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35 Cards in this Set

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Site commonly used to harvest bone marrow
the sternun (sternal puncture)because it lies just beneath the skin
condition resulting in reduction in the quantity of bone or atrophy of skeletal tissue
All bones derive from this embryonic connective tissue
what are heterotopic bones?
bones that form in soft tissues where they are not normally present (ex.horse riders)
How are joints classified
by the manner and type of material by which the articulating bones unite
-three classes
1. synovial joints
2.firous joints
3 cartilaginous joints
What are the types of synovial joints?
1. pivot - uniaxial atlantoaxial joint
2. ball and socket - multiaxial joint,femur
3. plane - uniaxial, acromioclavicular joint
4. hinge -uniaxial, elbow joint
5. saddle - biaxial, carpometacarpal joint
6. condyloid - biaxial, metacarpalphalangeal joint
what are fibrous joints and give examples
joined by fibrous tissue such as sutures
-syndesmosis type: partially movable as in the interosseous membrane between the radius and ulna
-gomphosis: between the root of tthe tooth and the alveolar process of the jaw
what are cartilaginous joints
united by hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage. 2 types:
1. Primary: allow slight bending during early life, (epiphysial plate during bone development)
2. Secondary: united by fibrocartilage (intervertebral disc)
Name the types of skeletal muscles
1. Flat - external oblique
2. Pennate - feather like, may be uni, bi, or multipennate.
3. fusiform - spindle shaped with round belly; biceps
4. Quadrade - 4 equal sides
the 2 types of phasic contractions
1. isotonic - muscle changes length
2. isometric - muscle remains the same length
the 2 types of isotonic contractions
1. concentric - movement occurs as a result of muscle shortening (raising the arm)
2. eccentric - contracting muscle lengthens (lowering the arm)
can skeletal muscle divide? or regenerate?
Not divide but it can regenerate
What is the function of the lymphatic system?
-provides drainage of surplus tissue fluid
-removal of debri from cellular decomposition and infection
The right lymphatic duct drains what and into what?
right side of head, neck and thorax and right limb. Drains into the right venous angle (juction of right internal jugular and sublclavian)
The thoracic duct drains what and into what?
the left and lower parts of the body and drains into the left venous angle
What is neuroglia?
supporting, non-excitable cells in the CNS that support, insulate and nourish the neurons.
The types of neuroglia found in the CNS
oligodendrites, astrocytes, ependymal cells and microglia
The types of neuroglia found in the PNS
satellite cells and neurolemma(Schwann cells)
Which three layers constitute the meninges
pia mater, arachnoid mater, and dura mater
How many pairs of spinal nerves are there?
31 pairs

8 cervical
12 thoracic
5 lumbar
5 sacral
1 coccygeal
With spinal nerves, which root consist of motor (efferent) fibes?
The anterior (ventral)root. They originate in the anterior horn of the spinal cord gray matter
With spinal nerves, which root consists of sensory (afferent) fibers?
The posterior (dorsal) root which originates in the dorsal root ganglion
Which ribs are Typical
with head, neck, tubercle, body, and angle
Which ribs are Atypical
1, 2, 10-12
Fx of 1st rib can cause injury to?
brachial plexus and subclavian vessels
What is a flail chest
caused by multiple rib fx, a segment moves freely in a paradoxical motion (inward on inspiration and outward on expiration)
What is rib dislocation?
displacement of a costal cartilage from the sternum
What is rib separation?
refers to separation of the rib from its costal cartilage
what tissue contains most of the fat deposits
subcutaneous tissue beneath the dermis
It plays an important role in protection, containment, heat regulation, and sensation, also synthesizes and stores Vit. D
The skin
Part of the bone that contains red or yellow bone marrow
medullary cavity
The only type of muscle that is multinucleated
Skeletal muscle
The type of contraction, as when the hamstring muscle shortens to raise the thigh in extension
concentric contraction (movement causes a shortening of the muscle)
The four muscles in the Rotator Cuff
the Teres Minor
the Infraspinatus
the Supraspinatus
the Subscapularis
The ductus arteriousus connects which two vessels
the pulmonary trunk to the aorta