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23 Cards in this Set

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pectoral extensors
Origin: scapular proccess and adjacent fascia
Insertion: radials and ceratotrichia
Function: elevates pectoral fin
pectoral flexors
Origin: coracoid bar
Insertion: radials and ceratotrichia
Function: depresses pectoral fin
pelvic extensors, superficial part
Origin: iliac process of puboischiac bar
Insertion: radials and ceratotrichia
Function: elevates pelvic fin
pelvic flexors, proximal part
Origin: linea alba and puboischiac bar
Insertion: metapterygium
Function: depresses pelvic fin
adductor mandibulae
Origin: posterior part of the palatoquadrate cartilage
Insertion: Meckel's cartilage
Function: closes the mouth
dorsal and ventral constrictors 3-6
Origin: vertical raphe
Insertion: vertical raphe
Function: compresses gill pouches
Origin: midventral raphe
Insertion: ceratohyal
Function: compresses gill pouches
Origin: Meckel's cartilage and fascia of the adductor mandibulae
Insertion: midventral raphe
Function: raises the floor of the mouth
levator hyomandibulae
Origin: otic capsule
Insertion: hyomandibular
Function: compresses gill pouches
Origin: midventral surface of the chondrocranium
Insertion: adductor mandibulae
Function: closes the mouth
Origin: otic capsule
Insertion: palatoquadrate cartilage
Function: elevates the palatoquadrate
Origin: dorsal longitudinal bundle fascia
Insertion: epibranchial cartilage and scapular process
Function: elevates the gill arches and pectoral girdle
Origin: pharyngobranchials
Insertion: epibranchials
Function: expands the pharynx
levator palatoquadrati
Origin: otic capsule
Insertion: palatoquadrate cartilage
Function: raises the upper jaw
common coracoarcuals
Origin: coracoid bar
Insertion: coracohyoid
Function: opens the mouth
Origin: fascia of common coracoarcuals
Insertion: Meckel's cartilage
Function: opens the mouth
Origin: common coracoarcuals
Insertion: basihyal
Function: opens the mouth
inferior oblique
Origin: anterior end of orbit
Insertion: ventral side of eyeball
Function: rotates eye ventrally
inferior rectus
Origin: posterior end of orbit
Insertion: ventral side of eyeball
Function: rotates eye ventrally
lateral rectus
Origin: posterior end of orbit
Insertion: lateral side of eyeball
Function: rotates eye posteriorly
medial rectus
Origin: posterior end of orbit
Insertion: medial side of eyeball
Function: rotates eye cranially
superior oblique
Origin: anterior end of orbit
Insertion: dorsal side of eyeball
Function: rotates eye dorsally
superior rectus
Origin: posterior end of orbit
Insertion: dorsal side of eyeball
Function: rotates eye dorsally