scalp hairs confluently along the temporal and occipital scalp
clues to the diagnosis of ___ include a history of periodic hair regrowth, nail pitting, and the presence of tapered fractures or exclamation point hairs
alopecia areata
NOTE: Alopecia areata is associated with a higher incidence of atopic dermatitis, Down syndrome, LP, and autoimmune disease
___ of the scalp may represent a forme fruste of alopecia areata. Patients with this disorder present with migrating patches of white hair, but never lose hair
migratory poliosis
Familial alopecia areata has been associated with this systemic lab finding
hereditary thrombocytopenia
sharply circumscribed patch of alopecia with exclamation point hairs at the periphery and the absence of scarring are indicative of ___
alopecia areata
presents with excessive shedding of normal telogen club hairs
telogen effluvium
This type of alopecia / hair loss occurs 3-5 months after the premature conversion of many anagen hairs to telogen hairs induced by surgery, parturition, fever, drugs, dieting, or traction
telogen effluvium
How do you explain the large degree of hairloss that occurs after childbirth?
During pregnancy, many hairs remain for a prolonged time in anagen phase. They are released simultaneously into telogen phase with parturition. Also many hairs are restricted to telogen phase during pregnancy and teloptosis occurs at parturition
NOTE: Superimposed papulosquamous disease, Fe deficiency, thryoid disease can result in even more telogen shed in cases of telogen effluvium
disorder in which anagen hairs may be pulled from the scalp with little effort. Usually occurs in blond girls and improves with age.
loose anagen syndrome
pelade is French for ___
alopecia areata (therefore psuedopelade is 'like alopeciea areata but not alopecia areata')
doll's hair-like bundling of follicular units; compound hairs
tufted folliculitis
also known as twisted hairs; hairs are fragile; may be associated with patchy alopecia and short, broken hairs
pili torti
gray or white hair occurs in circumscrbied patches
poliosis (may be found in Waardenburg syndrome, piebaldism, Tietz syndrome, Alezzandrini syndrome, NF, and tuberous sclerosis)
Graying of hair a/w aging is due to reduction of ___ within hair bulb melanocytes
tyrosinase activity
X-linked rare disorder; mapped to Xp21.2-22.2; KP of the face in infancy, progressive cicatricial alopecia; photophobia is prominent
keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans
hair loss in the immediate vicinity of either benign or malignant tumors of the scalp
tumor alopecia
patient has bald spot on the back of their head after prolonged anesthesia or bed rest
pressure alopecia
form of cicatricial alopecia; periodic crops of pustules or crusts at the periphery of an alopecic patch
folliculitis decalvans
alopecia in the area of hair braids
traction alopecia
term encopasing a finding associated with a wide range of hair conditions; doll's hair-like bundling of follicular units; multiple hair shafts within one follicular ostia
tufted folliculitis / compound hairs
expanding eroded patches with moist granulation tissue of the scalp; looks nasty (I've seen it); usually follows trauma or a surgical procedure and is chronic / progressive
erosive pustular dermatitis of the scalp
form of cicatricial alopecia; multiple round, oval, or irregularly shaped hairless scarred patches; "onion skin surface;" no inflammation; no pustules / crusts, etc; may represent an end stage of LPP or may overlap with CCCA
pseudopalade (of Brocq), which means pseudo alopecia areata
Andrews reports that pseudopalade may represent an end stage of ___
discrete excoriated follicular papules in the scalp; no associated scarring alopecia; bx with inflammatory crust and suppurative folliculitis
acne necrotica
crops of pustules within the scalp that result in cicatricial alopecia; successive crops of pustules, crusts, or erosions lead to expansion of the alopecic patches
folliculitis decalvans
Although not definative, some think that folliculitis decalvans represents a chronic ___ infection; it often responds to long-term treatment with ___
most commonly seen in African American women; slowly progressive alopecia with scarrin gof the crown with peripheral spread
CCCA (central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia) - difficult to treat
NOTE: Most patients with LPP only have involvement of the scalp, but some can have the classic LP
Frontal fibrosing alopecia appears to be a variant of ___
older woman with band-like frontotemporal alopecia
consider frontal fibrosing alopecia
cicatricial alopecia; KP on the trunk / extremities; non-cicatricial alopecia of axillae / pubis
Graham Little (Piccardi-Lassueur) syndrome
NOTE: Chronic cutaneous lupus is another cause of cicatricial alopecia
What does DIF of chronic cutaneous lupus show?
