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32 Cards in this Set

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What is aretrior articulations of the rib?
Sternocostal and interchondral
Posterior side is a ____ vertical platform,
Anterior side is a __ns___ vertiucal platform
Ismoetric contraction
Strnegthen and tense up muselce without shoirtening
Isotonic contraction
actually shorten muscles
Intercotsal muscles are in a state of _____ contraction
In false respiration they undergo )_____ respiration
Three origins of the diaphragm
Sternal, costal and lumbat
Fascial thickenings over psoas major and Qua lumborum
Arcuate ligaments
_)___ take origin from upper sides of 2-3 lumbar veterbrae
L and R crus
The esophageal opening is formed by the ____ crus
The right crus serves as a ______
external esophageal sphincter
The diaphragm is innervated by the ___ nerves
Phrenic (C3, C4 and C5)
Phrenic nerves need to be passed through ___ to thorax
thopracic outlet
What is diaphragmatic pacing?
Rhytmic electric stimulation of phrenic nerves with contraction of diaphragm; used in sleep apnea and spaina cord injuries
Lungs lack the inherent ability to _____
expand and contract
Need to apply ____ to have
outside mechanical forces
Lungs have a natural tendency to _____
The lungs are anatomically connected to _____
visceral plurae
Visceral plurae are connected to ___-
parietal plurae
Parietal plurae are connected to
Upper adomen and deep surfacew of thorax
The ___ is the roof of the abdominal cavity
How is there no net change in volume and pressure in the abdominal cavity?
The anterolateral wall relaxes to compensate for descent of diaphrgam
Pressure is _____ related to pressure
Air moves from areas of __ pressure to ___ pressure
high ;low
What is respiration?
Fluctioantion sbetween pressure within the repiratory airspace and the atm. pressure outside
Diaphragm changes the ____ dimesnion of the thoracic cavity
Thoracic wall cvhanges the ___ and ___ dimesnions of the abdomen
What is quiet respiration?
Normal resting state
Forced respiration;
increased need for pulmonary respiration; may need accesory muscles
When diaphragm descends there is ____ contraction of the intercostak muscles
The _____ relxaes so as to not change the volume of the abdominal cavity
anterolateral abdominal wall