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12 Cards in this Set

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What is homeostasis?

Maintenance of a stable internal environment, state of equilibrium

What are the characteristics of life?

Maintain boundaries, movement, responsiveness, digestion, metabolism, excretion, reproduction, and growth

What is proper anatomical position-

Palms up

Do the body systems work alone?


What factors affect injury due to force?

Mass/weight; pressure

compression- squeezing force

tension- pulling force

shear- tearing apart force

What are the three steps of homeostasis?

Receptor: monitors the condition of variable

Control center: determines if control is needed

Effector: regulates variable

Positive feedback-

Increases the original stimulus to push the variable further

In the body this only occurs in blood clotting(male)(female) and birth of a baby(female)

Negative feedback-

Includes most homeostatic control mechanisms

Shuts off the original stimulus, or reduces its intensity

Works like a household thermostat

Example: Sweating

Cranial cavity-

The brain

Thoracic cavity-

Lungs and heart

Spinal cavity-

Spinal cord

Abdominopelvic cavity-

Digestive(stomach), kidneys, liver, pancreas, spleen, and gallbladder