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104 Cards in this Set

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Fluid that fills the cochlear duct

Annular ligament

Fastens footpath of stapes to bony wall of oval window

Approximately how many hair cells in the organ of corti?

5,000 inner hair cells and 10,000 outer hair cells

What is the normal condition of the eustatian tube?

Usually closed

The ear is most accurately considered to be what?

The organ of hearing and equillibrium

What is the ratio of difference in the size between the tympanic membrane and the oval window?


Ceruman has its origin where?

External auditory meatus

The most protruding landmark on the tympanic membrane is what?

The lateral process of the malleolus

The essential parts of the organ of hearing and balance is located where?

Temporal bone

Epitympanic recess

Also called the attic, filled by head of malleus and much of the incus



Basilar membrane


Ossicular chain

Made up of the 3 small bones of the inner ear. They serve as a mechanical link between the tympanic membrane and the inner ear


















Coronal plane


Transverse plane


Saggittal plane


Reissner's membrane


Stria vascularis


Scala media


Tectonics membrane


Organ of corti


Basilar membrane


Basilar membrane


Scala tympani


Spiral limbus


Scala vestibulli

A, B, C

A- head or shoulder of malleus

B- anterior process of the malleus

C- lateral process of the malleus

D, E, F

D- mannerism of malleus

E- footplate of stapes

F, G, h, i

F - head or neck of stapes

G - incudostapedial joint or junction

H- long process of the incus

Ì short process of the incus


Pars tensa


Pars flaccid a or sharpness membrane


Shadow of the malleus or manubrium of the malleus


Cone of light

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

1-external auditory meatus or canal

2-tympanic membrane or eardrum




6, 7, 8, 9, 10

6- ligament

7-eustaciah tube

8-oval window

9-round window


11, 12, 13, 14, 15

10-cochlea nerve

12-semicircular canals


14-balance/vestibular nerve

15-balance/vestibular nerve

16, 17, 18, 18, 20

16-facial nerve17-temporal bone18-muscle19-cartilage20-internal auditory meatus or canal

21, 22, 23

21-earlobe or lobule

22-external ear, pinna, auricle

23-pinna or helix

1, 2, 3


2-scaphoid fossa


4, 5, 6

4-darwin's turbercle

5-triangular fossa


7, 8, 9

7-cymba of concha

8-cavum of concha


10, 11, 12, 13





What is the shape of the ear canal?

S shaped, backward and upward, then slightly forward and downward

Where is the ear canal the most narrow?

At the isthmus

What are the dimensions of the adult ear?

28-30mm in length 6-8mm in diameter

What is Arnolds branch?

A branch of the vagus nerve along the floor of the ear canal, can cause reflex such as cough, sneeze, pain, ill feeling.

How much of the external ear is cartilage?


How much of the external ear is the Osseous (boney) portion?


What 3 things are found in the ear canal?

Sebaceous glads, ceruman glands, and hair cells.

What purpose does the cartilaginous portion of the ear serve? (3 things)

-protects ear canal from drying out

-secretions and hairs act as a bug repellant

-hairs, jaw movement, and lateral migration of skin move dry particles towards entrace

What purpose does the Osseous (boney) portion of the ear canal serve? (2 things)

-Keeps canal from collapsing

-helps protect internal ear strucures

What purpose does the EAC serve? (3 things)

-directs sound


-natural amplification

Most adult EAC'S resonate between


The pinna naturally resonates between


On average, the EAC and pinna together, have a natural resonance of what? It will provide a boost in sound up to what?



Middle ear consists of (4 things)

Tympanic membrane

Ossicular chain

Tensor tympani muscle

Stapedius muscle

Where is the Ossicular chain housed?