"full house" granular deposition at DEJ of IgG, IgA, IgM and C3
NOTE: Andrews does not recommend suturing scalp 4mm punch biopsies, rather recommends the use of a 4mm strip of gel foam
List the most common inflammatory causes of cicatricial alopecia (4)
folliculitis decalvans
what are the hair findings of hypothyroidism
coarse, dry, brittle, sparse hair
what are the hair findings of hyperthyroidism
fine, sparse hair
alopecia mucinosa may occur without underlying disease in young people; the secondary type is usually associated with ___
MF-type CTCL
moth-eaten appearance on the occipital scalp; generalized thinning of the hair
alopecia syphilitica
boggy red plaque or hypopigmented patch with hair loss and maybe comedone-like papules
consider alopecia mucinosa
what is the typical patient with trichotillomania?
girl under age 10 (but any age/sex can be affected)
Both women and men with pattern alopecia have higher levels of ___ and ___ in frontal hair follicles compared to occipital follicles
androgen receptors
The conversion of testosterone into ___ by the enzyme ___ is increased in the scalp of balding individuals
also known as beaded hairs
Monilethrix (beaded hairs), often associated with KP, is associated with a mutation in ___
desmoglein 4
some patients with uncomable hair syndrome have responded to ___
pili torti + monilethrix (beaded hair) + trichorrhexis nodosa; XR inheritance; hair resembles steel wool; early death (drowsiness, lethargy, seizures, neurologic deterioration, periodic hypothermia)
Menkes kinky hair syndrome
congenital deafness (cochlear type)
pili torti
Bjornstad syndrome
Bjornstad syndrome is caused by a mutation in ___
BCS1L (encodes an ATPase)
pili torti + nerve deafness + hypogonadism
Crandall syndrome
entire body covered in fine vellus hairs with normal-appearing scalp hair; X-linked dominant; may be associated with de3ntal anomalies and gingival fibromatosis
congenital hypertrichosis lanuginosa
acquired hypertrichosis lanuginosa is an ominous sign of ___
internal malignancy "malignant down"
REVIEW: Signs of hirsutism
hair growth of the upper lip, cheeks, chin, central chest, breast, lower abdomen, groin. VIRILIZATION: temporal balding, masculine habitus, deepening of voice, cliteral hypertrophy, amenorrhea, acne
Most medically-significant hirsutism is associated with ___
NOTE: When virilization accompanies hirsutism, especially when progression is rapid, neoplastic cause is likely
NOTE: It should be noted that women of southwest asian, eastern european, and southern european heritage commonly have facial, abdominal, and thigh hair
adrenal androgens in women are ___ and ___
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) and androstenedione (both are pre-androgens that require conversion in skin and liver to testosterone)
The androgens ___ and ___ are secreted in women by the ovary
testosterone and androstenedione
NOTE: PCOS may relate to insulin resistance with resultant elevated insulin levels leading to ovarian overpoduction of androgesn
REMEMBER: 21-hydroxylase deficiency (CAH) is AD-inherited. Onset is generally in childhood with ambiguous genitalia, precocious growth, and virilism
What is the treatment for axillary and palmar hyperhidrosis?
First line is topical AlCl applied to a blown-dry axilla nightly (without occlusion) starting at low concentration (10-30%). For the palms use up to 50% concentration nightly under occlusion with plastic gloves
excessive sweating of the forehead, scalp, upper lip, perioral region, or sternum a few moments after eating spicy food, tomato sauce, chocolate, coffee, tea, or hot soup
gustatory hyperhidrosis
what typically happens to the feet/soles of someone with palmoplantar hyperhidrosis?
they become soggy and are often affected by pitted keratolysis and foul odor
what is the word for getting rid of hair
REMEMBER: A dignosis of PCOS does not require labratory confirmation
Determination of ___ and testing for ___ may be the most important laboratory evaluation in those diagnosed with PCOS
lipid panel
glucose tolerance
When the history and physical exam of someone with virilization suggests the possibility of neoplasm, a serum ___ should be checked
testosterone level
NOTE: I'm not sure abou this, and I need to look it up, but it looks like Andrews recommends both spironolactone (100-200mg/day) and metformin for PCOS
___ is the OCP that provides good cycle control for women with PCOS
1-2mm nodules attached firmly to the hair shafts of axillary / pubic hair. Yellow coloration of nodules and maybe skin. May coexist with erythrasma and pitted keratolysis
trichomycosis axillaris
trichomycosis axillaris usually involves large numbers of ___ (organism)
corynebacterium (treat with topical clinda or erythromycin)
thick, asbestos-like (amiantaceous) shiny scales on the scalp with localized or generalized crusting and matted-together hairs; maybe some purulent exudate
pityriasis amiantacea (usually due to untreated psoriasis or seb derm)
pityriasis amiantacea is usually associated with large numbers of ___ (organism)
staph (but treatment is with selenium sulfide and/or steroid shampoo along with peanut oil to thin the scale)
small pustules near the tip of the inside of the nose a/w hair follicles; crusts; maybe staph cultured
folliculitis nares perforans
in pts with renal failure or DM; umbilicated dome-shaped papules on the legs (less often on trunk, neck, arms, scalp); maybe pustular lesions; later resembles prurigo nodules; central hyperkeratotic cone; coalescing verrucous plaques frequently seen
acquired perforating dermatosis (seen in 4-10% of dialysis pts)
___ is treatment for acquired perforating dermatosis a/w pruritus of renal disease
reddish-brown, sharply demarcated, symmetrical discoloration of pre-auricular and maxillary face; follicular papules and erythema; telangiectases
erythromelanosis follicularis faciei et colli
lichen spinulosis is primarily a disease of ___
what is the treatment for lichen spinulosis
keratolytics, emollients (SA, LA, urea), maybe tretinoin