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56 Cards in this Set

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Vestibule of Mouth
Space between lips/cheek and teeth. Parotid duct opens into it.
Lingual Frenulum
Fold of mucus membrane extending from floor of mouth in midline to underside of tongue.
Sublingual Folds
Folds extending from both sides of frenulum. Contain sublingual glands and the openings for their ducts.
Sublingual Papillae
On either side of the frenulum. Right next to it. Contain opening for submandibular duct.
Deep Lingual Veins
Can be seen through transparent mucosa on underside of tongue.
Sensory Innervation of Soft Palate
Lesser palatine nerve (V2) and peritonsilar plexus (CN9)
Aterial supply of soft palate
-Lesser palatine artery (Of descending palatine artery of maxillary)
-Ascending palatine artery (Of facial of ECA)
-Palatine Branch of ascending pharyngeal artery (Of ECA)
Hangs down from palatoglossus muscle in the isthmus. Contains glands and lymphatics.
Palatine Aponeurosis
Formed by the tendon of the tensor veli palatini muscle. Sits under levator veli palatini and over palatoglossus muscle.
Job of soft palate
Closes isthmus during swallowing and phonation.
Muscles of the soft palate
-Levator veli palatini
-tensor veli palatini
-musculus uvulae
Levator veli palatini muscle
Origin: Inferior surface of petrous portion of temporal bone and cartilage of auditory tube.
Inserts: Enters pharynx via gap between superior pharyngeal constrictor and occipital bone. Inserts into upper surface of palatine aponeurosis.
Action: Raises and retracts soft palate (phonation and sucking liquid).
Innervation: Pharyngeal Nerve (CN 10)
Levator veli tensor muscle
Origin: Spine of sphenoid, lateral aspect of auditory tube, and scaphoid fossa at base of medial pterygoid plate.
Inserts: Sits anterior and lateral to levator. Tendon is turned around hamulus. Attach to posterior border of boney palate and become palatine aponeurosis.
Action: Is primary opener of auditory tube. Also tightens soft palate (blowing).
Innervation: Medial Pterygoid Nerve (V3).
Palatopharyngeus Muscle
Posterior arch.
Origin: Posterior Border of palatine aponeurosis.
Inserts: Separated by levator veli palantini into anterior and posterior portions. Both unite and insert on posterior border of thyroid cartilage.
Action: Pull soft palate downward, closing isthmus and separating nasopharynx from oropharynx.
Innervation: Cranial Accessory (CN 9) via Vagus.
Palatoglossus Muscle
Anterior Arch.
Origin: Inferior surface of Palatine Aponeurosis
Inserts: Lateral aspect of tongue
Action: Pull soft palate downward, closing isthmus and separating nasopharynx from oropharynx. Relates closely with uvula.
Innervation: Pharyngeal nerve (CN10)
Musculus Uvulae
Origin: Palatine aponeurosis
Inserts: Into mucous membrane of uvula
Action: Raises uvula
Innervation: Pharyngeal Nerve (CN 10)
Arterial supply of hard palate
Greater palatine artery
Nerve supply of Hard palate
Greater palatine nerve and nassopalatine nerve.
Sulcus Terminalis
V shaped grove which divides tongue into anterior 2/3 (oral part) and posterior 1/3 (pharyngeal part).
Circumvallate Papillae
Arranged in a row infront of sulcus terminalis. Contain taste buds.
Foramen Cecum
Located at midpoint of sulcus terminalis. Not actually a hole.
Extrinsic muscles of the tongue
Genioglossus Muscle
Origin: Upper part of mental spine and adjacent internal surface of mandible. Located just above geniohyoid.
Inserts: Fans out and inserts on tip of the tongue to the posterior tongue and body of hyoid bone.
Action: Protracts tongue
Innervation: Hypoglossal Nerve (CN 12)
Hyloglossus Muscle
Origin: Greater horn and body of hyoid bone.
Inserts: Runs lateral to genioglossus and inserts into inferior/lateral aspect of tongue.
Action: Depresses tongue
Innervation: Hypoglossal Nerve (CN 12)
Styloglossus Muscle
Origin: Styloid process and stylohyoid Ligament.
Inserts: Lateral and inferior aspect of tongue and hyoglossus muscle
Action: Retracts tongue
Innervation: Hypoglossal Nerve (CN 12)
Intrinsic Muscles of tongue
Help articulate language and swallowing.
