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31 Cards in this Set

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Lesions of basal ganlia will cause
voluntar movement disorders
components fo the basal ganglia are>
caudate nuc & nuc accumbens
lentiform nuc (putamen and globus pallidus)
subthalamic nuc
substantia nigra
the lentiform nucleus is made up of what?
putamen (lateral)
globus pallidus (medial)
separated by lateral medullary lamina
which structure has myelinated fibers?

a) globus pallidus
b) lentiform nucleus
c) putamen
d) a and b
e) all of the above
because globus pallidus is part of the lentiform nuc and it has myelinated fibers running though it
borders of the lentiform nucleus?
internal capsule (medial)
external capsule (lateral)
What are the three regions of the caudate nuc?
the body of the caudate nucleus will form one wall of the _______ ventricle
The tail of the caudate nucleus is continuous with:

a) thalamus
b) optic radiations
c) lentiform nucleus
d) amygdala
What makes up the striatum?
caudate nuc + putamen + nucleus accumbens
the subthalamus is part of the:

a) diencephalon
b) telencephalon
c) mesencephalon
d) metencephalon
substantia nigra is part of?
compacta = dorsal
reticulata = proximal to cerebral peduncles
the sensorymotor cortex of the basal ganglia would correspond with which structure?

a) caudate nucleus
b) lentiform nucleus
c) putamen
d) globus pallidus
The association cortex would correspond with which stucture?>

a) caudate nucleus
b) lentiform nucleus
c) putamen
d) globus pallidus
Functions of the basal ganglia?
voluntary motor
most cortical fx
In genereal (re: circuitry loops), afferents from the cortex go to _____________________.
striatum and subthalamic nuclei
In genereal (re: circuitry loops), efferents from the cortex go to _____________________.
globus pallidus and substantia nigra
input to the striatum from the ___________ and ___________ are excitatory.
cerebral cortex and thalamus
input to the striatum from the ___________ is inhibitory.
substantia nigra
Output of the striatum?
- globus pallidus (inhibitory, GABA)
- substantia nigra (inhibitory, GABA)
GPe gets its input from
striatum (inhibitory)
subthalamic nucleus (excitatory)
GPi gets input from?
Output of GPe?
widespread but includes GPi
output of GPi?
mainly to thalamus
inhibitory output to VL VA
Both GPe and GPi have similar ________ input.
substantia nigra input is similar to :
i.e. striatum (inh) and subthalamic (exc)
Subthalamic input is from? Output to?
input from GPe
output (exc) GPi-SNr
Describe direct pathway
1. cortex excites
2. striatum inhibits
3. GPi-SNr inhibits
inhibition of
4. thalamus activates
5. cortex activity is
Describe indirect pathway
1. cortex excites
2. striatum inhibits
3. GPe inhibits inhibition of
4. subthalamus excites
5. GPi inhibits
6. thalamus inhibits activity
7. cortex activity is reduced
What are hyperkinetic movements?
abnormal movements
- chorea - rapid
- athetosis - slow
What are hypokinetic signs?
slow movements, reduced number of movements or no movements
Parkinson's disease results from damage to

a) subthalamic nucleus
b) substantia nigra
c) putamen
d) none of the above