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20 Cards in this Set

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The citizens hired to enforce laws and carry out government program in the Roman Empire were called the
what is “romance language “ ?
a language based on latin
who overthrew the Emperor Augustus Romulus and ended the Western roman empire?
Julius Ceasar was assassinated because
he was becoming too powerful
julius caesar conquered this land, and now it is the country of France?
what is a republic ?
a form of government in which the people elect their representatives
the arena in Rome sat 50,000 and was used for gladiator fights is the
these were posted in the forum after the plebeians revolted so everyone could know romes laws,
the twelve tables
these patricians met in the Forum. under the republic they gave orders to the consuls but under the Empire, they took orders from the emperor
romulus and remus were twins who , according to legend
founded the city of rome
the roman republic became the Roman Empire when
Augustus was given the powers to imperator
if you were a merchant or tradesperson in in Ancient rome you would most likely be classified as a
after the Roman Empire was permanently split into two during the fourth century, what was the eastern roman empire called ?
the Byzantine Empire
why did the ancient romans build aqueducts ?
to provide water for everyday use
an immediate result of the fall of the roman empire was
a period of disorder and weak government
absolute ruler of the empire in times of emergency ;
one of two people elected every year by the Assembly; led the army and served as judges
which of the following statements describes Rome during the Pax (peace) Romana ?
rome had no significant social or economic problems or internal wars
s roman religion included many of the gods and the beliefs of the___________ , whom the Romans greatly admired
the basic Roman army unit was called