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73 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
what is the main artery supplying the lower limb?
femoral artery
how does the femoral artery terminate?
terminates behind the knee joint ( adductor opening)
becomes poplitial artery
how does the poplitial artery terminate?
in the poplitial fossa by dividing into post tibial and ant tibial
where and how does the post tibial a. terminate?
at the sole of the foot by dividing into med and lat plantar arteries
where and how does the ant tibial a. terminate?
at the dorsum of the foot ---> dorsalis pedis
what are the muscles in the ant compartment of the thigh?
"Knee Extensors"
- rectus femorus
- Vasti: lat, med, intermedius
what is the nerve supply of the ant compartment?
Femoral nerve
what are the muscles in the medial compartment of the thigh?
1- adductor longus
2- // brevis
3- // magnus

4- garciles
5- pectineus
what is the nerve supple of the medial compartment?
Obturator nerve
what are the muscles in the post compartment?
"Flexors of the knee koint"

1- Biceps femorus
2- Semi-tendenosus
3- Semi-membranosus
nerve supply of post compartment?
Siactic nerve
origin of sartorius muscle?
ant superior iliac spine
insertion of sartorius muscle?
upper medial part of tibia
action of sartorius muscle?
"Cross leg position"

- flexion
- lateral rotation

- flexion
- abduction
Quadriceps origin?
rectus femorus:
2 heads:
- ant inferior iliac spine
- groove above acetabelum

Vasti from the femur
insertion quadriceps?
by platellal ligament into the tibial tuberosity
action quadriceps
only extensor of knee joint
origin biceps femorus?
long head: ischeal tuberosity
short head: back of femur
insertion biceps femorus?
head of fibula
action biceps femorus?
-flexion knee
-extension hip
-lateral rotation
semi tendenosus origin?
ischeal tuberosity
insertion semi tendenosus?
tendenous into medial side tibia
action semi tendinosus
- extension hip
- flexion knee
- medial rotation
SIte of femoral triangle
upper 1/3
ant aspect of thigh
boundaries of femoral triangle
LAT: med boarder sart
MED: med boarder adduct long
SUP: Inguinal ligament
roof of femoral triangle
- superficial fascia
(cut bvs, nerves, & sup inguinal LN)
- deep fascia "fascia lata"
floor of femoral triangle
- pectineus
- illiopsoas
- adductor longus
contents of femorla triangle
-femoral sheath
-femoral nerve
-deep inguinal LN
contents of the femoral sheath
most lateral---> femoral a and branches
middle --> femoral v
most medial---> empty (femoral canal, common site from femoral hernia in females)
beginning of femoral artery
at mid inguinal point as continuation of ext. iliac
branches of femoral artery
3 Supeficial:
- epigastric
- circumflex (ant inf iliac spine)
- external peudendal
4- deep external peudendal
branches of profunda a.
- lateral and medial circumflex iliac arteries (in femoral triangle)
- 3 perforators then it continues as the fourth
branches of lateral circumflex iliac a
branches of medial circ iliac a
- transverse
what are the groups of inguinal LN?
- transverse band
- vertical band
-transverse gp
- vertical gp
Areas drained by inguinal LN
1- lower limb
2- abd wall below umbilicus
3- ext gentiles
4- lower end of anal canal
5- lower end of vagina
6- uterus (around the round ligament)
origin of adductor longus
below pubic tubercle
(front of body of pubis)
insertion of Add longus
linea aspra
origin of add bervis
below add longus
insertion add brevis
lower 2/3 of line drawn between linea aspra and lesser trochanter
origin garciles
margin of pubic arch
insertion garciles
in medial aspect tibia (SGS)
origin magnus
from pubic arch and ischeal tuberosity
insertion magnus
- linea aspra
- med. supracondylar ridge
- add. tubercle
origin pectineus
pectineal surface (hip bone)
insertion pectineus
upper 2/3 of line drawn between linea aspra and lesser tochanter
actions of adductors:
2- medial rotation
3- pect. can help in flexion
root value of obturator nerve
L 2,3 and 4
muscles supplied by ant division of Obturator nerve
the whole adductor gp except magnus
muscles supplied by post division obturator n
-obturator externus
-small branch to brevis
extension of ilio-tibial tract
from iliac crest ----> lat condyl tibia
muscle insertions in ilio-tibial tract
- tensor fascia lata
- 3/4 of gluteus maximus
action ilio-tibial
support knee joint during extension
site adductor canal
middle 1/3 of thigh (medial aspect)
boundaries of adductor canal
ANT: Vastus Medialis
POST: Add longus & magnus
MEDIAL: Fascia (supported by sarotius muscle
beginning of add canal
apex of femoral triangle
end of add canal
add opening
contents of add canal
4 entering:
- femoral a ( + desending geniculate a )
- femoral v.
- medialis
- saphenous nerve

2 Exit:
- polpitial a
- polpitial v
root value of femoral nerve
L2,3 & 4
branches of femoral nerve
- sartorius
- quadriceps femorus
- pectineus

- intermediate cutanous
- medial cutanous
- saphenous nerve

- hip joint
- knee joint
nerve supply of tensor fasculata
superior gluteal nerve
nerve supply of gluteus minimus
sup gluteal n
nerve supply of gluteus medius
sup glut n
n supply of gluteus maximus
inf gluteal n
action of g maximus
- extension hip
- lateral rotation
action of glut minimus and medius
abduction hip joint
nerve supply of obturator externus
post division of obturator nerve
nerve supply of obturator internus
nerve to obturator internus
nerve supply of gemilus superior
n to obt internus
nerve supply of gemilus inferior
n. to quadratus femorus
nerve supply of quadratus femorus
n. to quad femorus
pyrifomis muscle
s2 &3
superior gluteal n injury
UNILATERAL---> Trendelberg gait

BILATERAL----> waddling gait