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39 Cards in this Set

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Fractures of the shaft of the humerus may damage the ___ nerve and ____ artery
radial nerve and profunda brachii artery
The _____, which carries the insertion of the subscapularis muscle, may be avulsed in posterior dislocation of the shoulder joint.
lesser tubercle of the humerus
Where is the attachment of supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor muscles?
Greater tubercle of the humerus
Surgical neck fractures of the humerus may damage the ____ and ____ as they pass through what space?
axillary nerve and the posterior humeral circumflex artery

the quadrangular space
Supracondylar fractures may injure the _______ and _____ and are common in children.
brachial artery and median nerve
The olecranon process may be avulsed by pull of the_____muscle from a fall or direct blow
triceps brachii
The _____ may be avulsed by pull of the triceps brachii muscle from a fall or direct blow
olecranon process
What nerve pierces the supinator muscle?
Deep Radial Nerve
During a wrist fracture, the roughened dorsal tubercle of the radius may rupture the _____ tendon.
extensor pollicis longus
Colles' fracture, in which the _________________ ("dinner fork deformity"), is common after age 50 and most often occurs when an individual breaks a fall with an outstretched hand
distal radial fragment is displaced posteriorly
Forced hyperextension of the wrist may cause anterior dislocation of what carpal bone, which will compress the _____nerve.
the lunate

A 25-year-old man comes to the emergency room (ER) 2 hours after a motorcycle accident. At physical exam, patient has difficulty adducting and abducting the digits, weakness for flexion of the wrist, and Froment's sign. The nerve injured and the site of injury is
Ulnar nerve at the elbow
The ulnar nerve may be compressed in what canal?
Guyon's canal
Latissimus Dorsi comes from what trunk in the brachial plexus?
A 22-year-old male medical student participating in a “flag” football game is knocked down, forcefully landing on the point of his left shoulder. An x-ray reveals that the lateral end of the clavicle is displaced onto the superior aspect of the acromion suggesting that the acromioclavicular (AC) joint is damaged. The ligament mainly responsible for stabilizing the AC joint and is MOST LIKELY damaged in the patient is the?
Coracoclavicular ligament
On a busy Saturday night, a 22-year-old man is brought into the Emergency Room with a bullet wound to the right shoulder. On examination the patient is unable to flex his elbow but is able to extend his elbow against resistance. He can flex his wrist and fingers, and although painful because of the wound, he is able to abduct his arm. There is a loss of sensation over the lateral aspect of the forearm. What nerve is MOST LIKELY damaged in this patient?
Musculocutaneous nerve
The most frequent obstetrical brachial plexus injury occurs at what level?
C5 and C6
A high school football player was hit on the right side of the thorax by the helmet of an opposing player (“spearing”) in a Friday night game. The following Monday the team’s athletic trainer noticed that the medial border and inferior angle of the player’s right scapula pulled away from the posterior thoracic wall when the player tried to reach forward. Upon further investigation, the trainer discovers that the player is having difficulty performing this action:
raising his arm above horizontal.
A 17-year-old male falls on his outstretched hand while playing basketball and was taken to the Emergency Department where you were on duty. After taking a history, you notice on physical exam that he has marked tenderness within the "anatomical snuff box." What is your initial impression and MOST LIKELY diagnosis?
Fracture of the scaphoid bone
Winging of the scapula indicates injury to what nerve?
Long Thoracic Nerve
A 32-year-old male weight lifter comes to the Primary Care Physician (PCP) with a 24-hour history of his left scapula is pulling out of the chest wall when he raises his arm. He also has pain in his left shoulder which began a few weeks ago, though he did not notice any abnormalities in his back at that time. He associates the pain with the use of a new machine at the gym, where he lifts 100 pounds with his arms over his head, several times. The past medical history (PMH) is irrelevant. On physical exam (PE), the patient has pain and difficulty in raising his left arm. The scapular stabilization test decreases the pain and allows the patient to raise his left arm. The rest of the PE exam is normal. These findings suggest injury to what nerve?
Long thoracic Nerve
Pectoralis minor attaches where?
to the coracoid process of the scapula
A 70 year old white male developed postoperative arterial thrombosis. Doppler tracing of the thrombus indicated its stagnation in the right axillary artery. On exam, the patient reported pain of the upper limb without any significant loss of function. The artery that arises from the axillary artery and contributes in maintaining a continuous blood flow to the right upper limb is most likely:
subscapular artery
Dorsal Scapular artery is a branch of what artery?
Subclavian artery
A 20-year-old man was involved in a snowmobile accident and sustained injuries to his left upper extremity.Physical examination revealed a bruise at the left elbow at the posterior aspect of the medical epicondyle accompanied by muscle weakness and loss of tactile sensation in the forearm and hand. Radiographic examination, however, appeared normal. What movement would MOST LIKELY be affected due to impaired innervation?
adduction of the hand
A 30-year-old man was involved in an accident and sustained injuries to his right upper limb. Physical examination revealed a swelling of the posterio- medical aspect of the right elbow combined with muscle weakness and loss of touch feelings in the forearm and hand. Radiographic examination, however, appeared normal. What nerve would MOST LIKELY be affected due to impaired innervation?, which of the following movements in the hand is probably impaired due to involvement of the nerve supply to the affected muscles?
adduction of all the digits
Ulnar nerve passes between the two heads of what muscle?
flexor carpi ulnaris
A 20-year-old man presents to the Emergency Department after a bar fight in which he received a deep laceration in his cubital fossa medial to the biceps tendon. Which of the following movements would likely be the most affected in this patient?
Abduction of arm
Flexion of forearm
Abduction of fingers
Extension of the wrist
Opposition of the thumb
Opposition of the thumb
A 30 year-old male suffered a fracture at the surgical neck of his humerus and damaged the nerve that traverses the quadrangular space. The patient would be expected to have the most difficulty with what movements?
Elevation of the arm above the head.

