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39 Cards in this Set

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The inguinal ring is made up of ____________ looping under itself.
External abdominal Oblique Aponeurosis
The fundiform ligament is formed by
Scarpa's fascia
Opening of the external abdominal oblique aponeurosis
Superficial Inguinal Canal
The Conjoint tendon is made up of
Internal abdominal oblique aperneurosis and Transversus abdominas aperneurosis
Conjoint Tendon is Aka
Falx ingunalis
Submuscular fascia stuck together (3)
Transversalis fascia, extraperitoneal fat, and parietal peritoneum
Above the belly button, The layers above the Rectus abdominas muscle and layers under the rectus abdominas muscle (aka rectus sheath)
Above: Skin, Superficial fascia, External Abdominal Oblique Aperneurosis, Internal Abdominal Oblique Aperneruosis

Below: Internal Abdominal Oblique Apernerosis, Transversus Abdominus Aperneurosis, Transversalis fascia, & Peritoneum
3 fingers below the belly button, layers of the rectus sheath. Above and Below rectus abdominas muscle
Above: Skin, Superficial fascia, EAO apon, IAO apon., Transversus abdominus apon,

Below: Transversalis Fascia and Peritoneum
The most inner layer of the spermatic cord
Trasversalis fascia
Deep inguinal ring is surrounded by
Transversalis fascia
The deepest layer of the spermatic cord which is a continuation of transversalis fascia
Internal spermatic fascia
Which layer loops over the testes and never comes in contact with the spermatic cord?
Trasversus abdominas
The outer layer of the spermatic cord formed from EAO apon.
External Spermatic Fascia
Nerve inguinal canal that leaves and goes to the stomach
illiohypogastric n.
Nerve in the inguinal canal that sits superficial to the spermatic cord
illioinguinal n.
The 2nd layer of the spermatic cord formed from a continuation of the internal abdominal oblique and its apoin?
Cremaster muscle & apon
Inguinal Canal, in men, consists of
The spermatic cord and illioinguinal n.
Three fibers of the superficial inguinal ring:
1. lateral crural fibers
2.intercrural fibers
3. medial crural fibers
Inguinal Canal Boundaries:
Anterior Wall- EAO
Posterior Wall- Transversalis Fsacia (Laterally) & Conjoint Tendon (Medially)
Floor- Inguinal Ligament (Laterally) & Lacunar Ligament (Medially At Superficial Ring(
Roof- Transversus Abdominus
Contents of spermatic cord:
Gential branch or genitofemoral n., testicular artery, pampiniform venous plexus, vas deferens, epididymis, testes
What innervates the masseter?
Genital branch of genitofemoral n.
Sperm is formed in
seminiferous tubule
Most common type of hernia, Indirect Hernia enters where?
Deep to the inguinal canal, lateral to the inferior epigastric artery
About 15% of hernias, Direct hernias enter where?
Medial to inferior epigastric artery & bulges anteriorly through posterior wall of the inguinal canal into Hessbach's triangle
Boundaries of Hasslebach's triangle
Medial Wall - inf. epigastric artery
Floor- inguinal ligament
External Wall- EAO apon & llinea semilunaris
Femoral Hernias, most common in women, happen where?
Posterior to the inguinal ligament, lateral to the pubic tubercule, in the femoral canal
In females, the spermatic cord is replaced by the
round ligament
Parasympathetic stimulartion by Anterior/ Left Vagus innervates
Liver, Stomach
Parasympathetic stimulation by Posterior/Right Vagus innervates
All other abdominal organs
Organs supplied by the ciliac trunk will have referred pain from
The greater thoracic splanchnic and celiac ganglion innervate what organs
Lower esophagus
gall bladder
The liver, gallbladder, and duodenum can irritate the diaphragm giving referred pain to
C3C4C5 in the neck region
Celiac Trunk & Celiac Nodes drain:
Lower esophagus
Left gastric A. supplies the __________ of the stomach
lesser curvature
The Esophageal Branch of the Left Gastric supplies the
the lower 1/3 of the esophagus
The spenic artery supplies the
spleen and stomach (short gastrics) and has a branch called left gastroepiploic that supplies the greater curvature
The common hepatic gives rise to
Poper hepatic and gastroduodenal artery
The gastroduodenal gives rise to
Right Gastroepiploic
Which two arteries forms an anastomosis around the greater curvature of the stomach?
The right gastroepiploic and Left Gastroepiploic