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49 Cards in this Set

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Where do the testes originally develop?

What structure drags them into their descent during development?

What are the testes pulled towards by this structure?

What structure is carried with the testes?

What abdominal muscle wall derivatives become incorporated into the scrotum?
Posterior abdominal wall

The gubernaculum

The deep inguinal ring

processus vaginalis (peritoneal diverticulum)

derivatives: external spermatic fascia and cremaster muscle
What does the gubernaculum become in the adult male?
The scrotal ligament, from testis to scrotum
What are the 3 layers covering the testes?
Tunica vaginalis
tunica albuginea
tunica vasculosa
What is the tunica vaginalis a remnant of?
peritoneal processus vaginalis
Does the tunica vaginalis cover the entire testis? What is the name of the pocket it forms?
No, the visceral layer does not cover the poserior. The scrotal cavity formed from its reflection is called the cavity of the tunica vaginalis
What is the name of the tough collagen capsule of the testis?
Tunica albuginea
What is the name of the innermost coat of the testis, carrying blood vessels?
tunica vasculosa
What is the name of the network of straightened portions of the semineferous tubules?
rete testis
What do the efferent ductules transport, and from where to where?
sperm from rete testis to epididymis
What portion of the epididymis forms the body and tail?
ductus epididymis, which is continuous with the ductus deferens
Where are the fascia layers of the spermatic cord derived from, and what passageway does it travel through?
The anterolateral abdominal wall, and the inguinal canal.
What are the layers of the spermatic cord's fascia and what are each derived from?
external spermatic fascia -- external oblique aponeurosis
cremasteric fascia -- superficial and deep surfaces of internal oblique
loops of cremaster muscle -- internal oblique muscle
internal spermatic fascia -- transversalis fascia
What 8 structures does the spermatic cord contain, and what do they branch off of?
ductus deferens
testicular artery: aorta to testis + epididymis
deferential artery: off of inferior vesical artery
cremaseric artery: off of inferior epigastric artery
pampiniform venous plexus: drains into testicular veins
genitofemoral nerve genital branch
cremasteric nerve (autonomic)
lympathic vessels: drain testis via lumbar lymph nodes
What are the 5 layers of the scrotum?
dartos muscle
external spermatic fascia
cremasteric fascia
internal spermatic fascia
does the scrotum contain fat?
no it does NOT!
what structure of the scrotum is continuous onto the penis and the anus?
the scrotal raphe, which becomes the penile and perineal raphe (the chode)
What are the routes of blood supply to the scrotum?
anterior: external pudendal artery
posterior: internal pudendal artery
additional: cremasteric branch of the inferior epigastric artery
where do scrotal veins empty into? where does lymphatic drainage of the scrotum empty into?
external pudendal vein

superficial inguinal lymph nodes
how is the scrotum innervated?
anterior: ilioinguinal nerve (L1) + genital branches of genitofemoral nerve (L1-2)
posterior: posterior scrotal nerves from perineal nerves + perineal branch of the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve (S2-S4)
What are the anterior and posterior scrotum primarily innervated by?

which side requires a more superior or higher injection in order to anesthetize?
anterior is L1, posterior is S3

anterior surface
What are the names of the cylindrical bodies of tissue in the penis, and how many of each are there?
three cylindrical bodies:
two corpus cavernosa and one corpus spongiosum
what part of the penis is continuous with the deep perineal fascia?
buck's fascia
what happens to buck's fascia more proximally?
it thickens at the pubic symphysis, splits and becomes a sling that attaches to the deep fascia at the penile root.

this is called the suspensory ligament of the penis.
what is the name of the elastic fibers that extend from the linea alba to the pubic symphysis, splitting to surround the penis?
fundiform ligament
what components make up the root of the penis in the superficial perineal pouch?
crura (attached to ischial tuberosities)
ischiocavernosus muscle
bulbospongiosus muscle
what do the crura and bulb become as they enter the body of the penis?
crura becomes corpora cavernosa in the body, bulb becomes corpus spongiosum.
how is blood supplied to the penis (hint: 3 major structures coming off of 1 greater structure)?
mainly internal pudendal artery. dorsal artery of the penis runs between the corpora cavernosa to supply fibrous tissue around the corpora and skin.

