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35 Cards in this Set

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What protected Rome?

The mountains

The latins

Lived in the west central, along the tyber river, became rome

The greeks

On cicily, and southern Italy

The Etruscans

From Asia. Come from the north and conquer down

Who taught Romans how to pave roads, ď rain swamps, and sewers

The Etruscans

Who were Romulus and Remus

Raised by wolf, then a farmer, stated a city, Romulus killed remus, then becomes 1st king of Rome

What was the senate

Born into, nobels


Free citizen,must be a citizen in Rome

What are the equites

Plebians that have become wealthy, business men

What does the senate control

Money, set foreign policy, most powerful

What does the assembly of centuries do

Wealthy men,rich farmers,elect people to serve in government, declare war and peace

What does the assembly of tribes do

They are states, 35 representitives were sent to vote

What's the role of the family

Father's could sell their kids into slavery, family was the most important thing


Aimed at good habits, dad taught able real life things


Father's taught.


Believe the world around you is filed with spirits


Everyone was expected to be in the military


Hates Romans,trained to be a general, attacks rome

First punic war

Led by hammil car, strong navy,

2nd punic war

Scipio was the General?

3rd punic war

Wipe Carthage off the map


Adjust to ruling, military makes decisions


Tax the people,Roman rule


A lot of farming, farming on Italian peninsula gotta down


Slot more trade, where wealthy plebians show up

Social change

Loyalty to their country goes down

Tuberous answer grain gracchus

Brothers, senators, older wanna go flew land top poor people, beta killed in a riot, younger takes public funds to buy gain for poor


General, his soldiers can steal


Patrician tells his soldiers to find Marius and bring his head

Conflict and outcome

Sulla chases Marius out of rome,

Who made up the first triumvirate

Crasus, pompeoi, ceaser

Who ended up taking over and what happened

Ceaser. Cleopatra gets delivered there naked to save her country, eqypt

Who mace the second triumvirate

Ovtavian, Marc antony, lepidus

How did they take control

Killed everyone that killed ceaser, Marc gets north, ovtavian gets south

Marc antony

Ends up committing suicide, rules for a while