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32 Cards in this Set

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Opthalmic Division of Trigeminal Nerve (Branches and function)
Sensory from top of head to front and tip of nose.
-Supraorbital nerve (supraorbital foramen)
-Supratrochlear nerve
-Lacrimal nerve (superior orbital fissure)
-Infratrochelar nerve
-External nasal nerve
Maxillary Division of Trigeminal Nerve (Branches and function)
Sensory from nose to lips and up side of head.
-Infraorbital nerve (infraorbital foramen)
-Zygomaticotemporal nerve (zygomaticotempral foramen
-Zygomaticofacial nerve (zygomaticofacial foramen)
Mandibular Division of Trigeminal Nerve (Branches and function)
Motor and Sensory. Motor innervation of muscles of mastication. Sensory of lower lip to chin and up side of head in front of ear.
-Auriculotemporal Nerve
-Buccal Nerve
-Mental Nerve (mental foramen)
Superficial Fascia of Face
Thin over eyelids, thick over cheeks (which has buccal fat pad).
Contains blood vessels, motor nerves to facial muscles, sensory nerves to skin of face.
Muscles of facial expression pass through it.
Deep Fascia
Nearly absent over muscles.
Parotid Fascia - thick and strong
Bucoopharyngeal Fascia - covers buccinator muscle and extends posteriorly to cover pharyngeal constrictor muscles.
Temporal Fascia - Strong fascia over temporal fossa attached to superior temporal line and zygomatic arch.
Epicranius Muscle
Consists of frontal belly and occipital belly connected by galea aponeurotica.
Origin: galea aponeurotica
Insertion: Skin of eyebrow
Action: Draws scalp backwards and elevates eyebrows
Innervation: Temporal of CN 7
Orbicularis Oculi Muscle
Palpebral Part
Origin: Medial palpebral ligament
Inserts: Lateral palpebral raphe
Action: blinks eye, closes orbit
Innervation: Temporal and zygomatic branch of CN 7
Orbital Part
Origin: Nasal part of frontal bone
Inserts: Frontal process of maxilla
Action: Tightly covers globe. Also helps drain tears.
Innervation temporal and zygomatic branches of CN7
Corrugator Supercilli Muscle
Origin: Supercilliary arch
Inserts: Skin of medial half of eyebrow
Action:Creates vertical wrinkles in skin between eyebrows
Innervation: Temporal and Zygomatic branches of Cn 7
Procerus Muscle
Origin: Nasal Bone/Lat. nose cartilage.
Insertes: Skin of lower forehead between eyebrows.
Action: Scrunches between eyebrows
Innervation: Buccal Nerve of Cn 7
Nasalis Muscle
Transverse Part
Origin: Maxilla Lateral to nose
Inserts: Midline/dorsum of nose/aponeurosis
Alar part
Origin: Maxilla, over lateral incisor
Inserts: Alar cartilage of nose
Action: ?
Innervation: Buccal branch of CN 7
Levator Labii Superioris Alaque Nasi Muscle
Origin: Maxilla/Frontal process
Insert: Alar cartilage of nose and upper lip
Action: Dialates Nostril and raises upper lip (disgust)
Innervation: Buccal branch of CN 7
Levator Labii Superioris
Origin: Maxilla
Inserts: Skin of upper lip/orbicularis oris muscle
Action: Elevates Upper lip (horse)
Innervation: Buccal Branch of CN 7
Levator Anguli Oris Muscle
Origin: Maxilla
Inserts: Skin at corner of mouth/obicularis oris muscle
Action: Smiling (mona lisa)
Innervation: Buccal Branch of CN 7
Zygomaticus Major Muscle
Origin: Zygomatic Bone
Inserts: Skin at corner of mouth/oricularis oris muscle
Action: Pulls corners of mouth upwards and lateral
Innervation: Buccal Branch of CN 7
Zygomaticus Minor Muscle
Origin: Zygomatic Bone
Inserts: Skin at corner of mouth/oricularis oris muscle
Action: Elevates lateral part of upper lip
Innervation: Buccal Branch of CN 7
Origin: Pterygomandibular raphe, maxilla, and mandible.
Inserts: Angle of mouth/obicularis oris muscle
Action: Closes lips, chews food, sucking, blowing.
Risorius Muscle
Origin: Fascia over masseter muscle
Inserts: Skin over corner of mouth
Action: Broadens smile
Innervation: Bucal branch of CN 7
Obicularis Oris Muscle
Origin: Muscle fibers surrounding the mouth
Inserts: Integument of lips/adjacent muscles
Action: Closes mouth
Innervation: Bucal Branch of CN 7
Depressor Anguli Oris Muscle
Origin: Mandible
Inserts: Skin at corner of mouth/adjacent muscles
Action: Depresses Lower Lip (presedential)
Innervation: Mandibular branch of CN 7
Depressor Labi Inferioris Muscle
Origin: Mandible
Inserts: Integument of lower lip/adjacent muscles
Action: Depresses lower lip
Innervation: Mandibular Branch of CN 7
Mentalis Muscle
Origin: Mandible/incisive fossa
Inserts: Skin of chin
Action: Dimples chin
Innervation: Mandibular Branch of CN 7
Platysma Muscle
Largest muscle of facial expression
Origin: Superficial fascia, clavical and pectoralis
Inserts: Fascia over lower mandible, skin over lower face
Action: Depresses corners of mouth, widens oral aperture
Innervation: Cervical Branch of CN 7
Parotid Gland Relationships
Superior: External acoustic meatus and TMJ
Posterior: Mastoid process and SCM
Anterior: Ramus of mandible, masseter, and medial pterygoid muscle
Medial: Styloid process, posterior belly of digastric, stylohyoid, stylopharyngeus, styloglossus muscle, external carotid artery.
Structures passing through parotid gland
Facial nerve and its branches
retromandibular vein
external carotid artery
Structures emerging from margins of parotid gland
-Parotid Duct - crosses masseter, pierces buccinator @ lvl of 2nd upper molar
-Superficial temporal artery and vein
-Auriculotemporal Nerve
-Branches of facial nerve
-Transverse facial Artery
-Posterior auricular artery and vein
Path of facial nerve pre parotid gland
Exits skull via stylomastoid foramen.
Supplies posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid muscles
gives off posterior auricular nerve
then enters parotid gland
5 Branches of facial nerve post parotid gland (Superior to Inferior)
Path of facial artery
Leaves external carotid and passes through submandibular gland. Travels up face, gives off inferior and superior labial arteries to the lower and upper lip and continues up face lateral to nose as angular artery.
Deep Facial Vein
Allows Angular facial vein/facial vein to communicate with pterygoid plexus.
Scalp Acronym
Connective tissue (very dense, gaps when cut and bleeds profusely)
Aponeurosis (between here and connective tissue is where blood vessels are)
Loose connective tissue (alows epicranius to move)
Nerves of Scalp
Trigeminal, anterior primary rammus of C2 and C3 of cervical plexus, posterior primary rammus of c2 and c3
Blood supply of scalp
Supraorbital and supratrochlear branches of opthalmic artery of internal carotid
Posterior auricular, occipital, maxillary, and superficial temporal branches of external carotid