This affects the axillary nerve, which supplies the deltoid. The deltoid raises arm from 15 to 90 degrees. Even though it doesn't necessarily raise arm ABOVE head, you can't do that unless you have a functioning deltoid.
A 22-year-old beginning female weightlifter develops weakness in spreading her fingers apart and bringing them back together. She has NO difficulty flexing the digits but has decreased sensation over the palmar surface of the medial one and a half digits. These deficits most likely result from compression of which of the following nerves?
Ulnar nerve between the hamate and pisiform bones
A 27-year old male received a deep transverse cut with a sharp knife at the frontal aspect of the elbow joint. Due to the nature of traumatic injury, you found yourself obliged to ligate your patient’s brachial artery at the level of the humeral epicondyles . Under this condition, what would be the most likely branch(es) of the the ulnar artery that can help in securing blood supply to the flexor muscles of the forearm?
Interosseous recurrent artery
A 24-year-old man presented with complaints of fever with rigors and pain in the right upper abdomen. He also complains of pain over the right shoulder. After thorough examination and investigation, he was diagnosed with an amebic liver abscess. Which nerve mediates the pain in his right shoulder?
Right Phrenic
A 42 year old woman received a severe blow with a thick stick at the anterolateral aspect of her right elbow. Severe swelling resulted from a hematoma of the supinator muscle. The nerve that is most likely to have impaired function would be:
Deep branch of the radial nerve
Electromyographic and functional testing show that a patient who was shot in the axilla during a robbery suffered damage to the posterior cord of the brachial plexus. Which of the following muscles be the most likely spared of this injury?
A. teres major.
B. teres minor.
C. latissimus dorsi.
D. infraspinatus.
E. long head of the triceps brachii.
A14 year-old boy comes to the emergency room after falling off his mountain bike and landing on his outstretched right arm. Physical examination shows swelling in the cubital fossa with weakness in flexion of the elbow and supination of the forearm. Radiology films show fracture of the radial tuberosity. Which of the following muscles is MOST LIKELY to compensate for the elbow flexion weakness in the supinated position?
1. Supinator
2. Brachialis
3.Biceps Brachii
5. Brachioradialis
A patient is diagnosed with a nerve lesion at the spinoglenoid (greater scapular) notch. Which of the following movements would be most weakened in this patient?
A. Abduction of the arm
B. Lateral rotation of the arm
C. Medial rotation of the arm
D. Protraction of the scapula
E. Elevation of the scapula
Lateral Rotation of the arm
A 35 year old female suffered a fall on her outstretched elbow that resulted in a fragmented medial epicondyle. The surgeon was obliged to resect the medial epicondyle of the humerus. Which muscles does the surgeon needed to transpose as a result of this resection?
flexor carpi radials
A 25 year old man suffers chronically from anterior interosseous syndrome . He is subjected to surgical removal of the fibrous band. Which of the following muscles would be mostly regain its function after the surgery?
A. Flexor carpi ulnaris
B. Flexor carpi radialis
C. Flexor digitorum superficialis
D. Pronator teres
E. Flexor pollicis longus
Flexor Pollicis Longus Muscle
A 35 year-old female is brought to the emergency room for multiple stab wounds with a letter opener inflicted by a disgruntled office co-worker. Wounds were observed over the anterior chest, shoulder, and back. Wounds penetrating the pectoralis minor are in danger of injuring the second part of the axillary artery and its branches, that include the:
A. anterior and posterior humeral circumflex arteries.
B. thoracoacromial and lateral thoracic arteries.
C. circumflex scapular and thoracodorsal arteries.
D. dorsal scapular and suprascapular arteries.
E. superior thoracic and subscapular arteries.