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51 Cards in this Set

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Greater Sciatic Foramen (contents)
Sciatic nerve


Pudendal neurovascular bundles

Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
Greater Sciatic Foramen (walls)
Inferior - Sacrospinous ligament

Superior - Ilium

Posterior - Sacrum

Anterior - Ischium
Lesser Sciatic Foramen (contents)
Tendon of the obturator internus muscle

Pudendal neurovascular bundles
Pelvic diaphragm (composition)


Levator ani (composition)
Made of the pubococcygeus and the iliococcygeus
Pelvic diaphragm (utility)
Supports the abdominal muscles when the abdominal pressure is increased
Sphincters (names and origins)
Come from slips of the pubococcygeus


Puborectalis (re: defecation)
Must relax in defecation
Internal pelvic sphincters (properties and innervation)
Tonically active

Innervated by S2-4 ventral rami
External pelvic sphincters (properties and innervation)
Tonically closed

Innervated by inferior rectal nerve and perineal nerve
Ischiorectal fossa
Fat-filled space below the pelvic diaphragm

Allows distention for fecal passage
Urogenital diaphragm (location and innervation)
External to the levator ani

Covers only the urogenital triangle

Innervated by pudendal nerve
Urogenital diaphragm (composition)
Deep transversus perinei muscles

Fascia above and below
Perineum (walls)
Anterior - pubis

Posterior - coccyx

Lateral - Ischiopubic rami
Upper half of anal triangle (embryological origin, innervation, arteries)
Derived from the hindgut

Same innervation and arteries as rectum
Lower half of anal triangle (embryological origins and innervation)
Derived from the proctodeum

No anal columns

Inferior rectal nerve
Lower half of anal triangle (arteries and lymphatics)
Inferior rectal artery (comes from pudendal artery)

Lymphatics go to superfical inguinal nodes)
Rectal sphincters

Superficial (middle region of anal canal)

Deep (upper end of anal canal)
Ischiorectal fossa (contents)
Pudendal canal
Pudendal canal (contents)
Pudendal nerve

Internal pudendal vessels
Pudendal nerve (branches)
Inferior rectal nerve

Dorsal nerve of the penis

Perineal nerve
Internal pudendal artery (branches)
Inferior rectal artery

Branches to the penis or labia and clitoris
Urogenital triangle fatty fascia
Continuous with Camper's fascia

In the penis, fascia is turned into dartos muscle
Urogential triangle membraneous fascia
Colles' fascia

Continuous with Scarpa's fascia
Deep fascia of the penis
Buck's fascia

Forms a sleeve around the penis
Root of the penis (location)
Superficial perineal pouch
Root of the penis (muscles)
Bulb of the penis

Right and left crura of the penis (attached to the ischiopubic rami)
Erectile tissue of the penis
Corpus spongiosum (continuation of the bulb)

Corpora cavernosa
Corpus spongiosum
Contains the urethra

Forms the glans penis
Corpora cavernosa
Formed from the two crura

Dorsal part of the penis
Bulbospongiosus muscle (location and purpose)
In the superficial perineal pouch

Cover the bulb of the penis

Compress the penile part of the urethra
Ischiocavernosus muscles (location and purpose)
Cover the crura

Compress the crus and assist in erection (retarding venous return)
Perineal body
Small mass in the center of perineum

Point of attachment for sphincters and muscles
Deep perineal pouch (male contents) (4)
Membraneous part of the urethra

Sphincter urethra muscle (voluntary)

Bulbourethral glands (ducts enter the penile urethra)

Internal pudendal vessels
Contents of urogential triangle (female)

Bulb of vestibule and crura

Labia majora and minora
Unique contents of female superficial perineal pouch (2)
Greater vestibule glands

Paraurethral glands
Greater vestibule glands
Secrete lubricating mucus

Open in to the vestibule
Paraurethral glands
Similar to prostate

Open in to the vestibule
Vestibule (female)
Similar to bulb of penis
Somatic innervation of perineum (location)
Innervates the pelvic floor muscles and external sphincters
Sympathetic innervation of the perineum (location)
Innervates the internal sphincters
Parasympathetic innervation of the perineum (location)
Innervates the smooth muscle in the walls of the organs

Innervates the penis/clitoris
Urinary internal sphincter (innervation, purpose, damage)
Allows overfilling of the bladder

Sympathetic control

Damage leads to retrograde ejaculation
Sympathetic innervation of the urinary bladder and rectum
Motor - contracts the sphincters; prevents reflux of semen into the bladder

Sensory - carry pain to spinal cord

Which of the following physical security practices is the best security solution implementation?
A. Placing a halon fire extinguisher system in the new cafeteria.
B. Erecting parking lot lighting on poles in the center of periodic islands, on which trees and bushes have been planted for beautification.
C. Installing emergency exit fire doors that fail close in the event of a power failure and that have push panic bars for emergency release.
D. Placing outside windows in a data center looking at the parking lot so that employees can see their vehicles.
Answer: C. When possible, you want emergency doors to fail open in the case of a power failure. However, when fail-open is not appropriate, it is critical that the doors have a push panic bar that permits people to exit in the event of an emergency. Not only are halon fire systems no longer available for deployment, but they would be inappropriate for a cafeteria. On the customer side of a cafeteria, water should be deployed as the suppression agent. On the kitchen side of a cafeteria, wet chemicals are used. Trees should not be planted under the poles that provide safety lighting, because their foliage will block the light. Data centers should be located in the center of an organization’s building, where outside windows are unavailable and inappropriate.
Erection (arteries)
Helicine arteries dilated
Nitric oxide (re: erection)
Converts GTP to GMP

Calcium is sequestered in cells, moving them apart

Blood fills the sinusoids

Erection is maintained by compression of small veins
Piriformis muscle (location)
Closes the anterior wall of the sacrum
Obturator internus muscle (location)
Hugs the pelvis wall
Perineum vs Pelvis
Pelvis is above the pelvic diaphragm
Sexual innervation (male)
Erection - parasympathetic

Emission - sympathetic

Ejaculation - somatic