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17 Cards in this Set

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Apollo gave her the power to foretell the future. When she shunned his love, he decreed that her prophecies would never believed. So when she predicted there were Greek soldiers in the Trojan horse, the people though she was insane.


Once a beautiful woman, she was changed into a Gorgon when she offended Athena. With hair of snakes and eyes that could turn any human to stone. Pegasus sprang from her neck when Perseus beheaded her


A sculptor from Cyprus, he made an ivory statue of a beautiful woman and fell in love with his creation. He prayed to Aphrodite to find him a maiden equal to the one he carved.


The blind Theban prophet, whose life spanned 7 generations. He knew the will of the gods and foretold many fates, predicting Oedipus' end and foreseeing Heracles greatness. Even after he died mortals visited him in the underworld to hear his prophecies


The beautiful huntress who wanted perpetual chastity. By agreeing to marry only the man who could outrun her, she was able to remain unwed for many years. Finally a Greek youth defeated her by dropping golden apples in her path during a race. As she picked them up he won the race


The "Eve" of Greek mythology. Zeus had her created to punish Prometheus for stealing fire from heaven. After giving her all the finest qualities of women, Zeus also gave her curiosity and a box she was never to open. She finally looked inside the box , and a host of evils escaped to spread over the world


The mighty hunting companion of the goddess Artemis. A famous legend is death was caused by Artemis in an outburst of vengeance. After death, he was placed in the skies , in a constellation still called _______ the hunter


A master musician. He married Eurydice, who died soon after their wedding. Hoping to charm Hades with his music and take his wife back to earth, he visited the underworld. His beautiful music won his wish, on the condition that he not look back at her until they were on earth. He glanced at her and lost her


titan god of endurance and astronomy, and condemned to hold up the sky for eternity after the titanmachy.


The goddess of the rainbow and a messenger of the gods. She along with hermes carried news from Zeus and Hera. She sent word to Alycone, through the god of slumber, that her beloved husband had died in a violent sea storm.

The Fates

three sister deities, incarnations of destiny and life. Their names were Clotho, she who draws the lots and determines how long one will live, by measuring the thread of life. and Atropos and morirai.

The Graces

one of the three or more minor goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, human creativity, and fertility together known as the Charites

The Muses

daughters of Zeus


named the goddess of Victory, and she served as a messenger for Zeus and Athena. Called Victoria by the Romans, she is sometimes represented as a winged figure carrying the wreath of victory


He was promised kingship if he could recover the golden fleece of the ram that carried off his uncle's children. Under Medea's protection, he refused to honor his promise and was killed by the outraged Medea. Then he was banished to Corinth, never to rule.


The King with the golden torch. Granted his wish that everything he touched turned to gold, he soon found the gift a curse. Everything - food, drink, even his daughter - hardened to gold. He finally cursed himself by washing his hands in a magical river. When he did, the sands of the river bed turned to gold.


greek hero was the strongest and most severely tested of all the mortals. He had to perform twelve difficult tasks, called"Heracles' labors" to atone for killing his wife and children. successfully completing his work, he earned immortality and a place at Olympus