-Longitudinal (superior and inferior)
General Sensation of the tongue
Anterior 2/3 = Lingual Nerve (V3)
Posterior 1/3 = Glossopharyngeal nerve
Taste sensation of the tongue
Anterior 2/3 = Facial nerve via corda tympana via lingual nerve.
Posterior 1/3 = glossopharyngeal nerve
Arterial and venous supply of tongue
Lingual Artery (ECA). All veins eventually drain into internal jug. directly or indirectly.
Lymphatic drainage of tongue
submental, submandibular, and deep cervical nodes. Deep cervical is associated with internal jug. How oral cancer metastasis.
Laryngeal prominance
Adams apple
Attachments of epiglottic cartilage
Upper border attached tp body of hyoid via hyoeppiglotic ligament
Lower end attached to thyroid cartilage via peiole aka thyroepiglotic cartilage
Area between epiglotis and base of tongue
Cuniform Cartilage
Loceted floating in quadrangular membrane above corniulate cartilage.
How would u establish an alternate airway
pierce the cricothyrod ligament.
Conus elasticulus
From upper border of cricoid arch, runs medially and upward. Anteriorly attached to thyroid cartilage, posteriorly attached to vocal process of aretynoid cartilage
Vocal Ligaments
Upper thickenings of the conus elasticulus. Attached to vocal process of arytenoid cartilage (movable part) and thyroid cartilage. Epithelial over forms the vocal folds or the true vocal cords.
Quadrangular membrane
Extends from sides of epiglottic cartilage to corniculate and arytenoid cartilages. Covered by muccus membrain forming the aryepiglottic folds at top margin and vestibular folds or false vocal folds at lower margin.
Rima Glottidis
Space between vocal folds.
Inlet of larynx
Formed anteriorly by epiglotis, laterally by aryeppiglotic folds, and posteriorly by corniculate cartilages.
Extends frmo inlet to vestibular folds.
Rima Vestibuli
space between vestibular folds. can help seal air passage
on each side extends from vestibular folds to vocal folds
Upward extension of ventricle. Can become enlarged known as a laryngocele.
vocal folds, and rima glottidis
Sensory innervation of larynx
Internal laryngeal - supplies mucus membrane as for down as vocal folds.
Recurrent laryngeal - supplies below vocal folds.
Both have parasympathetic
Elevators of larynx
Thyrohyoid, mylohyoid, digastirc, and stylohyoid muscles.
Depressers of larynx
omohyoid, sternohyoid, and sternothyroid muscles
Cricothyroid muscle
Origin: external surface of anterior arch of cricoid cartilage.
Inserts: Superior part - lower border of of thyroid cartilage
Inferior part - anterior border of inferior horn of thryoid
Action: Tilt lamina of cricoid back, thyrocartilage forward, lengthen and adduct vocal cords.
Inervation: external branch of superior laryngeal
Lateral Cricoarytenoid Cartilage
Origin: Arch of cricoid cartilage
Inserts: Muscular processes of arytenoid cartilage
Action: Draws muscular processes forward, adducting vocal cords.
Thyroarytenoid muscle
Origin: Inner surface of thyroid
Inserts: Lateral surface of arytenoid
Action: Moves artyenoid caritalge forward and medially, adducting the vocal and vestibular folds
Vocalis Muscle
Origin: Angle of thyroid cartilage.
Inserts: Lies medially to rhe thyroarytenoid muslce. Inserts on vocal process of arytenoid. May attach to conus elasticus, wont on vocal ligament
Action: Moves arytenoid cartilage forward, shortening vocal cord. VAries tenson for singing.
Transverse arytenoideus muscle
Stretches between posterior surfaces of of aretynoid cartilages. Draws cartilages togeather, closing posterior rima glottidis.
Oblique Arytenoidues muscle
Connects muscular process of one, to the tip of another. closes inlet of larynx as in swallowing.
Posterior cricoarytenoid ligament
Origin: posterior surface of cricoid cartilage.
Inserts: Muscular process of arytenoid cartilage
Action: pulls muscular processes medially/downward, abducting vocal folds. Is only abductor.
Blood supply of larynx
Superior laryngeal branch of superior thyroid.
Inferior laryngeal branch of inferior thyroid.