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120 Cards in this Set

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cone shaped organ about size of fist, located w/i mediastinum; flanked by lungs, posteriorly by vertebral column and anteriorly by sternum
medial cavity of the thorax
pointed part of heart, extends to left and rests on diaphragm
from which the great vessels emerge
visceral pericardium (epicardium
one of the thin double walled serous sacs. closely applied to outer heart surface. continuous at the base of the heart with its companion serous membrane
parietal pericardium
outer loosely applied; reinforced on its superficial face by dense fibrous connective tissue, which protects the heart and anchors it to the diaphragm
cardiac muscle of wall of heart. reinforced internally by dense fibrous connective tissue network...
superior chambers of heart; right atria receives oxygen-poor blood from body . leftgets o2 rich from lungs
inferior chamber of heart
line the <3 chambers
interatrial/interventricular septum
septum that divides the heart longitduinally
superior and inferior vena cava
deliver O2 poor blood from body into R.A.
pulmonary veins
4 veins; deliver O2 rich blood from lungs to LA
pulmonary trunk
RV force blood out of heart into pulmonary trunk that sends blood to lungs to be oxyg.
-leaves RV and divides into lef and right pulmonary areries
gets blood from LV...here all the arteries of te body diverge to supply body tissues w/blood.
atrioventricular valves (AV)
located between the Atrium adn ventricles; prevent backflow into atria when ventricles contract
Mitral/Bicuspid valve
2 cusps, or flaps of endocardium
Tricuspid valve
Right AV valve- has 3 cusps
Chordae tendinae
white collagenic cords that anchor cusps to ventricular walls
pulmonary and aortic semilunar valves
guard bases of two large arteries leavin gthe ventricular chambers; each has 3 cusps that fit together when valve is closed
pulmonary circulation
right side of heart. sends Co2-rich blood to lungs to dump CO2 and get O2, then goes back to heart. ---gas xchange---
systemic circulation
carries O2-rich blood from left heart through body tissues and back to right heart. --supplies fxnal blood supply to all body tissues
coronary arteries
branch from base of aorta and encircle the heart in the coronary sulcus at the jxn of the atria and ventricles
coronary sulcus
at jxn of atria and ventricles
posterior interventricular and marginal artery branches
branches to lateral part of right side of heart
anterior interventricular artery
left coronary artery supplies ant. ventricular walls through the ant. intervent. artery
cardiac veins
drains myocardium- empty in coronary sinus
coronary sinus
enlged vessel on back of heart. empties into RA.
largest artery of body- extends from left ventricle, arches posteriorly and to the left--goes through diaphragm
right and left coronary arteries
branches of ascending aorta supply myocardium
brachiocephalic trunk
first branch of the aortic arch
left common carotid artery and left subclavian artery
the other 2 major arterieis branching off aortic arch...
right common carotid and subclavian artery
divided from tehe brachiocephalic artery
axillary artery
runs through axilla- goes off to chest walland shoulder
brachial axillary
when axillary artery enters arm, it becomes brachial. Deep branch that divides into radial and ulnar arteries.
celiac trunk
unpaired artery that divides into 3 branches: left gastric artery (stomach), splenic artery (spleen) and common hepatic artery (stomach, sm int and pancreas)
superior mesenteric artery
largest branch of abdominal aorta, supplies most of small intestine and first half of lg intestine.
inferior mesenteric artery
final major branch of abdominal aorta; supplies distal half of the large intestine.
common iliac arteries
descendign aorta divideds into the 2 common iliac arteries at the pelvic region- serves pelvis, lower abdominal wall, lower limbs
internal iliac artery
supplies gluteal muscles and adductor muscles of medial thigh; genitals
external iliac artery
supplies anterior abdominal wall and lower limb
femoral artery
ext. iliac artery bcomes femoral when it enters the thigh-- the femoral supplies the head of femur and hamstring muscles..
superior vena cava
veins draining the head and upper extrimities go to Sup. venacava
inferior vena cava
veins draninig the lower body go to inferior vena cava
right and left brachiocephalic veins
drain the head/neck/upper body and unite to form supierior vena cava
subclavian veins
receive venous blood from upper limb
internal jugular veins
large veins that drain dural sinuses of the brain and receive blood from head and neck as they move inferiorly
right and left pulmonary areries
from pulmonary trunk. divide into lobar arterires
pulmonary capillaries
diffusion of respiratory gases occurs along walls of air sacs and p.capps.
pulmonary veins
after capillaries converge- 4. 2 leaving each lung -returns blood to LA of heart.
internal carotid arteries
branches of common carotid arteries take deep course through neck, enter skull
pulmonary ventilation
movemnet of air into and out of the lungs (breathing)
*part of resp. system
external resp
gas xchange to and from the pulmonary circuit blood that occur in the lungs (o2 loading and CO2 unloading)
*part of resp. system
internal respiration
xchange of gases to and from the blood caps of systemic circulation (o2 unloading, co2 loading)
*not part of resp system--circulatory
external nare
nostril -where air passes into respiratory tract
nasal cavity
inside nose
nasal conchae
inf/superior/middle. increases air turbulence- moistens, warms, filters air.