Epitympanic recess / attic

Characteristics of the tympanic membrane (list 6)

Oval shape

Slightly convex

Separates ear canal from middle ear

About .1mm thick

45-55 degree angle

Made up of 3-4 layers

Describe the outer layer of the tympanic membrane

Thick cutaneous layer continuous with skin of ear canal

Describe the 2 middle layers of the tympanic membrane

Both are fiberous

Inner layer is concentric rings

Outer layer fibers radiate from center out

What are the four quadrants of the tympanic membrane

Posterior superior

Anterior superior

Posterior inferior

Anterior inferior

Cone of light

Light reflect on the tympanic membrane during otoscopy


Incomplete ring of bone holding the tympanic membrane in place


Manubrium of the malleus

Pars flaccida

Small flaccid triangular shaped area at the top edge of the tympanic membrane

Pars tensa

The tense greater part of the eardrum

When performing otoscopy what things do you need to look for on the tympanic membrane? (List 5)

-grayish or pinkish in color

-more concave than convex

-a shadow of manubrium of malleus


-cone of light


Largest of the three bones in the middle ear, I'm bedded in the fiberous layer of the eardrum


One of the bones of the middle ear, joins the malleus to the stapes


Smallest bones in the human body, connects to the incus in the Ossicular xhair. The footpath of the stapes is fixed in the oval window of the inner ear

Ossicular vibration

The vibration of the eardrum is transmitted to the oval window of the inner ear by means of the ossicles

What is the primary function of the ossicles?

Compensate for the impedance mismatch between the low impedance of acoustic energy (air pressure waves) and the high impedance of the hydraulic, fluid filled system of the cochlea.

How does the middle ear overcome impedance mismatch? (List 3)

-Funneling action from eardrum to oval window provides a 15-20dB boost to sound as it travels through the inner ear

-the malleus provides a fulcrum like action, which magnifies sound about 5dB

-the buckling effect of the tympanic membrane, as a result of not being completely attached to the malleus, creating a 10dB boost

Basilar membranr

Separates cochlear duct from the scala tympani

Organ of corti (list 3)

-Sits on the basilar membrane in the scala media

-contains 4-6 rows of hair cells

-above the hair cells is the tectonics membrane

The Ossicular chain is supported by

Ligaments and two muscles; the stapedius, and the tensor tympani.


Muscle that attaches to the stapes and draws the stapes in a posterior direction when it contracts

Tensor tympani

Muscle that atravges to the malleus, when contracted it pulls in opposition to the stapedius muscle, thereby tightening the tympanic membrane

What is impedance mismatch?

Resistance to flow due to the difference of air and fluid

What would happen if we did not have a middle ear?

Everyone would have a 30-40dB hearing loss

Because of the delicate nature of the suspension within the middle ear cavity, it is vulnerable to

Trauma and disease

Acoustic reflex

provides some protection to the ear from loud sounds, only occurs for signals around 85dB or louder.

Explain the eustachian tube

-The middle ears air pressure equalization system

-runs from middle ear cavity down to the josopharynx (upper part of the throat, behind the nose)

-is normally closed, but opens about every 2-3 you swallow

What happens If the eustachian tube does not function properly (list 4)

-the middle ear remains in a state of negative pressure or a partial vacuum

-the TV retracts

-Ossicular chain doesn't work as well

-the negative pressure draws fluid from the mucous membrane lining from middle ear cavity

What is the bony labyrinth?

A series if channels and chambers embedded within the temporal bone

The cochlea changes mechanical sound energy into what?

A sequence of electrical discharges that is the language of the auditory nervous system.

The cochlea is divided lengthwise into three channels by what two membranes?

Basilar membrane and reissner's membrane

What are the three channels of the cochlea?

Scala vestibule

Scala tympani

Cochlear duct

Scala vestibule

-The channel formed by the upper bony wall of the cochlea

-filled with perilymph

Scala tympani

-The channel between the basilar membrane and the lower bony wall

-filled with perilymph

Scala media {Cochlear duct} (list 3)

-The third channel which separates the Scala tympani and the scala vestibule

-lies between the basilar membrane and the reissner's membrane

- filled with endolymph

The oval window leads from where, to where?

From the missile ear directly into the scala vestibuli

Round window

Leads directly into the scala tympani, on the other side of the cochlear duct, opposite the oval window

Membraneous labyrinth (2 parts)

Fluid filled membrane that sits inside the bony labyrinth, which houses the functional part of the cochlea

What is known to be true about otosclerosis? (List 3)

It is more common in women than men

Reduced ability to understand children

Difficulty hearing in noisy and quiet environments

What is the isthmus?

Where the canal narrows to enter the temporal bone