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40 Cards in this Set

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what are the first five steps of embryologicial development?
2. name and describe
3. name an describe
4.name and when implanted
1. Fertilization
2. Morula (solid mass)
3. Blastula (hollow)
4. Inner cell mass (implanted on ~day 10)
5. Embryonic plate
what are the three layers of the embryonic plate
1. Ectoderm
2. mesoderm
3. endoderm
describe the three layers of the embryonic plate
1. ectoderm
2. mesoderm
3. endoderm
1. skin, nervous system, RPE and neural retina, lens, dilator, sphincter*
2. CT, muscle
3. nothing eye
what layer of the embryonic plate forms the lens?
surface ectoderm
what layer of the embryonic plate forms the posterior epithelium of the iris?
neuro ectoderm
what layer of the embryonic plate forms the skin
surface ectoderm
what layer of the embryonic plate forms the inner nonpigmented epithelium of the lens
neuro ectoderm
what layer of the embryonic plate forms the corneal epithelium
surface ectoderm
what layer of the embryonic plate forms the RPE
neuro ectoderm
what layer of the embryonic plate forms the outer pigmented epithelium
what layer of the neuro ectoderm forms the anterio epithelium of the iris
neuro ectoderm
what is the mesenchyme made of
connective tissue
what two things does the mesenchyme make up?
1. neural crest cells
2. mesoderm
what gene makes the lens vesicle
Pac 6 gene
what day does the lens vesicle separate from the surface ectoderm
day 33
what is the thickening of the surface ectoderm called
lens placode
what forms the primary lens fibers
posterior lens epithelium
what day does mitosis at the pre-equitorial zone form the secondary lens fibers of the fetal nucleus
day 49
what is the tissue called that forms the neural tube
neural ectoderm
what is the tissue called that is the layer that covers surface of embryo
surface ectoderm
what is the layer called that separates from crest areas (island b/t surface and neural ectoderm)
neural crest cells
what is the germ layer located b/t and all around neural tube, b/t neural crest and surface ectoderm
what is the germ layer called that includes both neural crest and mesoderm
out-pouches from diencephalon form outpouching of 2 eyes from both sides of head (day 25)
optic pits --> optic vesicles
what is this called that is the inferior region of the vesicle and stalk begins to invaginate and forms a cleft or optic fissure
optic cup
what is the hyaloid arterial system made of and what makes the vessels formed by branches from the posterior tunica vasculosa lentis?
hyloid vessels
what branches does the hyaloid arterial system of the anterior tunica vasculosa lentis form
branches of the annular vessel *
what is the function of the hyloid arterial system (mesenchyme)
-what time frame
feed the lens
3-4 months
when is the hyaloid arterial system (mesenchyme) absorbed
by 8th month
what determines the depth of the optic cup
* the amount of reabsorption of the glial tissue that surrounds the hyaloid arterial system
what is the remnant of glial tissue of the hyloid system called that is left at the optic cup
Bergmeister's papilla
what is the remnant the hyloid tissue called left by a small area of tissue on the posterior lens called
Mittendorf's dot
what is the first layer to differentiate in the retina
what occurs during week 4-5 during retinal embryonic development
-what do the layers contain
contains cell bodies
what is the empty space in the developing embryonic optic cup called
intraretinal space
the outer neuroblastic layer has what 3 structures in it
horizontal, bipolar cells
the inner neuroblastic layer has what three cell structures in it
amacrine, muller and ganglion cells
the outer layer of the optic cup has includes what 3 structures
retina, ciliary bodies, and iris
the inner layer of the optic cup is made of what
the whole thing is the inner layer of optic cup (neuroectoderm)
in the neuroectoderm, what 3 layers line the outer surface
RPE --> outer pigmented eptithelium of ciliary bodies --> anterior epithelium of iris