paranasal sinuses
surrounds nasal cavity -in frontal, spehnoid, ethmoid, and maxillary bones. sinuses act as resonance chambers in speech
hard palate
separates nasal psg from oral cavity (anterior part)
soft palate
nasal passage separated from oral cavity by partition-- posterior is soft palate
throat- funnel-shaped. connects nasal and oral cavities to larynx and esoph. has tree parts: nasopharynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx.
lies posterior to the nasal cavity and is continuous with it. lies above soft palate so its only an air passage...has PHARYNGEAL tonsils and auditory tubes-middle ear pressure to bcome equaliezd to atm. P
lies posterior to the oral cavity. extends from soft palate to epiglottis of larynx-- common conduit for food/air. has PALATINE tonsils
-ingested foodand air. extends to larynx where common pathway divides into respiratory and digestive channels.
made of 9 cartilges (small).
thyroid cartilage
*one of larynx cartilage. shield shaped--adam's apple
cricoid cartilage
*one of larynx cartilage.
ring-shaped, inferior to thyroid cart.
--all laryngeal cartilage compsed of hyaline EXCEPT epiglottis- elastic cartilage superior to opening of larynx (lid over larynx when we swallow so food doesn't get into nose..)
vocal folds
mucous membrane of larynx thrown into a pair of folds- vibrate with expelled air for speech
slit like passageway between vocal folds
throat...into lungs; lined with ciliated mucus-secreting epithelium...cilia propel mucus walls of trachea C-shaped cartilages allows peristolsis
primary bronchi
trachea divides into left and right primary bronci
indented area right before bronchi goes into lung... *right main bronchi is more likely to get foreign objects bc its wider, shorter...
tiny balloon like expansions along alveolar sacs- composed of single thin layer of squamous epithelium overlyign a wispy conn. tissue layer
respiratory membrane
formed by alveolar and capillary walls and their fused baesment membranes
respiratory zone structures
alveolar sacs, ducts, and respiratory bronchioles--where gas xchange occurs by simple diffusion across respiratory membrane
conducting zone structures
all other respiratory passageways- access/exit routes to and from gas xchange chambers
double layered serous membrane sac that encloses lungs
parietal pleura
outer layers; attached to thoracic walls
visceral pleura
inner layer, covering the lung tissue
digestive system
provides body with nutrients
alimentary canal (Gastrointestinal tract- GI)
the tube from mouth to anus. made up of mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, sm and lg intestines, anus
accessory digstive organs
teeth, salivary glands, gallbladder, liver, and pancreas--release products into alimentary canal
alimentary canal has 4 basic tunics (layers): mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa and serosa
mucous membrane. lines alimentary canal lumen. -secretes enzymes, mucus, hormones, etc.
superficial to the mucosa. connective tissue containing blood and lymphatic vessels, scattered lymph nodules and nerve fibers...fxn is nutrition and protection
muscularis externa
bilayer of smooth muscle with deper layer running circularly, and superficial layer runnign longitudinally. --major regulator of gi motility
outermost serosa is VISCERAL peritoneum (simple squamous epith) lubricates -serous fluid produced by serosa decreases friction
mouth oral cavity
food enters here; lips, cheeks, palate
hard palate
anterior part of palate-bone underlies it
soft palate
posterior part of palate- unsupported by bone
salivary glands
duct their secretion, saliva, into oral cavity. Saliva begins digestion of starchy foods in the mouth.
naso, oro and laryngopharynx
behind nasal cavity
from soft palate to epiglottis
from epiglottis to base of larynx- continuous with esophagus
gullet; extends from pharynx through diaphragm to stomach. food passageway by peristalsis.
left side of abdominal cavity, hidden by liver and diaphragm
cardiac region
area surrounding opening through which food enters stomach
expanded portion of stomach, lateral to cardiac rgn
midpart of stomach
terminal part of stomach
lesser curvature
concave medial surface of stomach
greater curvature
convex surface of stomach
lesser omentum/greater
extends from liver to lesser curvature/ extends from greater cruvature down over abd to cover them...
small intestine
tube from pyloric sphincter to ileocecal valve: 3 regions. duodenum, jejunum, and ileum
ileocecal valve
where ileum (terminal part of sm. int) meets the lg intestine
plicae circulares
deep folds of mucosal and submucosal layers that force chyme to spiral through intestine, mixing it and showing its progress to allow time for digestion and absopriton
peyer's patches
sm. int local collections of lymphoid nodules found in submucosa
large intestine
from ileocecal valve to anus: cecum, appendix, colon, rectum, and anal canal
ascending colon
goes up right side of abdominal and makes a right
transverse colon
when it makes a right
descending colon
goes down where it bcomes sigmoid colon
opening to body exterior. external sphincter of skeletal muscle and an internal sphincter of smooth muscle.
largest gland in body. located inferior to diaphragm-hides stomach
small gren sac on inferior part of liver
soft, trianglar gland that extends across posterior abdominal wall from spleen to duodenum--has endo and exo fxn
salivary glands
3 types that empty into oral cavity:
parotid (anterior to ear), submandibular (medial aspect of mandible, under tongue close to frenulum) sublingual (small, anterior in floor of mouth empty under tongue)