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33 Cards in this Set

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Abraham and Sarah were
the first Great Patriarchs and wife
God's relationship between Abraham and Sarah is Such
1. God tells them to leave the place they are living and go somewhere else
2. He will give them a great posterity, He will give them land for them to live on
Abraham’s Complaint and God’s Assurance
Abraham and Sarah try having a child but they are not successful
Abraham is worried about God keeping his promise so he names one of his slaves as his heir
God assures Abraham that he will have more children than there are stars in the sky
Covenant refers to
God binds himself to his promise
Circumcision as a sign of the Covenant refers to
sign of Covenant between God and Abraham, male children only, many people besides Ancient Israelites practiced it
Do Abraham and Sarah have a child after the Covenant?
Hagar becomes the surrogate Mother with Abraham and gives birth to
Ishmael is not a biological son of Sarah but Abraham regards him as the fulfillment of the promise t/f?
rah tells Abraham to get Hagar pregnant and the child will be considered as Sarah’s child t/f?
The Promise of Isaac is in
Genesis 18
God tells Abraham that Ishmael is not his heir and
Sarah, who is in her 90’s, will give birth to a son, who will become the heir
Lot is
The Nephew of Abraham
God informs Abraham that He will wipe out Sodom
the reports about social injustice in Sodom are true
This calls into question God’s moral character and
Abraham didn’t want to allow it
God tells Abraham that if there are 10
good and righteous men in Sodom, then God will spare the city
All the men of Sodom gather outside Lot’s house and demand
that Lot take them out of his house because they want to have sex with him
Lot does not allow this to happen and he protects them
by offering his own daughters to the men
The men try to break down the doors
intended homosexual rape- act of violence, not of love, shows there are not 10 good men in Sodom
Sodom is Saved True or False?
The Akedah is the
Binding of Isaac
God tells Abraham to offer Isaac
and burn him up
Abraham would not allow Sodom to be destroyed
but he did not protest against burning Isaac
Abraham sets everything up and is about to kill Isaac
Abraham sets everything up and is about to kill Isaac Abraham is radically obedient
Esau and Jacob were
twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah
Esau is
the first born, then Jacob
Usually Esau should be
he one to inherit almost everything
Jacob attempts to supplant Esau and ultimately he will succeed t/f
Story of Esau Working Jacob Part 1
1. He brings Esau into his tent and wants to give Esau his death-bed blessing
2. He asks Esau to hunt and cook his favorite animal and when Isaac eats it, he will give Esau his death-bed blessing
3. Rebekah loves Jacob and tells Jacob of what Esau must do
4. Rebekah tells Jacob to get a little goat and she will prepare his favorite meal

10. Esau arrives and Isaac realizes that he has been had
11. Esau decides that Jacob will die once Isaac dies
12. Rebekah will not allow that to happen so Rebekah sends Jacob to the ancestral homeland to find a wife
Story of Esau Working Jacob Part 2
5. Jacob can pretend to be Esau because Isaac is so blind from old-age
6. Jacob is not worried about the morality of the scheme but he is worried about getting caught
7. Rebekah tells Jacob to skin the goat and put it over his skin so that he can resemble Esau
8. Isaac doesn’t trust at first but feels Jacob’s skin and believes it is Esau
9. Isaac gives Jacob the death-bed blessing
Story of Esau Working Jacob Part 3
10. Esau arrives and Isaac realizes that he has been had
11. Esau decides that Jacob will die once Isaac dies
12. Rebekah will not allow that to happen so Rebekah sends Jacob to the ancestral homeland to find a wife
Rachel was
first wife of Jacob
Rachel's father, a trickster who tells Jacob he must work for him for 7 years before he can marry Rachel. He does and is tricked into marrying Leah. In order to Marry Rachel he must work 20 more years which he does
# Jacob will have 2 wives
# Jacob has sex with 4 different women and has 12 children
# Jacob loved Rachel the most and so he was partial to Rachel’s son t/f