deep artery pierces the crura then runs with cc also to supply erectile tissues.

artery of the bulb of the penis supplies the posterior corpus spongiosum and bulbourethral glands.
where does the deep dorsal vein of the penis drain into?

the superficial dorsal vein and the superficial external pudendal vein

superficial inguinal lymph nodes
which spinal levels innervate the penis?
What is the name of the rounded, fatty prominence that lies anterior to the pubic symphysis?
FUPA. j/k

it's called mons pubis
besides anatomical location, what are the differences between labia minora and majora?
majora has sebaceous glands and hair, minora does not have hair but DOES have sebaceous glands. majora also contains fatty tissue. minora also has more sensory nerve endings.
What are the anterior and posterior limits of the labia majora?
anterior commissure, as well as the posterior commissure that overlies the perineal body and represents the posterior limit of the vulva.
What part of the vagina disappears normally after childbirth?
posterior commissure
what are the two major tissues of the clitoris?
corpora cavernosa and glans clitoris
where does the root of the clitoris arise from?
crura coming off of the ischiopubic rami. they unite to form the body and terminate as the glans clitoris covered by a prepuce.
What is the space between the labia minora?
vestibule, containing urethral opening, vagina, paraurethral and vestibular glands
What are the vestibular bulbs in the female?
elongated erectile tissue that line the sides of the vestibule. they lie along the sides of the vaginal orifice and are covered by bulbospongiosus muscles.
What do the vestibular glands do in the female?

What are they analogous to in the male?
secrete mucus around the vaginal orifice during sexual arousal.

bulbourethral glands in the male
where do the LESSER vestibular glands open into?
into the vestibule between the urethral and vaginal orifices, moistening the labia and vestibule.
Describe blood supply to the vulva.
External genitalia has blood supply from superficial and deep external pudendal branches similar to the male, as well as the internal pudendal artery on each side.
How is blood drained from female genitalia?
primarily through external pudendal veins. clitoris is via deep dorsal veins to the internal pudendal vein and via superficial dorsal veins to the external pudendal vein.
How is the vulva innervated?
Anterior labial nerves (like scrotum), come off of ilioinguinal L1.

Posterior: labial branches of the perineal nerve S3.

also genital branch of genitofemoral nerve and the perineal branch of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve of the thigh.
What type of innervation produces increased vaginal secretion, erection of the clitoris and engorgement of erectile tissues in the vestibular bulbs?
parasympathetic (point and shoot)
What are the two layers of the superficial perineal fascia?

How does the superficial layer differ in males and females?
fatty superficial layer

membranous deep layer (Colles' fascia).

In females it is more extensive, entering the mons pubis, labia majora, and continuous from perineum to abdominal wall.

in males, it comes down from the UG triangle but stops short of the scrotum and is replaced by dartos fascia.
What type of fascia is at the external limit of the superficial perineal pouch, lining the scrotum and labia?
Colles' membranous fascia
Does colles' fascia extend into the anal triangle? Why not?

What about anteriorly?
No because i attaches posteriorly to the perineal membrane and ischiopubic rami. Anteriorly, it continues into the anterior abdominal wall, or Scarpa's fascia.
What 3 muscles of the superficial pouch are invested in the DEEP PERINEAL FASCIA?

Is it continuous with buck's fascia?
superficial transverse perineal muscles

what is a risk about communication between the deep perineal fascia and the buck's fascia?

how is this likely to occur?
communication of fluid between the lower abdominal wall and the superficial perineal space

during catheterization, the device can be driven through the back wall of the urethra, passing bloody urine into the space b/w superficial and deep fascia of the penis, passing into the SUPERFICIAL PERINEAL SPACE.
Can accumulating fluid (ie blood or urine) pass from the UG triangle to the anal triangle or the medial thigh?