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22 Cards in this Set

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Childbirth can injure ______. and What muscle is most often injured?
Pelvic flood and perineum. Levator any m. Which can alter position of bladder and uterus. May cause urinary stress incontinence.
Atonic/hypotonic bladder
enlarged bladder that doesn't empty normally due to denervation of obstruction. Incontinence occurs due to overfilling
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
enlarged prostate, causes urge to urinate regularly
Non-neoplastic ovarian cysts
most common ovarian enlargement, except if pregnant the luteal cysts
Follicular cysts
on ovary, unruptured follicles, cause pain when they do rupture
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Most common female endocrine disorder, incase in LG and androgens, decreased FSH, follicular cysts, obesity, no menstruation, hairy, infertile. Can be caused by insulin insensitivity.
Ovarian tumor
teratomas of ovary can contain other tissue types.
Retroverted uterus
pain during sex, menstruation, back pain, spontaneous abortion, and sterility. Or may be asymptotic.
Vaginal prolapse
uterus drops lower because uterine support was lost.
Cervical incompetence
internal os is incompetent, leads to repeated 2nd semester miscarriages. Caused by infection, hypertension, diabetes. Treat with shrieker/mcdonalds surgery.
Shirodkar/mcdonald surgery
cervix is tied at 14 weeks pregnant. Untied at 36. In mcdonalds it is done in intervals.
smooth muscle tumors of the uterus. Most common benign tumor in female. Usually in women over 30, rare in girls less then 18. Usually regress after menopause.
Ectopic pregnancy
fertilized egg implants somewhere other then uterus. If it's in fallopian tube, it can cause it to rupture, pain in abdominal region.
Pelvic inflammatory disease
inflammation of fallopian tubes. Cause loss of epithelium in the tubes. Can lead to infertility
contrast medium is inserted into uterine tubes to see if it's continuous with the ovaries.
preformed during childbirth if head is too large. May tear perineal muscle. Cut the perineum and vaginal wall.
removal of uterus. Ureters are in danger when uterine a. is cut.
involuntary contraction of bulbospongiosus that leads to painful intercourse.
If processus vaginalis remains open....
a hydrocele, hematocele or spermadocele can occur.
incompetency of the pampiniform plexus. Can lead to pain and infertility.
Foreskin can't be withdrawn (less severe) paraphimosis(foreskin can't be drawn over glands) needs circumcision
Ext. urethral oriface is inf. to normale location