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44 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
The nuchal area includes parts of what bones?
2. occipital
3. temporal
The external bony landmarks on the occipital bone include the?
1. external occipital protuberence
2. superior nuchal line
3. external occipital crest
T or F: C1 has only a posterior tubercle?
What cervical vertebrae have bifid spines?
What is another name for C7?
vertebra prominens
At what levels do you have palpable vertebral spines?
Where does the ligamentum nuchae attach superiorly?
At the inion and the external occipital crest.
What ligament runs down the posterior of the cervical spine?
Ligamentum nuchae
What are the 3 borders of the scapula?
superior,medial, and lateral
What are the 3 angles of the scapula?
Superior, inferior, and lateral
What are the 2 processes of the scapula?
spine and Coracoid
What are the 3 fossae of the scapula?
supraspinous, infraspinous, and subscapular
At what area do the infraspinous and supraspinous fossae communicate?
Spinoglenoid notch
What closes off the suprascapular notch superiorly?
Transverse scapular ligament
What runs inferior to the transverse scapular ligament?
Suprascapular nerve
What runs superiorly to the transverse scapular ligament and why?
The suprascapular vessels (suprascapular artery) so they can expand with increased blood volume.
To detect fractures of the scapula you should?
Manipulate between the coracoid process and the inferior angle.
The angles of the ribs are marked by the attachment of the?
iliocostalis muscle
What serves as the posterior attachment for the erector spinae muscles?
Iliac Crest
What is a dermatome?
The area of skin supplied by the sensory terminal branches of both dorsal and ventral rami of a single dorsal nerve root.
What is the longest dorsal rami and where does it extend?
The cutaneous branch of T2 which extends to the shoulder area.
At what levels do the medial branches of the dorsal rami become cutaneous close to the medial plane?
T1-T9 or above the mid-thoracic region
At what levels do the lateral branches of the dorsal rami become cutaneous close to the medial plane?
T10+ or below the mid-thoracic region
What are the 3 muscle layers of the back?
Superficial, intermediate, and deep
What is the purpose of the superficial muscle layer on the back?
It acts on the upper limb.
What muscles compose the superficial layer of the back?
1. latissimus dorsi
2. trapezius
3. levator scapulae
4. rhomboidei (major and minor)
What are the origins of the latissimus dorsi?
1.The thoracolumbar fascia of the inferior 6 thoracic, all lumbar, and all sacral spines.
2. outer lip of the iliac crest
3. ribs 9-12
4. floor of the intertubicular sulcus of the humerus
What innervates the latissimus dorsi, and from where does that nerve originate?
Thoracodorsal nerve (C6,7,8) from the posterior cord of the brachial plexus.
What is the function of the latissimus dorsi?
Extends, medially rotates, and adducts the humerus.
What are the origins of the trapezius?
1. the skull
2. ligamentum nuchae and spines of C7-T12
3. lateral 1/3 of clavicle
4. acromion and crest of spine of scapula
5. tubercle on inferior lip of the crest of spine of the scapula
What innervates the trapezius?
1.The accessory nerve (spinal portion of cranial nerve XI, motor)
2. C3-4 ventral rami (sensory)
What spinal roots make up the accessory nerve?
Spinal portion of cranial nerve XI from C1-5 spinal roots.
What is the function of the trapezius?
1.adducts the scapula and elevates the shoulder.
2. acts as suspensory muscle of the shoulder girdle.
3. inferior fibers assist the superior fibers in rotation of the scapula.
What are the origins of the levator scapulae?
1.Transverse process of C1-4(posterior tubercles)
2. medial border of the scapula
What innervates the levator scapulae?
Dorsal Scapular nerve (C5), C3-4
What is the function of the levator scapulae?
Elevates the scapula.
What are the origins of the rhomboidei?
1. Ligamentum Nuchae and spines of cervical and T1-4
2. medial border of the scapula
What innervates the rhomboidei muscle?
Dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
What is the function of the rhomboidei muscle?
Adducts the scapula
What forms the Triangle of Auscultation?
1.Medial border of the scapula
2.Superior border of the latissimus dorsi
3.Lateral border of the trapezius
What is formed by the vertebral border of the scapula, superior border of the latissimus dorsi, and lateral border of the trapezius?
Triangle of Auscultation
What does the Triangle of Auscultation cover? What is it superficial to?
1. covers ribs 6-7 intercostal space and rib 7
2. lies superficial to the cardiac orifice of the stomach on the left side.
What makes up the lumbar triangle?
1.Posterior border of external oblique
2. iliac crest
3. latissimus dorsi
The posterior border of the external oblique, the iliac crest, and the latissimus dorsi make up the borders to what?
Lumbar triangle